MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 59 Liu Yu

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The photo was clear, and naturally someone secretly hid it in private.

The next day after the network was cleaned up, Wang Zhi held a set of discordant photos in his hand and presented Yu Shulin a treasure on penguins.

Yu Shulin's black line refused to transmit Wang Zhi's document, and he typed slap-slapped.

Shu Lin: Is there a half-month monthly exam? Have you reviewed it?

I ’m Dazhi, who am I afraid of: ... well, well, I know you do n’t want to see these, but there are a few photos you must look at [picture] [picture]

The picture is very big, only to show up after the meeting. After seeing it clearly, Yu Shulin was stunned-the people in the photo were actually disheveled Liu Fen and Liang Zixiu!

This is really ... he opened his mouth and helped his forehead. No wonder Liu Fen's response was so great after he couldn't be a star. It turned out that he had already "sacrificed" for Star Road. He paused his fingers on the keyboard, and finally sighed and typed.

Shu Lin: Who else have you seen this picture besides me? Don't pass it on, it's a girl after all.

I am Dazhi who I am afraid of: I have a sense of size, I just want to show you, oh, she is too confused, but she was put on makeup when she was photographed, she did n’t recognize it without careful recognition. The student saw the photo and recognized her.

Yu Shulin clicked the mouse and closed the chat interface.

What else can I say, entertainment ... it's messy.

Just after the photo incident subsided a bit, Liang Jian went to the news again-his wife Liu Yu was going to divorce him!

Liang Jian's wife, Liu Yu, is cold-hearted and only likes money. Her husband is **** outside. She always keeps one eye closed and one eye closed. Those bosses who fooled around with Liang Jian also admired him and praised his vision and married such a sensible wife. But now, it is this "sensible" wife, who has been struggling with Liang Jian and the company is struggling to maintain a divorce.

Ronghua is the property of the two after marriage. Now Liu Yu wants to divorce and split the family property, which is completely forcing Liang Jian to go bankrupt!

For a while, public opinion was uproar.

Rongguang Penthouse Chairman's Office.

After reading the newspaper, Yu Shulin asked Liang Zhou around in doubt, and asked, "Brother, this Liu Yu is asking for a divorce, but she just wants to take away her daughter Liang Coco, without mentioning Liang Zixiu at all, why?"

"Because Liang Zixiu wasn't her child, it was Liang Jian who messed up outside." Liang Zhou turned the document over a page, explaining lightly.

"Ah?" He was surprised. After digesting the news, he shook his head and sighed, "Liang Jian's private life is really messy ... how do you think the Liang family is not good." Liang Jian, Liang Zixiu ... and even Liang Chi ... in terms of feelings These people seem to be ...

Liang Zhou held his pen in his hand, drew his head side, and caught him, kissed him on the face, pinched the soft hair behind his ear, and whispered, "I'm not messy."

Yu Shulin was frightened by his hair, and his body shook like electricity. He quickly pushed him away, rubbed his ears hard, and said uncomfortably, "Don't hesitate, it feels strange ..."

Liang Zhou watched his series of movements, his heart moved slightly, brushing his slowly red ears, throwing away documents and pens, without hesitation, he rushed over, pulled people over and hugged, and stung again: It was in the hair behind the ears ... "This sensitive point was so secretive.

"Don't, don't ..." Yu Shulin struggled, his voice changed, and his hands fell softly on the sofa, turning hard, climbing to the other side of the sofa, his face flushed.

Liang Zhou's eyes deepened, and he deliberately moved with him. His fingers scratched behind his ears, and he bent down. He wanted to knock people over and kiss the red face.

Zhang Qian held the documents in a good mood, pushed the door of the office vigorously, and said cheerfully, "Zhou Er, the first Internet promotion response was very good. Let's ... don't ..."

Yu Shulin, who was crushed on the sofa, stiffened.

Liang Zhou glanced at Zhang Qian who was silly at the door, got up from Yu Shulin with a black face, and looked at him coldly: "Knock before you come in, understand?"

Yu Shulin tried to smooth the air, raised his hand and touched the hot face, glanced at Zhang Qian slightly, then silently picked up the pillow on the sofa, and buried his face in it-too shameful.

