MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 24 Glory and Ronghua

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The recent entertainment news is lively.

First, Liang Zhou broke through his glasses, overwhelming many established actors, and won the title of film emperor with one. Then the internal fighting broke out into the Liang Family, Liang Zhou had a car accident and was seriously injured and hospitalized.

But before Liang Zhou's fans were distressed and mad, Liang Zhou's agent stood up, announcing that Liang Zhou was about to die for a year, and repeatedly stressed that Liang Zhou was not badly injured.

This is almost to cover up, okay! If you are really hurt, what are you doing! Fans are very dissatisfied, but helpless Liang Zhou is too low-key, there is no channel to find out the inside story.

Within two days of this incident, Liang Jian suddenly announced his departure from glory in a high-profile manner, and brought a bunch of first-line, second-line and first-line artists with glory, and went out to set up another portal. The new company is also very shameless to have a name similar to Rongguang-Ronghua.

The sighted person knew at a glance that this was the time when the uncle was about to hit the stage with his nephew.

After this battle, Rongguang was a big loss and the stock plummeted. Many small shareholders felt that Rongguang was about to fall, and they sold off the stock in their hands and ran to hold Ronghua's thigh.

Liang Jian was so proud, even if he was proud, he ran out to play a big emotional card, saying that he had worked hard to help his brother manage the company. After his brother died, he began to help his nephew manage it. Is this no credit or hard work? But the nephew was also ridiculous. He didn't care about his kindness of holding him to the position of the film emperor. When his wings hardened, he began to feel that his uncle was annoying and wanted to drive him away. He didn't say he wouldn't leave. This nephew did such a deceitful action! He didn't want to aim at glory like this, but the clay figurine still has three points of temper, you are not kind, then I am not righteous. Now that he comes from the portal, he hopes that all circles will support balabalabala ...

At this moment, Rongguang's stock fell again, which was about to go bankrupt. Public opinion is also one-sided support for Liang Jian, so that fans who support Liang Zhou can only be anxious.

When Liang Jian was jumping around happily, Rong Guang issued a low-key announcement, which was roughly as follows: in accordance with Liang Chi's will, officially reclaiming 35 percent of the shares held by Liang Jian And welcome new directors to take office.

When this announcement came out, everyone was shocked. What happened to this will?

Well, since everyone is curious, let's just hold a press conference and explain it well-Rongguang spokesperson.

Then the press conference was held quickly, and the media of all parties were in place quickly. The spokesman for Rongguang smiled slightly, picked up the microphone, and explained slowly. This explanation, Liang Jian was severely beaten.

First of all, Liang Jian was not driven away by glory, he obviously left by himself. Liang Chi made a will before his death. Only after his son Liang Zhou obtained the film emperor, he would give him the shares in his hands. Liang Jian did not know in advance. He held the power of attorney signed by Liang Chi that year, and he was reluctant to return the management rights of the shares and the company to Liang Zhou. Now when the will is made, the power of attorney in his hands instantly becomes a pile of waste paper. If he refuses to accept it, what can he do if he does not accept it? Then he went away angrily and took away a large number of glorious artists.

The spokesman was also ruthless, implicitly implying that everyone, you see that Ronghua was so large and stable when it was established. Obviously, Liang Jian had already prepared, and Mr. Liang Chi also said in his will that he would not let Liang Construction management company. If Liang Zhou ca n’t be the film emperor, the will is invalid, and the company will give you away; if Liang Zhou is fighting to become a film emperor, then I miss you for managing the company and teaching Liang Zhou for merit. .

What did Liang Jian do before entering glory? You sell shoes. Liang Chi handed you such a large family business assuredly, and let you use it to make money, and also found a few professional managers to help you manage the company, and give away your stocks and money in vain, more generous Ah, what else do you have to complain about. Without Liang Chi's generosity, did you still sell shoes today?

Secondly, Liang Zhou is not Liang Jian's favor. The spokesman didn't say much, only listed the TV series and movies that Liang Zhou has made since his debut, pointing out investors and production companies one by one. Everyone is not stupid, only a little thinking to understand. This Liang Zhou is the real Shaodong family of Rongguang. The works he made after his debut have nothing to do with Rongguang. They can be filmed, but they are all based on the contacts and strength left by Liang Chi. The film emperor really has nothing to do with Liang Jian.

