MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 71 Escort

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Liang Zhou looked at him, and never concealed his disgust: "On that day, I knew that I was not Liang Chi's son, and that I knew you were my biological father."

Yan Wei shook her hand, opened her mouth to say something, and closed her face again, her face shaking and her expression distorted. He was confused for a moment, and his flustered instinct denied: "No, it won't. When I checked the situation, Qingya was clearly, already ... you passed out."

"I fainted. It was a pretense. My mother raised her hand and covered my eyes before she lost her breath, so I don't want to see the picture of her dying." Liang Zhou closed her eyes and opened them again. Restoring calm: "Mr. Yan, that ’s why I said we did n’t need to meet again." Although he promised his mother not to take revenge, the scene was vividly remembered, and the father-son relationship was back in the accident. Broken clean. He can force himself to ignore it, but he can never forgive.

Yan Wei involuntarily recalled the picture when he saw Liang Zhou in the hospital after the accident. At that time, under the guilty confusion of his own heart, when he saw the child, he hugged him tightly, and kept asking him whether he was in pain or not. How did Liang Zhou answer?

"I'm not afraid, bad people will have retribution. Mom looks at them in the sky." The little child expressionless, and patted the man's shoulder in front of him: "Do you know? Mom all looked at it, she saw it all. "

A guilty man pushes the child away like an electric shock and slams: "What are you talking about, no matter how little a child looks! It's a ghost, it's a wild man, and it's annoying at first sight."

The child was pushed to the ground, the wooden figure looked at him, then slowly lowered his eyes, and he got up and sat on the bench in the hallway, his eyes were empty, "Uncle, you hate it too."

It's annoying ... Yan Wei's memory suddenly cleared up, Yan Wei looked up to see Liang Zhou, looked into his dark and indifferent eyes, his hands shook, and suddenly he looked away timidly, got up and rushed out of the conference room.

Retribution, this is all retribution.

"Uncle!" Yan Kaiwen got up to chase, glanced at Liang Zhou, and sat down hesitantly again: "That, Liang Zhou, you just said ..."

Liang Zhou's eyes narrowed: "You don't believe it?"

"No, no, I believe." Yan Kaiwen said with a shake of his hands, his lips moved, and he suddenly bowed deeply at him: "Although I shouldn't say that, but ... I'm sorry for the events of that year."

Liang Zhou leaned sideways, letting this great gift begin, and began to turn over the documents on the coffee table: "This matter has nothing to do with you, let's discuss cooperation. We chose the address of the first batch of holiday villas, and then Rongguang will build an entertainment city nearby , I plan to set up another plot of land and build a comprehensive leisure place. What's your suggestion? "

"Will you still cooperate with us?" Yan Kaiwen's eyes were complicated.

Liang Zhou looked up at him, sat straight, covered the documents, and looked at him with a chest in his arms: "Why don't you want to make money? If you don't talk about business, if you don't talk, Shu Lin is waiting for me at home for dinner."

"I talk, I talk." Yan Kaiwen was busy withdrawing his mind, forcing himself to focus on business.

Yu Shulin covered her head and rolled on the bed, angry. His head hurts ... After having that messy dream, his head has been groggy and painful.

Liang Zhou frowned, pulled him to the bed, hugged him into his arms, and rubbed his forehead: "Does it hurt? Should we go to the hospital?"

"No." He shook his head stubbornly, buried his face between Liang Zhou's neck, smelled the familiar breath on his body, and felt relieved. He explained: "I just sleep too much and have been dreaming in a mess. If you have a headache, it is useless to go to the hospital. "

"But how do you rest when it hurts so much?" Liang Zhou was still worried, touching his hair.

"Brother, do you hold me to sleep." He hugs him with a smile and secretly touches his abs: "Brother you hold me to sleep, I feel safe!"

"Don't make a fool." Liang Zhou grabbed his hand, eased his expression, hugged him to bed, and patted his back: "Sleep, I'll guard you."

He closed his eyes, hugged the people around him, and said vaguely, "Okay ... brother, you are not allowed to leave."

"Don't go, stay with you."

The room was very quiet, so quiet that he could hear the breathing of the other person. He buried his face in the pillow and suddenly wanted to cry. Such an excellent person actually likes himself ... It's a pity that in the last life, he had never even seen this person before, and he died with regret.

This sleep was a real peace of mind. He never dreamed of it. After closing his eyes, he felt dawn.

When he woke up the next day, he just felt refreshed and refreshed. Shaking his head, the drowsiness that bothered him all day has disappeared. He got out of bed and took out the exercise book to open it. He brushed a question, looked at the time, nodded, very well, and the speed of the problem was still so powerful!

Thank God for letting him be born again. Destiny is such a great man!

