MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 42 Angry and explained

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Liang Zhou was really angry, but a little panic while angry. Shu Lin is so good. Now he is still young, and only adolescent girls are concerned about him. After becoming better?

Shu Lin studied so hard, this effort will make him better and brighter, and with it, there will be more and more admirers. Such a good brother ... can he hold it?

How about it? What if you ca n’t keep it? Someday, Shu Lin will grow up. Sooner or later he will be attracted to a certain woman, then admire each other, get married and have children.

Get married, have children ... He tightened his hands on the steering wheel, drove the car into the garage, took a deep breath, unfastened the seat belt, and walked toward the villa.

He is now in a very unstable state, can't speak, can't look at Shu Lin ... otherwise he is afraid he can't help but say those secret, hidden feelings hidden in his heart, and then no matter how the other party reacts, he will The other party is locked tightly beside him!

When the door was closed, a "beep" sounded. Yu Shulin's scalp was numb. He quickly got out of the car and caught up, anxiously explaining: "Brother, I didn't have an early love, you listen to me ..."

嘭 ——

The villa door closed in front of him.

... It's over.

Aunt Liu patted the breast and opened the door in fear, and whispered to Yu Shulin, who was downcast outside the door, "Master Master Shu Lin, what's the matter with you, Master? That face is too scary ..."

"Nothing, my brother thinks I'm in love ... what about others?" He entered the door, and threw the backpack and the delicate box on his hand to the sofa, asking while looking for Liang Zhou's figure.

"I thought it was a big deal. It turned out that it was just a child's early love ... what? Early love ?!" Aunt Liu was shocked, and rushed over to hold his hand, with a serious heart: "Shu Lin, you are still young, how can you love early? Well! This is not good, this is not good, which girl, is your character good, when are you together ... "

She gradually lowered her voice, carefully approached Yu Shulin, turned her head and glanced upstairs, lowering her voice, "You and the young master are arguing about this ...?"

"It's all a misunderstanding, I didn't have an early love." Yu Shulin sighed helplessly, breaking away from Aunt Liu's hand, and asked again: "We didn't fight ... what about my brother? Back to the room?"

Aunt Liu pointed upstairs: "Well, back to the room, the expression is terrible ..."

In the room, Liang Zhou rushed into the bathroom, took down the shower, transferred to cold water, and rushed towards his head. Two minutes later, his confused and overheated brain finally calmed down, took a deep breath to mediate, and gradually calmed down.

... Shu Lin must still be waiting downstairs to eat, and just left him in the car like that, he must be scared. Obviously decided not to ignore him ... too impulsive. But there is a girl who shows favor to Shu Lin ... Shu Lin obviously doesn't like that girl, don't think about it, don't think about it.

He turned off the shower and took his towel to the side, but grinned bitterly when he saw himself in the mirror.

It's too ugly.

Taking off the wet clothes, putting on a bathrobe, taking out a dry towel and wiping his hair, he finally got out of the bathroom.

He heard a soft knock on the door as soon as he got out of the bathroom, he paused, hesitated for a while, and walked up to the door.

The hand just caught the doorknob, but the knocking stopped.

He looked down, looking at his right hand holding the doorknob, and his thoughts were chaotic again. He hasn't figured out what kind of expression he should use to face Shulin. If Shulin asks what happened, what should he say.

After being quiet for a while, the knock on the door sounded again, and the sound was softer, almost inaudible without careful listening.

I don't know how long Shulin knocked on the door. His previous reaction scared him. Even the force of knocking on the door became less and less ... Thinking of this, his heart tightened, and his hand moved faster than his thought .

With a click, the door opened.

Yu Shulin was very embarrassed. He knocked at the door and wanted to hit the wall. How long has his brother entered? five minutes? ten minutes? I don't care about myself for so long, I can see how angry I am.

...... Sure enough, parents all over the world are the same, and they don't like students to love early.

He was almost wronged.

