MTL - Great Voyage: The Cartoonist of the Straw Hats-Chapter 9

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"Teigu! He must be the Teigu envoy!"

Compared with Tazmi, a country bumpkin, Ma Yin, who also came from a border village, performed much better.

Although the practice of Huangquan Temple allows people to control body changes at will, but it is definitely not something that can be achieved by the practice of Huangquan Temple to instantly enlarge a part of one's body to such an exaggerated level.

Apart from Tegushi, there is no other possibility!


Looking at the giant fist held high in the air by Luffy, Ji felt numb~~

"With such a perverted physique, he is actually a Tegu envoy. Hey, you are really a bit of a fool..."

Although Ji is arrogant and arrogant, when faced with this unknown ultimate move, he can't fight it head-on.

Who knows the power of this blow...

He didn't move immediately, but fixed his eyes on the giant fist above.

He believes that with his speed, as long as he can clearly see the trajectory of the giant fist falling, he can completely dodge it.

call out!

A laser beam shot out.

Ji's figure dodged to the left, avoiding Ma Yin's sniper attack.

"Don't think that if I pay attention to the above, I will ignore your existence."

Thorn continued to look at Luffy's giant fist without squinting, but spoke to Ma Yin mockingly.

But at this moment~


He suddenly felt a strong tightening sensation on his neck!

Damn it!

Most of the attention is on the giant fist, and a small part of attention is on guarding against the sniper, but they ignore that Luffy has another hand...

"Rubber Lasso!—"

As the elongated rubber arms tightened around Thorn's neck, Luffy's voice came.

"You idiot, not only will you not be able to strangle me to death, but you will become a target yourself!"

Feeling the strong pressure from his neck, Thorn immediately laughed out loud after a brief shock.

The muscles in his neck attacked with his will.

Puff puff puff! ! —

A large number of muscle needles pierced directly through Luffy's arm, splashing a lot of blood!

"Hahaha! Boy, if you are careless, you will lose everything!"

"Now, you can't escape even if you want to!"

A ferocious laugh emerged from Thorn's mouth, and his two hands suddenly opened, his fingers forming the shape of a finger gun.

There is no doubt that he intends to disable this arm of Luffy.

But when he looked at Lu Fei, intending to take a look at the desperate expression revealed in the eyes of his prey, he was startled! !

not good!

His eyes were not despairing eyes!

It is not the eyes of negative emotions such as tension and anxiety!

It seems... There is a kind of pride in the victory~?

"Acupuncture man, you made a mistake! The one who can't escape... is you!"

boom! —

A terrifying coercion suddenly fell from the sky!


This time, Thorn instantly woke up!

Luffy didn't expect to subdue him with the rubber lasso at all.

He pierced Luffy's hand with the muscles of his neck, probably as Luffy expected.

From the very beginning, Luffy just wanted to use this trick to hold back Thorn~

The real killing move is above! !

boom! —

The huge giant bone balloon fist that was as huge as a hill crashed down, and landed firmly on Ji's head.

Although Thorn resisted symbolically, such a huge force hammered on his head, causing his head to shrink fiercely towards his neck...

My mind is dark!


Thorn fell to the ground, unconscious.


Seeing Ji fall down, Ma Yin shouted in surprise and ran over.


Accompanied by the sound of air leakage, the originally large Luffy suddenly shrank like a deflated ball.

It didn't stop until it became a reduced version of Luffy less than half a meter high.


As soon as Tatsumi came over, he saw that Luffy was discouraged all of a sudden, and he staggered in fright.

"Ah~? Pfft..."

Ma Yin's eyes were full of worry, but when she saw the appearance of Mini Luffy clearly, she was really stunned~

The two ponytails of the smile are trembling wildly.

"Hey~? Has it gotten smaller?"

Luffy looked at himself in bewilderment, and muttered, "It seems that the side effect of this trick is to shrink. The state just now lasted for about a minute, so it should take about a minute to shrink?"

"Fortunately, the crisis is over, and I can breathe a sigh of relief."

As soon as the words came out, Luffy felt the scene around him change.


The sea breeze blows on the face.

Withdrew from the world of comic books again.

He turned to the next page~

In the album, Ma Yin and Tazmi quickly fled the scene.

And the hearts of Zhu Tian and Ji who fell on the ground were pierced.

Obviously, Main and Tazmi have a good habit of making up the knife.

"There is one more chance to go in today, let's use it up."

Just as I was about to go in, there was a gurgling sound in my stomach.

Immediately afterwards, a strong sense of hunger hit~~~

"Ah! Let's fill our stomachs first!"

Luffy put the comic book in his arms and ran to the cabin.

Um! ? ?

There was a sudden brake on the bottom of the slippers and the deck, Luffy stopped and turned his head to the right~

In the field of vision, a pirate ship came rapidly.

"Stop! This ship is mine!"

On the bow of the pirate ship, a burly shrew carrying a mace stretched out his hand and pointed at Luffy, roaring like thunder...

(...asking for flowers....asking for comments....asking for rewards...asking for monthly tickets...).

Chapter 11 Alrita has reverse scales, touching them will kill you!


Luffy's daily question mark face.

After he was in a daze for a while, the other party's pirate ship had already approached.


The two ships collided.

"Oh shit~!"

In the cabin, Luo Lan's paintbrush was raised sideways, making a scratch on the paper.

This paper is wasted.

"What is Luffy doing?"

Feeling depressed, he tore up the piece of waste paper. With a thought, Luo Lan automatically put the brush into his portable space.

Check out your properties.

Good guy!

The defense and speed are really getting higher and higher, and there is nothing else~

I checked the system log classification interface again, and there was nothing in it.


What Luo Lan didn't notice was that in the drop-down box of the log category interface, there were more detailed divisions, including a category of system emails.

This email interface was updated with an email today.

[Your fan Monkey D. Luffy's world strength has been improved in the comic [Zhan Tong], and the development of rubber fruit has reached the third level. You simultaneously obtain the third-level ability of its rubber fruit. Waiting for the host to receive it when it checks the mail. 】

"The boat is moving, isn't Luffy demolishing the house?"

After thinking about it, Luo Lan turned off the system interface and walked outside.

on deck~~~

Lu Fei looked at a group of uninvited guests who came up, and tilted his head: "Are you trying to rob?"

"Boy, you are wise! Hurry up and jump off here, this boat belongs to the most beautiful woman in the East China Sea!"

A pirate pointing at Luffy with a knife domineeringly, ordered.

"The most beautiful woman in the East China Sea???"

This time, Luffy was even more confused. He swung his head from side to side and searched for a while, "Where is it? Why didn't I see it?"

"Bastard, blind your dog eyes!"

"Ms. Alrita, the most beautiful woman in the East China Sea, is standing in front of your eyes, and you turn a blind eye?"

"Stupid, this is the most beautiful woman in the East China Sea!"

"Look carefully, you know the reason for your death before you die!"

The pirates chatted and introduced to Luffy.