MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 63 death

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After fifteen days in detention, Wang Chen applied for bail pending trial on the grounds of pregnancy.

The police agreed.

"She's pregnant. Whose seed?" Zhang Qian looked at the newspaper, her eyes widened: "Liang Zixiu? No, Liang Zixiu's mental state, can you do it?"

"Who cares who he is, it is the most important thing to get a bail pending trial." In recent years, Guan Bowen became more lazy and did not answer any announcements. He went to gossip with Rong Guang and Zhang Qian all day long, a little film consciousness nothing.

Zhang Qian rolled his eyes and was very disgusted with him: "How about the film emperor, so lazy, can you afford the worship and expectation of the masses from you?"

"Really worth it, I have the ability, can't I?" Guan Bowen smiled elegantly, took a sip of coffee, his tone suddenly became tender and kind: "Jealousness is not desirable, you know?"

Zhang Qian rubbed goosebumps and picked up an orange and smashed it over: "Pretend, you pretend, everyone is fooled by your gentle mask!"

"Children are really jealous." Guan Bowen put down his coffee, picked up the oranges that had been thrown away, peeled off, and near the sofa, the image instantly shattered into dregs, lazily while eating: "Liang Zhou, began to prepare for the second You are ready, you are ready. "

Liang Zhou frowned, looking away from the computer screen, and asked, "When will it start shooting?"

"Foreigners are too lazy, and the preliminary preparations are always slow and slow. If you plan for the month of Christmas holiday ... it will probably start in May or June." Guan Bowen probably forgot about it and laughed: "how Don't want to shoot? "

In May and June, I just happened to catch up with Shulin's college entrance examination. He calculated the time in his mind, and replied: "Shoo, this time bring Guo Zijie and Liu Nana."

Take someone? Guan Bowen's head turned, his eyes flashed: "You don't have to be an actor? Then I ..."

"You persist for another year and bring them out, and I will let your scenery retreat." Liang Zhouli cut off his delusion and did not forget to draw him a big cake.

Guan Bowen no longer smiled, and drew his cell phone.

I love Emperor Guan Ying: Shu Lin, your family Liang Zhou said that he would take other beauties to play abroad. If you have a sense of crisis, go and break his leg!

Shu Lin: ... Uncle Guan, work hard.

I love Emperor Guan Ying: Yiqiu Zhi! Howling! I misread you!

Guan Bowen turned off the phone in anger, and the sofa was sulking.

On the third day of Wang Chen's release on bail, Liang Zi Xiu died.

Liang Zhou hung up the phone, interrupted the discussion between Zhao Zhi and Zhang Qian, and calmly said, "The meeting was suspended. Let's go to the hospital. Liang Zixiu and Wang Chen had a car accident. The injuries were too serious ... died on the spot."

"What?" The two were startled.

When Liang Zhou rushed to the hospital, Liang Jianzheng burst into tears on Liang Zixiu's body and cried. The white-haired person sent the dark-haired person, no matter how hard Liang Jian was, he felt a little emotionally broken at this time.

"What's the matter?" He looked at the police and doctor outside the ward, frowning, his voice terrifying. How can Liang Zixiu not please, that is also his Liang family, and now he said it would be gone ... Damn!

The doctor swallowed saliva, and looked at Liang Jian, who was crying out of breath in the ward, and whispered, "It was a car accident, both cars were deformed. Mr. Liang injured his lungs and died on the spot. Wang Chen The lady's rescue was invalid and she died. "

"How did he drive out? Wasn't someone guarding?" Liang Zhou looked at him heavily, not getting more wrinkled and tighter. All dead ... This accident happened too strangely.