"You, you ..." Zhang Qian was stunned, looking at this, looking at that, shaking his hands, the files did not stabilize, and fell to the ground.

Liang Zhou glanced at the documents on the ground, raised an eyebrow, "What are we?"

Zhang Qian swallowed his mouth, saw his indifferent look, his expression changed greatly, turned and closed the door and locked it, then rushed into the office, stepped on, and struck Liang Zhou's collar: "Liang Zhou! What are you really doing Minor, you, you, why are you so confused! Go to jail! Shu Lin is your younger brother, your brain is broken? "

Liang Zhou was very calm: "Shu Lin is not my biological brother, don't you know?"

"... what?"

At lunch, a restaurant box.

Liang Zhou took a rib and sent it to Yu Shulin's bowl, and took the small bowl next to him to serve soup.

Guan Bowen brushed his mobile phone, frowning and laughing for a while, just like crazy.

Zhao Zhi was eating diligently and very calmly.

"So you also know ?!" Zhang Qian growled at the phone, and wanted to use sonic power to kill Ling Chun, who is far away in the city of S: "You scum! You do n’t tell me such important gossips, are you friends?" "

"Friend? Are you sure?" Ling Chun's tone was low and full of darkness, and he began to sneer: "Do you know how long I haven't slept? Do you know how long this case sentenced me today? Do you know me How bad is the new group of people under your hands? Do you know how annoying the old men in the company are? Do you know how long I haven't been on vacation? "

"No, I don't know ..." Zhang Qian's volume dropped instantly and he answered weakly.

"I don't know, friends? Oh ..."

Zhang Qian was frightened by this sneer, "biu ~" threw the phone out, with full precision, right in the middle of the soup table in the middle of the dining table, and then patted his chest, and said, "Ling Chun who is not full is terrible ... ah, So scary, so scary ... "

The phone slammed into the soup bowl and made a "beep", and the soup splashed out. Liang Zhou simmered Tang ’s movements, put the spoon and bowl down, got up, grabbed Zhang Qian ’s back collar, opened the box door, and threw it out, “Come in after you calm down, and order a soup again . "


The door closed, Zhang Qian looked at the brightly-lit corridor, and then looked at the exquisite and thick box door. She was angry, then wilted, and walked away. She grabbed a passing waiter: "That ... A new soup ... "Misunderstanding of friends, a group of animals.

After an hour, everyone was eating and drinking.

Zhang Qian raised his hand weakly and looked at Yu Shulin: "That, Xiao Yu, you and Liang Zhou ..."

"Being together." Yu Shulin nodded embarrassed, and then promised sincerely: "Brother Zhang, don't worry, I don't agree, my brother dare not touch me."

"No ..." Zhang Qian waved his hand, pointed at Liang Zhou, and whispered, "You guys are brothers ..." Isn't this messy ... What a terrible thing to be exploded by the media in the future ...

"When Shulin is eighteen years old, I will move my hukou out of the Liang family." Liang Zhou hugged his chest and was very calm. "Moreover, I have no blood relationship with Shulin. My biological father is a personal scum and I don't need to bother. "

"Moving the hukou?" Yu Shulin frowned, looking at him sideways: "I haven't heard you say this before."

"It's better to move out. I don't want you to be wronged in the future." Liang Zhou touched his head. "Are you full? Would you like some snacks?"

Yu Shulin shook his hand, smiled and shook his head. "No, you're full. The food in this restaurant is delicious."

"After that, come here and eat more."

"it is good."

Zhang Qian was fainted by Liang Zhou's words, and just returned to the gods, and was blinded by the two-obviously not a nasty tone of lines, but after knowing the relationship between the two, how can it sound so tired!

"Well, you only need to know. Don't think about introducing Liang Zhou to the subject in the future. Take your thoughts and concentrate on your work. Ronghua sees that it will fall down. We can take advantage of it." On, Shen Yin said, "Liang Zhou, is it cost-effective to acquire Ronghua?"

Liang Zhou thought about it and nodded: "It's profitable, but Ronghua is too messy, I don't want it."

Zhao Zhi nodded: "I see, I'm actually disgusted."

