MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 18 Make-up exam

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The crowd was seated in the living room. The round-faced boy was just like a thorn on the sofa. He came over and walked past him, but he refused to settle down. He looked at Liang Zhou with a bright eye, and couldn't wait to lick it.

"Sit down, what does it look like!" The old man scolded him, and then he looked at Liang Zhou: "Nothing can go to the Temple of the Three Treasures, let's say, find me something."

"I want my younger brother to take the supplementary examination of the Second Middle School." Liang Zhou opened the door and pointed at Yu Shulin sitting next to him: "His junior high school in W City."

Seeing the old man's attention turned to himself, Yu Shulin smiled and politely said, "Hi Teacher, Hello, my name is Yu Shulin."

"Um." The old man nodded, satisfied with his politeness, "how many points did you take in the exam?"

The middle school entrance examination score will almost become his nightmare. Yu Shulin bowed his head in shame and reported his score.

The old man frowned, dissatisfied with the answer he heard.

Liang Zhou also frowned, looking at his former teacher with some dissatisfaction. He didn't like to see Yu Shulin's current appearance, his brother should be proud and dazzling.

"What's your look!" Teacher Gao gasped.

After hearing the score, the round-faced boy finally looked away from Liang Zhou, and fell curiously on Yu Shulin.

Mrs. Gao's wife came out from the kitchen wiping her hand and stared at her wife with dissatisfaction and greeted, "Hungry, come to eat first, and finish eating slowly."

"Hum." Teacher Gao first got up and walked towards the dining table.

During the meal, Teacher Gao asked Yu Shulin about his situation. When he learned that his mother did n’t do well in the entrance examination because of his mother's sudden death, his expression was much milder, and his eyes showed some sympathy.

After dinner, he took out a set of papers for Yu Shulin to do, and he led Liang Zhou to the study.

The round-faced boy wanted to come forward to talk, but was eventually taken away by Teacher Gao's wife.

Quiet in the living room, Yu Shulin took out a pen and draft paper from his backpack, rolled out the papers that Mr. Gao gave him, and picked out the math paper and buried it.

A summer tuition is still very effective. Now he has thoroughly studied the content of junior high school, and even previewed some high school textbooks.

His speed of writing papers was very fast. When the teacher Gao and Liang Zhou finished chatting, there was only the last English paper left in his hands.

Teacher Gao flipped through the several papers he completed, and looked at half of the English papers in his hand. He nodded, sat down on the sofa, and took out a red pen from his pocket to approve it.

Liang Zhou sat down beside Yu Shulin, looking at his clean and beautiful handwriting, his eyes softened a lot.

When he finished the English papers, Teacher Gao had already finished the papers in his hand, and finally his face showed a smile: "Nice and good, the foundation is solid, the problem solving is flexible, and it is a good seed."

Yu Shulin breathed a sigh of relief, turned to look at Liang Zhou, narrowed his eyes and smiled. Liang Zhou hooked his lips, raised his hands, rubbed his hair, and handed him the juice at hand.

Most of the English papers are multiple-choice questions. They were approved quickly. Teacher Gao roughly calculated the scores and was finally satisfied: "Just look at the exams, you are still very good. Give a supplementary exam quota No problem, but whether you can pass the test depends on your own ability. "

"Thank you, Teacher Gao!" Yu Shulin narrowed her eyes with a smile, and the big stone in his heart finally landed-as long as he was given the opportunity, he would surely be able to go to the city's second middle school with his strength!

The supplementary exams at City No. 2 Middle School are very well-known. Candidates who take the test are located in various urban areas, and even students from other provinces come here, just to try their luck and see if they can squeeze into the experimental classes of City No. 2 Middle School.

——Experimental class, a class consisting of the first 50 students in the supplementary examination and the first 50 students admitted in the middle school entrance examination. It is equipped with the best teachers in the school. The college entrance rate is almost 100%. Class can almost be regarded as half-footed to enter the threshold of college.

This temptation has made students and parents more enthusiastic year by year, and more and more students have signed up for the supplementary exam. In the end, the second city school was unable to do so, and they had to add a very strict one to the application conditions- The score of the middle school entrance examination must exceed the admission score line of city No. 2 middle school by twenty!

As soon as this condition came out, parents were in trouble for a while, but the school insisted that parents couldn't, and had to default to this condition. However, because of this, the reputation of the city's second middle school has been uplifted again-the elites are higher, and the experimental class in this city's second middle school is really not easy!

With Yu Shulin's middle school entrance exam scores, I can get such a place in the exam ... This back door can be considered very arrogant.

On the day of the test, Liang Zhou was taken to the gate of the school. After getting out of the car, he stood amidst many candidates waiting to be tested, his palms sweating. He didn't touch the textbooks six or seven years before his rebirth, and he has been teaching one-on-one with a tutor since he was reborn. Although Teacher Gao said that he has a good foundation, he has never compared with others, and he will inevitably worry.

The phone in his pocket shook, and he wiped the sweat from his palm and pulled it open.

"Don't be nervous, you're fine."

It came from Liang Zhou. He looked back at the place where he parked, grinned towards the half-open window, and felt more at ease.

Half an hour before the test began, the gate of the city's second middle school finally opened. He waved his hand toward the parking place and walked in with the flow of people.

Liang Zhou watched him go in, until his thin figure was completely out of sight, he retracted his eyes, shook the window, and drove towards the company.

After taking the test for two days, Liang Zhou picked up and dropped off for two days like this. On one occasion, it was almost recognized by the little fans. Fortunately, the two of them ran fast, otherwise, they might be lively.

On August 29, the test results came out. Yu Shulin ran to City No. 2 Middle School a little bit, crowded in the crowd, starting to look at his name on the admission list.

In the bottom row, no, his palms started to sweat.

The penultimate row, still not, he swallowed.

The penultimate row, still not there, he felt that his heartbeat was getting a little faster.

The penultimate row ... he's already desperate.

His eyes moved carefully to the top row. He pursed his lips, looked at it word by word, and finally saw his name in the third place.

third? So forward? !! He rubbed his eyes, some unbelievable. Afraid that there was a candidate with the same name as his own, he was busy looking down and took out the admission ticket from his backpack. He was right overwhelmed by the ecstasy of the examination number behind the name.

Really myself, third place! He passed! He didn't buy it, didn't trust the relationship, he got it by himself! He passed the exam by strength! He trembled with his hand holding the admission ticket and tried to take a few deep breaths before he calmed down.

It's really different. It's completely different from the last life!

For the first time since his rebirth, he cast aside his scruples, turned around with a smirk, showed his emotions unreservedly on his face, and flew towards the school gate.

Liang Zhou's car was still parked. He rushed over and patted the window excitedly. After waiting for all the windows to come down, he said loudly: "Brother, brother, I got accepted! It is the third place!"

I didn't know how to express the excitement. He scratched his face, feeling that the window lowering speed was extremely slow today. He simply stretched out the door of the car, rushed towards the person in the car, hugged him, and bumped his head with his head: "I passed the exam. It's different. I passed the exam myself. Thank you. These are all for you. Thank you."

The fluttered person stiffened for a moment, and immediately hugged him, with a smile in his voice: "Congratulations."

The position inside the car was narrow, Liang Zhou was pressed against the back of the chair, his posture was a bit awkward, and the juvenile's soft hair was curled around his neck, which felt itchy and strange.

He wasn't used to being so close to others, and he didn't like the reckless approach of others, but at this moment, he was listening to the inexhaustible words of juvenile speech, smelling the refreshing breath on him, but could not help but pounce the body over him Close together.

Well, it feels good to be spoiled by my brother. 2k novel reading network