The doctor was a little scared by him and explained quickly: "Mr. Liang's condition has been much better under the control of drugs these two days, and there is no problem talking in ordinary activities. His friends came to see him in the morning, and he was happy to talk to others. After a few chats, I do n’t know ... I do n’t know if he would sneak out ... and hit someone by car ... "

The policeman on the side frowned and blamed himself: "It was our fault. At that time, the patient asked to go around in the garden. The doctor also said that the sun is good for the patient's mental health. He went out. Later, he opened a police officer on the grounds of drinking water, then stunned the remaining one, and ran away. "

As I was saying, several traffic police rushed to the scene, and after simply exchanging information with the remaining police officers, they looked at Liang Zhou in an embarrassment. Simple. The surveillance camera on the road was damaged in advance. The car repaired by Liang Zi was a listed car and the clue was broken. "

"Tough work." Liang Zhou nodded his head to understand, his thoughts fluttered, and he turned to look at Zhao Zhi, "Check this up."

Zhao Zhi nodded and immediately turned to do it.

The source of Liang Zixiu's vehicle could not be found. There were no surveillance videos of the incident. There were no witnesses. Both sides of the accident were killed. The vehicle was okay. The driving trajectory and braking trajectory were also ok. The event is processed.

Liang Jian was dissatisfied with the result and made a police station like a mad man. Liang Zhou turned over the accident result report, waved his hand to let He Long take Liang Jian to resettle, then turned and left the police station.

From the perspective of Liang Zhou's various unpleasant Liang Jian, looking at Liang Zhou now seems to see the life-saving straw. He quickly rushed to Liang Zhou who came in, grabbed his clothes and gritted his teeth, and said, "Help the vengeance, avenge him! It must be the Liu family, it must be!"

Liang Zhou pulled his hand away, put the report in his hand, and said, "I will ... you take a good rest in the hotel, and I will come to Liang Zixiu's funeral."

The word "funner" touched Liang Jian's nerves. He waved the report in his hand, and turned around fiercely, slanging constantly.

Liang Zhou frowned, nodding toward He Long who was on the side, and turned away.

After the case was closed, Liang Zhou pushed out all the official affairs and personally helped Liang Zixiu prepare the funeral.

Liang Zixiu had no sincere friends. His mother was not close, and his father was in a bad state. This funeral was helplessly simple. The weather was bad on the day of the uncle, the sky was always gloomy, and the rain would never fall.

Yu Shulin accompany Liang Zhou's side, holding his hand, looking at the chic appearance of Liang Zixiu smiling on the tombstone, sighing in his heart, only feeling that the world is impermanent. Those who were so arrogant and arrogant at once became a handful of ashes in the tombstone ... impermanence.

The tombstone that was just set up was still covered with yellow grass and dirt. Liang Zhou took out the handkerchief and carefully wiped it off. After a long time, he said, "Just take it easy, and I will take revenge."

Yu Shulin was startled and looked up at him.

He shook his hand, expressionless: "Sparse forest, after all, he is the Liang family."

"... Um." Yu Shulin shook his hand back and nodded: "I know ... I support you."

At the door of the cemetery, the two met the brothers and sisters of the Liu family.

Liang Zhou held Yu Shulin's hand tightly and looked at Liu Ye's eyes very cold.

"Mr. Liang, the festival is sad." Liu Ye supported Liu Yufen, who was pale, and said warmly, his tone full of regret and sadness: "The world makes people trouble, I did not expect Zi Xiu to be so early ..."

Liu Yufen's lips shook, his eyes fell on Yu Shulin, and he trembled, "You are Yu Shulin, aren't you? Zi Xiu ... Zi Xiu was the last person you saw before being arrested, right? I heard he went He was reluctant to talk after the hospital. The last person he spoke to was you, right? What did he say, did he, he ... did he mention me? Does he look ... okay? "

Liang Zhou blocked Yu Shulin behind him and looked at Liu Ye coldly: "Mr. Liu, are you the one who moved my Liang family, are you ready?"

Liu Yufen's eyes widened, he looked at him, and Liu Ye again, wondering: "You, what do you mean by that? What is the person who moved the Liang family? My brother came with me this time, you, you Is there a misunderstanding? "

"Yu Fen, don't be excited, Mr. Liang is just overly sad." Liu Ye warmed his voice, his expression disguised as dripping water, and said helplessly: "Mr. Liang, I don't know what you mean, I ..."