The spokesman said in this way, that kind of meal, and everyone wrote in this way, that kind of meal, before the end of the press conference, the news about Liang Jian's ungratefulness began to go out.

Finally, the spokesperson announced that Rongguang and Jiahe formally merged, and I hope everyone will support it in the future.

Everyone was stunned, Jiahe? Isn't that the best new entertainment company in recent years? It's good news to be merged into glory.

The speaker laughed and declared the press conference over.

One stone provoked thousands of waves. Regardless of the results of the public opinion battle between Rongguang and Ronghua, if only the news of the merger came out, Rongguang's stock would be stable.

What is the most important thing for an entertainment company? Artist. This Jiahe and others, the artist reserves are still very rich, there are first-line, second-line, and third-line, which means that the company's resources are a bit poor.

Speaking of resources, as an old-fashioned entertainment company, Rongguang is the most important thing. Now that Jiahe and Rongguang are merged, artists are available, and resources are also available. Isn't that money still profitable.

Liang Jian was beaten, and was very quiet for a few days. Then suddenly, the artists who turned from glory to Ronghua jumped out, crying about how inhumane the old owners were, and how cruelly they squeezed their residual value, regardless of them. Personal will. He also said that Rongguang's internal management was chaotic and the hidden rules were overflowing, and the artists had no guarantee at all.

The fans are powerful, so many artists came out crying, and their fans jumped over and screamed at Rongguang Hexinheganhe.

For a time, glory once again became the target of criticism.

Just when everyone thought that the glory was going to be messed up again, the super film director Guan Bowen suddenly held a press conference and announced that he would join the glory.

The crying artists entertained the fans, and the fans who helped their idols scold glory also calmed down a bit.

Who is Guan Bowen? That's a super movie! This person became famous for many years, and was the first person who rushed out of Asia and headed for Hollywood's entertainment industry, but it was a real front line! No need for him to say anything, his name is word of mouth, justice! Such a person standing on the glory side is tantamount to setting up a pin for the glory of the sea god!

This time Ronghua completely stopped, and Rongguang also got a respite. He began a radical reform, took over Jiahe's entertainers, integrated his resources, adjusted the management mode, and was about to go to another level.

How horrible the trouble was outside, Yu Shulin didn't know all about it, he was holding the notice of the parents' notice in his hand at the moment, and he was bitterly bitter.

Liang Zhou across the wall is also very bitter and hateful. Recently, my brother is very sensible, the company's affairs are going smoothly, Liang Jian has not jumped again, everything is fine, but ...

Two minutes later, the knock on the door sounded, and the door was pushed open. Yu Shulin walked in and smiled and said, "Brother, it's early, wash and rest early."

Here comes Come, Liang Zhou's alarm bell is a masterpiece, but his face is very calm, put away the documents in his hand, and got up and said, "Let's go."

"Okay, slow down, brother." Yu Shulin approached, and took his initiative.

Liang Zhou's fingers moved, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and then he was pressed down hard, and his face was stern: "Have you finished your homework?"

"Done, brother, do you want to check?" Yu Shulin turned back, feeling good, and shook the hands they held.

This, this, this ... Liang Zhou frowned, his expression was even more serious-my younger brother has become more and more spoiled recently. No, he can't be too spoiled for his children.

"It's all men, what pulling looks like." He whispered.

Yu Shulin said for a moment: "Brother, don't you like this?" Then he wanted to release his hand. "Since you don't like it, I won't ..."

Liang Zhou frowned, and quickly took his hand back, his eyes moved away, his expression more serious: "No, I mean someone else ... I am your brother, it doesn't matter if the brothers shake hands."

"It's good if my brother doesn't hate it." Yu Shulin doubted that he was there, and smiled and led him to the room. Ever knowing that Liang Zhou has secretly helped himself in his life, he has become increasingly dependent on this brother, and always likes to get in touch with him physically when getting along-probably a bit too slimy, but ... he is happy, anyway I don't care, brother, it's nothing to be close. 2k novel reading network

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