Zhang Qian pounced on Zhao Zhi, "You knew Liang Zhou and Xiao Yu were together ?! You didn't tell me!"

"Let it go." Zhao Zhi tore him down, black face, "I didn't know it a few days before you, but just forgot to tell you, you calm me down, a lot of work."

"You all hide from me, so let me go, I strangle you!"

The two broke into a ball.

"It's really interesting." Guan Bowen, who had played the mobile phone at noon, was finally willing to put the phone down, and smiled. "Liang Jian and his wife's affairs went to the largest forum in China. The netizens are really powerful and all cleaned up."

"Including Liang Zixiu's life experience?" Liang Zhou raised an eyebrow.

Guan Bowen nodded: "Including Liang Zixiu's life experience."

After the divorce between Liang Jian and Liu Yu spread, netizens felt that there was something to dig for, and it was called a passion on the Internet. There are a lot of things coming out of them.

It turned out that more than 20 years ago, Liang Jian was able to marry Liu Yu, completely relying on coaxing other girls.

At that time, Liang Chi was already a somewhat famous director. This Liang Jian was also selling shoes near the university city of city b. Liang Chi saw that Liang Jian had a hard time, so he set up a shop for him and helped him directly become a boss from a wage earner. After this became his boss, Liang Jian began to lose his career and wandered around the university town all day, trying to find a beautiful girlfriend for himself.

Liu Yu, who was a sophomore at the time, got into his eyes badly.

He wanted to chase, but was afraid that people would look down on him, and his head turned, and he came up with the idea of ​​posing as Liang Chi to approach them. At that time, everyone was very simple. Liang Jian said that Liu Yu actually believed. The relationship between them quickly heated up. Liang Jian also promised to make Liu Yu the heroine of her next movie.

Later, Liang Jian did not know how to be exposed. Liu Yu was so angry that she was pregnant. Liang Jian was crying and begging. She gritted her teeth and saw that he was Liang ’s younger brother. I just married with my eyes closed.

After the marriage, her life was naturally bad. Liu Yu's parents were angry and she broke up with her. Liang Jian was not rich and was unwilling to continue to provide her with school, so her schoolwork was ruined. One thing after another was unhappy. She was so stunned that her child did not keep it. After the child was gone, the days went on, but as time passed, Liu Yu was no longer pregnant, and Liang Jian gradually treated her not so well. Later, Liang Jian hugged Liang Zixiu back, saying that it was because Liu Yu was not pregnant, so he went out and adopted a child for her. Liu Yu believed, and with such a soft little thing around her, her mood gradually improved.

But as time went on, Liu Yu found that Liang Zi was growing more and more like Liang Jian. She was suspicious in her heart, and then secretly identified the father and the son. The result of the evaluation, of course ... was not what she wanted.

Deceived, school ruined, children gone, now her husband is derailed, and he also holds his illegitimate child to support himself ... Liu Fen's hatred began to swell. At this time of confusion, her unmoved belly swelled. She was panicked and annoyed, thinking of the child who lost her heart because of depression, and then thinking about her income. After weighing it, she gritted her teeth, pretended to be silly, and continued with Liang Jian, and decided to wait for the birth of a child. Showdown with Liang Jian again.

Time is running out.

After Liang Chi, who was studying abroad and preparing for a movie, returned to China, Liang Jian had spare money again, and began to brazenly spend time outside. Liu Yu ignored it, concentrated on raising a child, and holding the store ’s income, he could make up for himself. body.

Later, Liang Coco was born, Liang Chi married his wife to his younger brother, and Liang Jian was completely radiant. For the sake of her daughter's superior life, Liu Yu breathed his divorce, and gritted her teeth to continue this lady.

This time, it was another ten years. Now Liang Coco has grown up, Ronghua is looking down again. In order to reduce losses, she finally no longer silent, and asked to divorce Liang Jian!

The buildings of Ba Liangjian and Liu Yu in the past were very high, and the host's tongue, Can Lianhua, talked about the events at that time, and netizens also looked at them.

The female compatriots are even more sympathetic-Liu Yu is also a poor man. It has not been easy for her daughter to bear weight for so many years.