"After Liang Zixiu was arrested, you called me and I recorded everything. And the details of the flow of funds in each account when you provided Liang Zixiu, the agreement you signed when you contacted Wang Chen secretly ... evidence There are so many, you thought that Wang Chen and Liang Zixiu were killed, and I ca n’t take you anymore? I wanted to move you too much, after all, your foundation is not here, and moving you is a waste of my resources, but now ... "He sneered, looked up at Liu Ye, reached forward, took out the white flowers on his chest, and threw them to the ground:" This thing, you don't deserve to wear it. Take your sister away, Liang Zixiu needs to be clean Get on the road. "

Liu Ye's expression changed, but he still pretended: "Mr. Liang, I'm calling you just to talk about business. I don't understand what you said later."

"No, you will understand, after you lose your house and go to prison."

Liu Ye frowned at the coldness in his eyes, finally no longer camouflaged, looked up at him deeply and said, "You are a good opponent and you are well prepared ... but you think you can bring it down I?"

"No, it's not just you." Liang Zhou approached him, looking like a clown: "Don't forget, your last name is Liu, the Liu family and you, you can't even run one."

Liu Yan's pupils shrank, and a look of fear came to Liang Zhou's gaze.

"Brother ... killed Wang Chen and Liang Zixiu ... what happened?" Liu Yufen gently pushed Liu Ye's hand holding her arm, wiped his swollen eyes, looked at him side by side, his eyes were full of unbelief.

Liu Ye turned back in an instant, and was a little annoyed in her heart. She turned and supported her shoulders, and Wen coaxed, "Yufen, it's not what you think."

"How is that?"

"I just, just ... That Liang Zixiu has hurt you, I'm just helping you out, you can understand, right?"

"So Zi Xiu really killed you? Is it you?"

"No, Yufen I ..."

"you shut up!"

She was still familiar with a gentle tone and a familiar face, but she only felt cold, and her brother who had always loved her had killed her favorite person ...

"Yufen?" Liu Yan frowned.

Pushing her hand away from her shoulders, she looked up and looked at him with red eyes, her lips trembling: "No wonder you have been too busy to see people in the past few months, no wonder Dad has always been fighting with you, he knows what you are going to do, right ? And Zi Xiu ... Zi Xiu ... "

She took a deep breath and pulled the corner of her mouth to reveal an ugly smile. "Brother, you want me to understand, well, I understand."

Liu Yan's brow dropped and a smile appeared: "I knew Yu Fen was the most ..."


"But I won't forgive you." She retracted her palms, shaking her hands to remove the white flowers on her chest and the black veil on her arms, and her tears fell: "I don't wear these things either."

Touching his stinging cheek, Liu Min turned his head and smiled softly at her: "Are you angry? Would you like to come again?"

"No." She shook her head, glanced at the direction of the cemetery, closed her eyes fiercely, turned her head to look at Liang Zhou, Mulu begged: "Let me talk to Yu Shulin, I just want to know what Zi Xi said at the end What are you doing, please ... "

"Don't ask him." Liu Yan frowned, pulling her arm: "Liang Zixiu was so scum, and in the last few months, he was facing the computer every day. He was crazy, so what would he say?"

"You let me go!" Liu Yufen screamed and shook his hands away, his emotions were on the verge of collapse: "He is bad, you have to avenge him, yes, but why did you kill him!"

Liu Ye looked at his hands that were thrown away, his face sinking, and his lips did not speak.

Liang Zhou watched their argument coldly, turned around to hold Yu Shulin, and whispered, "Let's go."

Yu Shulin grabbed him, shook his head, took two steps forward, took out the mp3 from his pocket, and shoved it into Liu Yufen's hand: "When I was arrested, I had a locator and recording equipment installed on my body. I took the audio guide Come out and put it here, what he said at the end, listen to it yourself. "The mini recording device was taken away by the police before, and only came back a few days ago. He exported the audio originally to be locked as evidence. Will be used here.

Liu Yufen shivered and clenched his mp3, and looked up at him: "Zi Xiu ... Is it painful to walk?"