"Why don't you stand on the floor without shoes? Your head hurts?" Liang Zhou pushed in the door and saw him, frowning.

"It doesn't hurt anymore!" Yu Shulin pounced on him with a smile, sticking to him: "Brother, the rest time is precious, let's go and sweat the youth today!"

"Doesn't it hurt?" Liang Zhou's anxiety eased a little, and he hugged him, hugged the person to the bed and sat down: "Where do you want to play?"

Yu Shulin frowned and thought, and he had an idea: "Brother, let's play tennis!"

Liang Zhou smiled and kissed him, "Okay, you."

Tennis hall.

Yu Shulin sat down on the ground with a lot of sweat, and patted: "I won't play anymore, my arm is sore." After that, he didn't expect that tennis would be so physically demanding. He knew he would go to play badminton.

Liang Zhou discarded the ball in his hand, came over with the racket, and touched his wet head: "That's tiring? Who said it would take a full day."

Look at Liang Zhou who is **** after sweating, and look at herself like a hairless quail after sweating. Yu Shulin is angry and angry: "No more tennis, let's go to the sauna! Anyway, steam the sauna Sweating too! "

Liang Zhou petted him, smiled, and pulled him up: "Okay, let's go to the sauna."

After high tea in the sauna.

Yu Shulin looked at Liang Zhou's exposed chest muscles and abs muscles with jealousy, and then squeezed his dry arms and legs, and continued to be angry: "Is it steaming enough? I'm going to buy things! I want to spend your money ! "

Liang Zhou smiled, took the bathrobe, put it on, and pulled him over: "Okay, what do you want? I'll buy it for you."

Oh my god, Yu Shulin covered his face-how could my brother be so handsome!

After shopping in the mall, having dinner and watching a movie, the two finally returned home.

After taking a bath, Liang Zhou entered Yu Shulin's room, pressed him under him, and lifted his clothes.

"No, don't!" Yu Shulin struggled.

"Oh, obediently, I'll help you stretch your muscles and loosen your muscles, otherwise you should get up all over again tomorrow." Liang Zhou held him down, his actions were very strong, but his tone was very gentle.

"Hey-lightly, it hurts!" Yu Shulin turned like a dead fish and was angry again: "I must build a muscle and suppress you with force!"

Liang Zhou nodded: "Okay, your health is really bad. After the college entrance examination, I will make a training plan for you."


After kneading, Yu Shulin lay softly on the bed, pretending to be dead.

Liang Zhou squeezed his nose funny, covered him with a quilt, and whispered, "Sleepy?"

Yu Shulin turned away and ignored him.

"Angry, huh?" He lowered his head, kissed his neck, and breathed warmly into his skin, with a gentle taste: "Don't be angry, okay? Not next time."

Yu Shulin twisted his neck and hummed twice, it was an answer.

Liang Zhou laughed softly, rubbed his hair, and stood up. "Get some sleep, good night."

After the door was closed, Yu Shulin turned over, looked at the door and slammed for a while, then wrapped herself in a quilt-good night good night good night, annoying, you know good night!

... now I want to stick to each other's self more and more every day, so annoying! Hate Hate Hate!

After the irritability, he lifted the quilt vigorously, got up, and rushed into Liang Zhoufang angrily.

Liang Zhou was changing pajamas and was surprised to see him come in. "What's wrong? Can't sleep?"

Yu Shulin didn't answer, walked over and pulled him to the bed, pushed it down, pressed it up, hugged, closed his eyes, "I want to sleep like this!"

Liang Zhou froze, raised his hand and hugged him, squinted and smiled, "Are you troublesome with yourself?"

Yu Shulin didn't speak and hugged him tighter.

"What's wrong? You've been a little bit emotional for the past two days." Liang Zhou touched his hair, turned over, hugged him on his side, covered the two with a quilt, and kissed his ears. "I'll just ... …Ok?"

Yu Shulin was shaken by his kisses, his face rolled back, and he raised his hands to cover his eyes. "Brother ... don't look at me with the eyes of strangers."

"Sparse forest?" Liang Zhou was a little puzzled. "Of course I won't look at you like that."

This person is right next to him. He likes himself, and he likes him too ... Yu Shulin relaxed a little, put down his hand, buried himself in his arms, and muttered in a low voice, "This is what you said, don't change it ... Alright, sleep! "

"What happened to you, Shulin?"

"Sleep! No talking."

Liang Zhou helplessly hugs him and kisses his head, "Sparse forest, you know, I like you ... I love you."

He moved, buried deeper in his arms, his voice was almost inaudible, "I know ... Me too."

After a two-day break, the students were really energized and the classroom atmosphere was a lot more lively. The teachers were very pleased.