As I was thinking about it, the closed door suddenly opened, his eyes brightened, he looked up, and at the same time tried to explain: "Brother, I didn't have an early love, really! I wouldn't consider falling in love before I graduated from college ... Brother, you just ... was bathing? "

Yu Shulin stared.

I saw Liang Zhou's hair soaked, the bathrobe tied loosely, revealing a beautiful muscular chest, bare feet, holding a towel in his hand, the drops of water on his hair dropped to his neck, and flowed down the collarbone ... It's a beautiful bathing figure.

"What did you just say?" Liang Zhou asked slightly, frowning.

"Brother, you were just taking a bath?" Yu Shulin was still a bit silly. The elder brother's skin seems very good ... No, the point is not this, eh, why doesn't he know that his elder brother has a habit of taking a bath when he is angry ...

"No, last sentence."

"Ah, I didn't take a shower. What are you doing like that ..." He said half of it, suddenly reacting to the meaning of his brother from home, suddenly shocked, and decisively said: "I will not consider before graduating from college It ’s about love! Really! Early love is even more impossible, you have to believe me! Those are misunderstandings today! "

After listening to this serious assurance and explanation, Liang Zhou's tense heartstrings were loosened, his expression eased a bit, his fingers moved and he wanted to pat each other's shoulder, but he became a fist silently, "I believe in you, remember Live what you said today ... Let's go down for dinner, I'll go and accompany you when I get changed. "

"Ah? Oh."

Yu Shulin turned around and walked out. He took two steps and stopped, and then asked, "Brother, aren't you angry?"

Looking at his Liang Zhou deeply, he did not expect that he would turn back, busy his eyes to cover the emotions in his eyes, and turned sideways to look like he closed the door, and said, "No anger, I won't be mad at you, go downstairs ,I'll come."

The door was closed.

Yu Shulin pondered deeply. Is it raining and sunny? So simple? Brother is so coquettish? Frowning, after a long time, he figured out why things were resolved so quickly.

-Brother really hurts himself!

Dinner passed peacefully.

After dinner, the two nested in the living room, one lying on the coffee table to do their homework, and the other leaning on the sofa to turn over the documents.

Auntie Liu came out holding the iced green bean soup. When Liang Zhou's expression was not ugly, she approached it gently. She placed the green bean soup on an empty coffee table and greeted, "First take a break and drink some green bean soup. Sparse forest tomorrow I ’m going to start my self-study again last night. Do n’t be too hard today. Finish your homework and have fun. ”

"Thank Aunt Liu." Yu Shulin smiled over the mung bean soup and took a sip, boasting: "The sweetness is just right, the mung bean soup cooked by Aunt Liu is the best drink, and none of them are sold well."

Aunt Liu narrowed her eyes with a smile: "I know Master Shulin is the most intimate, and her mouth is sweet, no wonder the girls like it ..."

Liang Zhou looked up from behind the file and squinted at her.

"Well, drink slowly, I'll watch TV in the small hall ..." Aunt Liu ran off with the tray.

Yu Shulin put down the mung bean soup, flattered and brought the other bowl to Liang Zhou, and reassured: "Brother, I really won't fall in love early, you can rest assured! Have some mung bean soup and take a break. I will look at the documents later. . "

"Well." He put down the file and held up his bowl. "I will do my homework after I have a rest. I will be back tomorrow morning by plane. I want to be black, so is Guan Bowen." It ’s really unreliable. I have to get on the plane the next day, and said the night before that sincerity makes people mess.

"So fast?" Yu Shulin froze for a moment, then nodded a little bit lost: "I see." He and his brother always get together and stay away, alas, the profession of actor is too unstable.

Liang Zhou touched his head with his hand, and glanced over the delicate box lost in the corner of the sofa, his eyes darkened, his body leaned back, and he took a pillow to rest on it, and then he set his eyes on Yu again. Shu Lin said, "After drinking and resting, would you like to play a game? I took the computer off."

"Okay, let's play that adventure game this time. Zhou He said it was interesting."

"According to your."