The gossip on the Internet flew wildly. In reality, divorce was quickly sentenced. Liang Jian's wrongdoing was mostly given to Liu Yu and Liang Coco. Until the end of the lawsuit, Liang Zixiu never appeared again.

Liang Jian's Ronghua's stock was split into half of Liu Yu's shares, and most of the real estate deposits in his hands were taken away. When Liu Yu got something on his front foot, he sold stocks and a house car on his hind foot. He disappeared in City B with Liang Cocoa. Before leaving, he asked Liang Coco to publish a newspaper and broke off his relationship with Liang Jian.

News of the divorce case in the newspaper is over, but it is not over on the Internet.

A netizen jumped out and said that Liu Yu, who had seen the lead washed, took Liang Coco, crying and knelt in front of a university retired teacher resident building for a whole day, and then was picked up by a pair of elderly men with tears .

Don't worry, the old man must be Liu Yu's parents. Poor parents, the netizens sighed endlessly.

There are good things. Netizens followed the clue to the old residential building. They can inquire about it, but only inquired a while ago that there are old retired teachers who have been abroad for a long time.

Liu Yu's low selling of Ronghua's stock gave Liang Jian a great impact. Ronghua, who had been playing with Rongguang's playing platform, was completely dim.

The dismissed Ronghua employee held the cardboard box and shook his gaze. Not far away, the glory of the banner "Celebrating the opening of a certain company", "Congratulations on the completion of a movie theater in a certain place, and the official opening of a certain day," was gloomy. sigh.

With the same honor word, how can this gap be so large? They are all bosses with the same surname Liang. How can this development be completely different? How lofty and ambitious was it to establish a new portal, how long has it been, two years? Three years? Now it's such a bleak end ... One step went wrong, and everyone lost.

Yu Shulin shut down the webpage, remembering the ending of Liang Jian ’s wife, and shook his head. “No wonder Liang Zi did n’t see Mrs. Liang and his sister when they were married. The truth is this.” He turned off the computer and looked over. Liang Zhou: "Brother, that Yan Kaiwen is bothering you again?"

"No, he wants to cooperate with Rongguang." Liang Zhou also had a computer in front of him, and he tapped the keyboard with his fingers, without wrinkling: "The grandma said that Yan Kaiwen had also touched him. It seems that the Yan family is ready to soften us through cooperation . "


"Yes." Liang Zhou responded to Yan Kaiwen's e-mail, pushed the computer off, covered it directly, and rubbed his eyes: "I don't have any pressure to make money from the Yan family. It's best to empty his money."

"Don't rub." Yu Shulin grabbed his hand, took out the eye drops he used from his backpack, held his head, and whispered softly, "I'll drop your eye drops for you, don't blink."

"Um." Liang Zhou opened his eyes obediently and looked straight at him.

The medicine dripped into his eyes. It was cool, and people would blink conditionedly, but Liang Zhou seemed to have lost this instinct, and looked straight at Yu Shulin after dripping.

"Okay, you can blink slowly and don't stare."

Liang Zhou still looked at him, reached out and touched his nose, and hooked his lips: "I have a beard."

"Ah?" Yu Shulin also raised his hand to touch and smiled: "Well grown up."

"It does grow up." Liang Zhou smiled in his eyes, suddenly got up, and turned off the light in the living room.

"What's wrong?" Yu Shulin also followed, and some did not understand what he was doing: "Brother, why do you turn off the lights?"

Liang Zhou didn't speak.

In the darkness, a candlelight suddenly lit. Aunt Liu came out with a smile, holding a cake, and chanted, "Master Shulin, happy birthday!"

Yu Shulin turned her head and looked at the cake in her hands, a little embarrassed. After his mother died, no one had celebrated his birthday for many years. He lowered his head and pulled out his phone, staring at the date above.

September 18th ...

So many things happened during this time, but it turned out that it was only September 18 ...

Liang Zhou walked to his side and embraced his shoulder, and whispered, "You have to go to class tomorrow, so I can't do anything for you today, I will do it again at the weekend, eh?"