After the math class, Yu Shulin and Li Tao were called to the office by the teacher.

"Mr. Gao, is there anything wrong?"

"Sit down." Teacher Gao looked serious and pointed to the stool aside.

The two sat obediently.

"That's it." Teacher Gao drooled, frowned, and said, "Our school will have several places to send to the university every year. Your results in the citywide joint entrance exam last year were very good. The school liked you very much. , The range of majors and schools is not so wide, this matter ... you think about it. "

Escort? Yu Shulin froze and shook his head: "Teacher, I don't need to escort."

Li Tao glanced at him and shook his head: "I take the test myself."

"Thinking?" Teacher Gao looked at them both back and forth and sighed, "I took you almost three years and knew your strength. In fact, I personally recommend that you take the college entrance examination. Your grades are stable, The mentality has also been good, and the escorts have somewhat limited your development direction. There are quite a few students in the class who are eligible for escorts. Compared to various competition awards on them, you two have been immersed in your studies and have fewer chips than them. There are also some of them who are always unstable in exams ... The school likes you very much, you ... think again. "

Teacher Gao was a little confused, but Yu Shulin understood. It seems that Teacher Gao actually wants to give the place to other students in the class with good grades, but the students who have some instability, but the school prefers themselves and Li Tao. In this contradiction, what to do in the end depends on their wishes Already.

Thinking of the college entrance examination that I missed in my life, he shook his head and said seriously: "Mister Gao, no need to think about it, I have to take the exam myself."

Li Tao also answered the same question.

Teacher Gao looked at them, raised his hands, touched their heads, and sighed: "This is my own selfishness, you are good children, well, go back and review."

Yu Shulin smiled.

After the second lesson in the afternoon, Teacher Gao called the other two students in the class to go to the office.

Within a few days, the list of escorted students in the experimental class came down one after another, and the two students who were called to the office by Teacher Gao were indeed on it.

The students in the experimental class are all strong and confident children. They will not be jealous of the students being escorted, but they will laugh at them for being released in advance and ask them to treat them to dinner.

The escorted students quickly agreed, and the crowd began to discuss the meeting place within a short while.

Li Tao glanced at them and lay on the table: "Noisy."

Yu Shulin followed him and smiled: "They are happy."


Time was flowing unknowingly during the intense review.

After school, Yu Shulin hung up the phone and started to tidy up the homework test paper: "Li Tao, I won't go with you today, sorry."

Li Tao lifted his backpack and looked at him: "Your brother is back on a business trip?"

"Yes." Yu Shulin smiled, looked up, and put on his backpack, and ran: "I asked him to buy a special product and bring it back for you to taste tomorrow. I'll go first. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." He waved his hand and watched him go away, eyes down, frowning slightly.

Pushing the bicycle out of the school gate, Yu Shulin stepped up with a smile and rode in the direction of home.

Yan Wei looked at his back in the car and waved his hand: "Follow up and find an opportunity to pull him into the car."

"Yes." The driver and bodyguards responded respectfully.

After turning to the road leading to the villa area, Yu Shulin was about to speed up, and suddenly drove out of a car behind him. He passed by and braked in front of him.

He got off the bike, frowning at the two men in black coming down from the car, and touched his hand to the mobile phone in his pocket, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

"The boss wants to talk to you, please." One of the bodyguards spoke in unfamiliar Chinese, holding his shoulders sharply as he approached, and the other bodyguard held his bare leg, Quickly restrained his lower body, the two joined forces and threw him into the car.

Sure enough, his three-legged cat effort has no resistance against real professional thugs. He was defamatory, climbed up from his seat and sat down, looking at Yan Wei in the front seat: "Mr. Yan, you have so much trouble to invite me, is it okay?" The accent of the bodyguard was too revealing.

"Drive." Yan Wei looked at the front, and said lightly: "Relax, I just want to talk to you, it won't hurt you."

Yu Shulin raised an eyebrow, pulled out his phone in front of him, and called Liang Zhou. Liang Zhou had previously instructed that after knowing the relationship between the two of them, Yan Wei would surely find it ... but I never thought it would take so long to find it.

Yan Wei saw his movements in the rearview mirror, his eyebrows beating, and he did not stop.

Briefly explain the situation after hanging up the phone, he glanced at Yan Wei in doubt, and looked down ... he didn't really prevent himself from ventilating and reporting ... Does this guy really just want to talk to himself?

It turned out that he was still too naive.

——Yan Wei actually asked the driver to drive around the city b to play around! What's the matter of his airy report? How can Liang Zhou find someone when he is moving?

Hell, he should put on the belt with the positioner.