At noon the next day, Yu Shulin went home from school for lunch at noon. He turned over the sofa in doubt and asked aloud, "Aunt Liu, did you see a box that I dropped on the sofa yesterday?"

Aunt Liu came up from the kitchen with a spatula and shook her head in confusion: "No, I just cleaned up in the morning, nothing."

"Strange." He got up and frowned. "Why is it missing ..." He also wanted to return something to Liu Fen, but he just disappeared.

On the plane, Guan Bowen put down the magazine and looked at the box with pink ribbon in Liang Zhou's hand, raising his eyebrows: "Give it from the little lover? This color ... a strong sense of truth ..."

Liang Zhou's face was dark, and he took the bag and wanted to put the box back into the bag. He hid the box yesterday with an impulse yesterday, and now think about it, this move is really wrong.

"Well, what's hidden, take it apart and look at it. It's so beautifully packed. What's in it?" Guan Bowen was intrigued. He grabbed the box, shook it, and laughed: "Listen to the sound, isn't it? Is it chocolate? "

Liang Zhou grabbed the box quickly, frowned, staring at the box for a long time and silent. Would you like to open it? But this thing was given to Shu Lin by a girl, and it was too rude to take it apart ...

His upbringing and possessiveness over Yu Shulin began a war between heaven and man.

Guan Bowen didn't care what he thought about it. When he saw that he was staring at the box, he took the box again and turned it upside down: "You can't bear to tear it down, then I can help you?"

Liang Zhou opened his mouth, and finally the evil side won the victory, pursed his lips, and remained silent.

Is this agreed?

Just a small gift, why are you so tangled.

Guan Bowen narrowed his eyes and hooked his lips, but his movements were not slow. He untied the ribbon and opened the lid.

"It's really chocolate, but look at it like this, you made it yourself?" He took one and looked at it with a smile, ambiguous: "Pink packaging, love shape, your little lover is pretty girlish." Said the chocolate Handed it to Liang Zhou, dialed down the remaining chocolate in the box, and pulled out a small card with a scent. "Well, I have a good mind, and a love card."

what? card? Liang Zhou's hand holding chocolate was stiff, and he quickly drew the card in his hand, browsed by three or two times, and his face was completely dark. Fortunately, this thing has not been left to Shulin ... The girls now are really more and more unrestrained!

"Dear Shu Lin, thank God for letting us meet, I believe we will be very happy after we are together ... chocolate remember to eat it ... love your little Fenfen ..." Guan Bowen grinned that it was not elegant at all He smiled and said happily, "It turned out that this girl gave it to Xiao Yu. Oh, by the way, how is this thing in your hands? Xiao Fenfen ... Hey, your brother is in love? This girl has a very clear character Well……"

"Nonsense, the sparse forest is still small." Liang Zhou put the card and chocolate into the box three or two times, and rewrapped the ribbon awkwardly, and stuffed it into the bag.

"It's a good thing that a girl likes it, which proves Xiaoyu's charm. Your reaction ... jealous?" Guan Bowen looked at him with his chin on his face, his eyes turning on his face, thoughtfully.

Liang Zhou took out his blindfold and put it on, closing his eyes and ignoring him.

"Don't be like this, how can you be so stingy when you are an elder brother? Your female fans have sent you gifts and cards to the company. Are you jealous when you see Xiaoyu? Do n’t be too harsh on children. Be careful Xiaoyu hates you."

Red heart is poking.

Liang Zhou took off his blindfold and looked at him darkly. "Not busy enough this year? How about I arrange a few more films for you?"


"how is it?"

When my brother is like this, my younger brother will explode? Not cute at all.

"You continue to rest when I say nothing." He compromised.

Liang Zhou gave him a cold look and put on his blindfold again.

Guan Bowen's gossip heart is not dead, he turns his head and looks at He Long.

He Long kept staring at him and saw that he had a tendency to turn his head. He was also busy taking out the blindfold and leaning on the back of the chair, pretending to be dead.

Guan Bowen: "..." 2k novel reading network

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