MTL - Group Pet Eldest Lady, She Just Wants To Be A Salted Fish-Chapter 50 (2)

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The words of scolding his illegitimate son yesterday were still in sight, Jiang Wei followed in two or three steps, and smiled sarcastically: "Now we all know that Miss Gu's family is walking sideways in the circle, there is no way, parents dote on you, but you don't want to know why Gu Fuchen dotes on you so much ?

You have only been back for a few days, how can he have such deep feelings for you? If he hadn't gone to you for a long time when he was playing hide-and-seek with you and let the traffickers take you away, there wouldn't be any subsequent problems. In the end, it was all his fault. Gu Fuchen feels guilty towards you now, make up for it. "

As soon as the words fell, Ruan You raised her hand and swung the bag, and the bag drew a graceful arc in the air, heading straight to Jiang Wei's head.

The hard bag slammed to Jiang Wei's head with a "snap", and he staggered to the side.

With a "snap", his head hit the white porcelain vase next to him.

With two bangs, the vase fell to the ground, blasting countless fragments on the floor tiles.

Ruan You stepped on her high heels and kicked his knee hard.

The sharp Hen Tiangao pierced into his knees, and with a scream of "ah", Jiang Wei fell to his knees on the ground, and the hand supporting the ground was stuck in the fragment of the vase, bleeding in two streams.

It hurts just to look at it.

Ruan You let out a long breath.

Finally - cool!

The posture of beating people is so cool!

She doesn't slap people. Her hand hurts when he hits him.

Looking back, Lu Xuan was dumbfounded.

Raise your hands and clap slowly and amazingly, like a slow version of sea lion clapping.

— Yoyo sister, you are awesome!

Qi Zhiyan didn't applaud, she pursed her lips, and the hand hanging beside her couldn't help giving her a thumbs up.

— well done.

"Ruan You, are you crazy? I %&**, the six major families never argue among themselves, just wait for me!"

Ruan You couldn't listen to the swear words, and kicked him twice again.

After kicking, she took two steps back to take a picture, and sent a voice message to Gu Fuchen:

"Brother, I beat someone up."

Then, she sent a message to Jiang Huai.

[Jianghuai, let's make money together. 】

Gu Fuchen's call came very quickly.

"Are you okay? Did the fragments of the vase fall on you? Is there any security nearby?"

"Jiang Wei hit him as soon as he hit him, he's not human, he's fine." Gu Fuchen hurriedly comforted him.

Ruan You: "But I heard what he said just now. People from the six major families will hold a meeting to reprimand me, and the elders will also come."

Qi Zhiyan reminded at the right time: "Among the six major families, the oldest elder in Marysu City is Elder Qi."

He will also suffer a terrible price for bullying the group's favor, and Qi Zhiyan will know this even if he doesn't attend the meeting.

Ruan You: "Oh~"

own family.


Read The Duke's Passion