When passing by a gas station to refuel, the two bodyguards sitting next to Yu Shulin didn't come up again after getting off the bus. Yan Wei got up from the co-pilot and sat beside Yu Shulin.

The car restarted, and Yan Wei finally spoke.

"Yu Shulin." He turned to look at him with a serious expression: "Can you leave Zhouzhou?"

Yu Shulin glanced at him with the look of neuropathy and shook his head: "No."

"I can give you money."

"Brother's money is my money, and I don't lack money to spend."

Thinking of Liang Zhou sending the glory without hesitation, Yan Wei froze and changed the words: "Then I help you to go through the admissions procedures of the best university abroad, choose the majors, do you not like to study? I will send you a The best education in the world. "

"I can take the exam by myself." Yu Shulin felt that Yan Wei had a pit in his head: "And I don't like foreign countries, I speak bird language everywhere, I don't understand."

"... Do I like beauty?"

"Have you finished the second phase?" Yu Shulin rolled his eyes politely: "My brother is beautiful enough, thank you."

The child was really annoying, Yan Weimo took a mouthful of old blood, and for a long time, retorted: "Zhouzhou is handsome."

"..." neuropathy.

Half an hour later, Yan Wei said again, "You really can't leave Zhouzhou?"

"So, are you already thinking about how to make me disappear silently?" Yu Shulin looked at him lightly: "Mr. Yan, your purpose of coming to city b is to recognize your brother, right, but after you return, All the things he did are pushing him farther away from you, would n’t you reflect on yourself? My brother even accepted Yan Kaiwen, but your dad did n’t even want to see him. , Have you thought about the reason? "

Yan Wei closed her eyes, remembering the conversation in the conference room that day, sighed, and fell into the back of the chair exhausted. After the conversation that day, he went back to think a lot, emotionally, profitably, from various positions ... He couldn't move the child, he couldn't use tough means, he couldn't do anything.

These days he repeatedly thought of the car accident that year, and his elegant face floated in his head, crying, resentment, begging, indifference ... it was her, but she was not familiar with her in memory.

He has never been a good person, but now ... he has been restrained, and occasionally he wants to be a little conscience once and be a bad guy who is not so hated.

"Yu Shulin," he said dumbly, looking down at the palm of his hand: "... I can interfere with your affairs with Zhouzhou. If you are willing to be together, just be together."

Yu Shulin finally looked at him, with a look in his eyes: "What do you want to do?"

"I can't just watch Zhouzhou Jiuhou." He turned his head, his pride was no longer in his eyes, his tone was low, and he asked faintly, "Can you ... can you persuade Zhouzhou to have a child?" It doesn't matter if you do n’t want to raise it. I ’ll help him raise it. This request is not excessive. As long as you speak, he will definitely agree. ”

This is the look of a father, not the face of the noble host of the Yan family, who has great self-esteem. Yu Shulin's expression eased, but he still shook his head: "Sorry, I can't, unless he wants to, I will never ask him to do such a thing."

"Why?" The expectation in Yan Wei's eyes faded, and he scratched his hair a little irritably, and suddenly became angry: "Why! I really want to recognize his son, and I really want to leave him a descendant. Why? My Yan Wei though Not a good person, but never have a bad heart for their children! "

"Is the offspring so important?" Yu Shulin calmly asked: "More important than the will of your own son? You tried hard to recognise him regardless of his wishes. For him, this is bad intentions; you hurt it. The people around him are malicious to him, don't you understand? "

"You disturb his life, he will only hate you more and more."

The word "hate" stimulated Yan Wei's sensitive nerves. He clenched his palms, calmed down, and stopped speaking.

"You have a daughter, I heard Yan Kaiwen said, it seems that she is not doing well at the Yan family?" Yu Shulin looked at him side by side and asked seriously: "You left her at the Yan family, run here Fighting for one that doesn't require your son, aren't you afraid to lose her again? "

Yan Wei was lost, lost babe? How come, hasn't Bebe stayed at home obediently? And Beibei never said that he was having a bad time at home ...

"Boss, there are a few cars following us." The driver said suddenly.

Yan Wei frowned and asked hurriedly, "Kevin said that Beibei had a bad time at the Yan family?"

"You can confirm for yourself whether your daughter is having a good time with the Yan family." Yu Shulin took out her mobile phone and shook it, "Mr. Yan, the day tour in city b is over."

Yan Wei looked at him with complex eyes and waved his hand slightly to let the driver stop, sorted out the image, and looked into the rearview mirror: "Yu Shulin, have I said that a child like you is annoying."

"What a coincidence." Yu Shulin raised an eyebrow. "I just think that an uncle like you is very suspected."

Looking back on each other.

"Zhouzhou's vision is really poor."

"No way. Some of his genes are really crap."

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