"I don't know." He shook his head, paused, and added: "I think he loves you, he said, to grab Ronghua and Rongguang, and then marry you upright ... He thinks you can Make him happy. "

"Dignified ... Dignified ... He said he was going to marry me? He was going to marry me ... not for money, but just want to marry me ..." Liu Yufen clenched his mp3, finally crumbled and started crying on the ground.

The man she loves loves her too. That's enough.

"Let's go." Yu Shulin gave her a last look, took Liang Zhou's hand, turned around, and walked towards the car not far away.

Before getting on the car, Liang Zhou looked up and looked at Liu Ye who was crouching on the ground to comfort his sister. He lowered his eyes and got into the car. He looked at Yu Shulin, who was not emotional, and started the car.

Liu Ye, in a way, is also a poor man.

A few days ago, in the hospital ward.

The situation improved when Liang Zi sat on the hospital bed and stacked stars.

"Mr. Liang, a friend has come to see you," the police officer said as he opened the door.

He turned his head and looked at the person who entered the door, his expression moved, and he squeezed the star's hand and held it tightly: "Liu ... 壕 ......"

The man with a mild expression nodded and sat down beside the bed, asking with concern: "Are you better?"

Liang Zi shuddered and did not speak.

"Liang Zixiu, you see, you failed ..." He spoke softly, but said coldly: "Now Liang Zhou has begun to check on me. If something goes wrong, the Liu family will be over and the Liu family will be over. Wouldn't Yu Fen be taken care of? "

Liang Zixiu moved his fingers.

He pulled Liang Zixiu's hand, shoved a key into his hand, and smiled: "Wang Chen will drive through the health road in the south of the city at 11 noon today. Do you know what to do, eh?"

Liang Zixiu bowed his head, looked at the palm of his hand for a long time, and suddenly a strange smile appeared, and he grasped the key in his hand.

"Very well, Yu Fen will thank you." Liu Ye smiled with satisfaction, got up, picked up a paper star, and put it in his pocket: "This, I took it away, it's a parting gift you gave Yu Fen. "

Liu Ye left, and the ward was quiet.

Liang Zixiu was lying on the bed table, looking at the warm sun outside the window, smiling happily.

The weather is good today, it is a good day to bask in the sun.

Liang Jian was sitting in Liang Zixiu's room, holding a photo album dreamy.

"Why wouldn't even attend the funeral of his son?"

The cold female voice rang at the door. He turned his head and looked at Liu Yu, who was standing in the door with delicate makeup and neat makeup. His turbid eyes moved, and his voice was hoarse: "Cheesy ... woman ..."

"Thank you for the compliment." Liu Yu said coolly, looking at him as if he was ten years old, and showed a pleasant smile: "You are miserable at the end, I am happy."

Liang Jian was short of breath, and smashed the thick album in his hand hardly: "You get out! Vicious woman, get out!"

The album was a bit old, and it smashed to the ground, rolled a few times, and scattered.

She lowered her head and looked at an old photo that fell on her feet. She stared at it for a moment, bent down, picked it up, wiped off the dust from it, and whispered: "Liang Jian, I once really raised Zi Xiu as my son ... … It's all you do, it's your ambitions and lies that break up our home. "

"Liu Yu, I shouldn't have married you at the beginning!" Liang Jian looked at her fiercely.

"Indeed, you shouldn't marry me." She put the photo in her bag, her lips smirking gracefully: "Do you know why Yang Lin can escape your blockade and run back to China to destroy Zi Xiu's engagement banquet?"

She stepped closer and looked around the room that she hadn't been in for years. She chuckled her lips and said, "It's me. I helped her. She now has a lot of money and is happy abroad. You I can never get revenge on her. "

"You, you poisonous woman ..." Liang Jian looked at her in shock, her fingers trembling, and she was not very angry. "Zi Xiu treats you like a biological mother. After knowing her life, she tries her best to please you, for fear of you I hate him, you, you ... I thought it was Liang Zhou who helped Yang Lin, but it was you! Why did you treat him that way, it was his engagement party! "

The smile on her face disappeared, her eyes were a little empty, she turned to look at him, and asked softly, "Yeah, why? That child likes me so much, and he called me a mom." Liang Zixiu's room was empty, with furniture The furnishings are simple and completely different from the exquisitely decorated rooms of Liang Coco.