"Yes, I have to do it again. I cut a cake on my birthday, and it's too cold." Aunt Liu smiled and agreed, carefully placed the cake on the coffee table, and beckoned to Yu Shulin: "Master Shulin, come and sing birthday Song, make a wish, blow a candle, and then cut the cake, we all need one. "

"OK!" He squeezed Liang Zhou's hand and walked over with a smile.

Liang Zhou followed him, and took the lead to sing a birthday song.

A man with a long leg and a noble and cool elite fan pokes the birthday song. This picture ... Yu Shulin couldn't help himself, then closed his eyes and made a wish, blowing out the candle.

The next second, the light in the living room was bright, and He Bo stood at the light switch and rang the small salute in his hand: "Happy birthday."

With a short beep, the colored paper flew randomly.

"Come on, cut the cake." Aunt Liu hurriedly.

The cake is exquisite, exuding the sweet aroma unique to fruits and cream, which makes the index finger move. He cut the cake, handed it to everyone, and ate it with the largest piece, unconsciously showing a smirk.

Such a warm and happy day is like dreaming.

Liang Zhou didn't like this kind of too sweet stuff, and didn't move after taking a bite. He leaned forward, raised a bag from the coffee table, and started to pull out gifts.

"These were sent by Zhao Zhi and Zhang Qian. They were sent back by Ling Chun. These were cousins ​​and Xiaohe, and this ..." He pulled out a delicate box, his face suddenly It's dark: "Yan Kaiwen sent it. See if you like it or not. If you don't like it, let's go back."

Yu Shulin looked at the pile of presents, then looked at his expression, smiled, reached out and pinched his stern face, and said, "Thank them for me, what about your gift? Bring it."

Aunt Liu sat and smiled while covering her mouth, and no one dared to pinch the young master's face like this, looking at Real Cola.

Liang Zhou pulled down his hand, avoiding the sight that Aunt Liu was looking at, pulled out a box from his pants pocket, and pushed it over: "Mine, see if you like it." After that, he scratched his palm.

The attitude was somewhat suspicious. Yu Shulin pulled back his hand, took the box and played it twice, smiled, opened it with anticipation, then changed his expression, quickly closed it, and looked nervously on the sofa. Aunt Liu and He Bo who ate the cake, saw that they didn't notice it, and sighed with relief, glaring at Liang Zhou.

"Do you like it?" Liang Zhou asked with a straight face.

He held the box tightly and squeezed it into his pocket, pursing his lips, a little shy: "Like."

Liang Zhou smiled, secretly took his hand, squeezed it, and then quickly let go—this feeling of sneaking in his own house was terrible.

Aunt Liu pulled out all the gifts she had prepared, piled them on the coffee table, and then laid them out the same way, and started to make a brief introduction: "This is a cookie I made last week, rest assured, not expired, put raisins, delicious Well ... this was made yesterday, but the shape of the biscuits was not good, but it is still okay ... this and this are recommended by my shopping guide when I go shopping in the supermarket, saying what imported candy, children love to eat ... and this , I'm cooking jam, you are growing up now, and the time for late self-study has been extended. I'm afraid you're hungry, so I made this. You prepare some bread on the table and just eat it! "

Assorted snacks filled the coffee table, Yu Shulin listened to Aunt Liu's surprise, and her heart was full of emotion. Aunt Liu said one, he opened it to taste one, and then put away carefully: "Thank Aunt Liu, I must hide and eat slowly."

"You can't hide it, your classmates want to say you're stingy." Aunt Liu saw that he liked it, and was so happy that he pulled out a big bag and smiled: "No need to hide, I'm ready, this you tomorrow Take it to the school and share it with your classmates, lest they grab those good ones with you. "

Yu Shulin looked at the bag that was too heavy to be dragged by Aunt Liu, and was stupid. How many candy snacks are there in the end ...

When Auntie Liu finished her work, He Bo also brought out a bag and handed it to Yu Shulin: "Happy birthday, I don't know what your kids like, so I just prepared something. The gift that Xiaolong gave you is also there, he I'm busy in the field, so let me pass on. "

"Thank you, Uncle He." He took it with a smile, looked back at Liang Zhou, and said thank you silently.

Liang Zhou looked back with a smile, his eyes were gentle. 2k novel reading network

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