"Maybe the Liu family is too rich." She trimmed her hair, covered her suddenly red eyes, fiddled with the bracelet on her wrist, looked around at this simple room, and turned towards the door. "Liang Jian, goodbye, no , I will never see you again in this life. "

"Go! Poison woman! Bitch! You go!"

"Oh, right." Holding the doorknob, she stopped suddenly, turned her back to Liang Jian, and whispered, "Liang Jian, congratulations, you lost again, you lost to Liang Chi, and your son, also Lost to Liang Chi's son. "

"You, cheap ... people ..." Liang Jian's pupils shrank, staring at her back, standing up and taking the first two steps, suddenly stopped, shortness of breath, flushed face, shaking like sieve: "I, I did not Lose ... I can still ... I'm not willing, no ... willing ... "

The door was closed, Liu Yu quickly left this villa that has been living in a cage for more than ten years, sat in the car, lay on the steering wheel, pulled out the old photo in the bag, and touched the tiger-headed child above it. Can't hide his emotions.

"Zixiu ... Mum is here to take you home ..."

The wind was blowing gently, as if to calm the soul who was about to dissipate.

Liang Jian had a stroke, but because he didn't find it in time, he could only spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair.

Half a month later, Ronghua's brand was taken off. This entertainment company with only empty shells failed to escape the fate of bankruptcy.

After all subsequent treatments, Liang Zhou took He Long and Ling Chun and flew to the city where Liu's hometown was.

A month later, Liu's enterprise was investigated for tax evasion, and Liu Jiashao's family, Liu Yan, was arrested by public security organs for suspecting Liang Zixiu and house arrest.

Which company has no black history? What's more, the local rich company that suddenly became rich like the Liu family, as long as it gave Ling Chun a chance to check the accounts, he could pry out all the shady things of the Liu family.

"You will only think of my friend when you can use me." Ling Chun's eyes were dark and dead.

"Come on, let you sleep for three days and three nights." Liang Zhou promised with conscience.

Ling Chun pointed his middle finger: "You'd better prepare me a reward that can't be counted for three days and three nights, otherwise I'll send a small movie to Xiaoyu and encourage him to do the above."

Liang Zhou's face turned black.

Although Ling Chun is occasionally unreliable, his efficiency is fast.

Tax evasion, contract scams, collusion bidding ... I don't know if I check, I'm shocked by the check, Ling Chun is excited, hey, this Liu's account is hilarious.

After solving the big head, Liang Zhou began to focus on Liu Ye.

Simple house arrest is not a heavy sentence, but if it hurts people ... it's just that Liu Xun is too **** Liang Zixiu, and he has forced a good young man into a neurosis, and the mental injury is not hurt.

Although he couldn't live a life, Liu Xie's second half of his life was destined to spend in prison.

Before returning to city B, Liang Zhou went to see Liu Ye once. The two did not know what outsiders were talking about. They only knew that after that conversation, Liu Ye, who had never pleaded guilty, suddenly confessed to the facts of the crime and confessed his guilt quickly.

On the plane back, Ling Chun poked at Liang Zhou, and asked tiredly, "What did you tell Liu Ye?"

"It's nothing." Liang Zhou flipped the page, and said lightly: "I just promised him to help him take Liu Yufen out of this incident and send him abroad."

"Liu Yufen?" Ling Chun said: "The woman was not involved in the Liu family's business. She was well protected by the Liu family."

"Care is chaotic." He covered the magazine and began to close his eyes.

If one day he went to jail after committing an accident, someone would stab him with the security and future of sparse forest, let alone a company, even if he wanted to spend his whole life in prison willingly, he would be willing.

Comparing his heart to his heart, he can understand Liu Ye's thoughts, but sympathize with Liu Yufen. 2k novel reading network

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