MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 74 Before the test

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Anyway, Liang Zhou was finally willing to return to the company to work, but only passed in the morning every morning, still stubborn in the hospital in the afternoon, staring at Li Tao and Yu Shulin to review.

Because they couldn't write, the focus of the review was on the review of important knowledge points, one question and one answer, and when there were different opinions, they had a friendly discussion and cooperated very well.

"The second mock exam is over. Do you want to look at the test papers? This time the physics papers are a bit difficult." Li Tao asked for a set of papers from his backpack.

"Show me the physics." Yu Shulin nodded.

Li Tao pulled out the physics paper and held it in front of him to show him, saying, "The previous choice is okay. The difficult part is the analytical question."

Yu Shulin frowned and looked at the subject, and suddenly smiled: "Is it difficult for you to get a perfect score?"

"Um." Li Tao put down the test paper and suddenly raised his hand to bang Yu Shulin's bangs. He still had no expression, but his tone was subtle and gentle: "You can get full marks for this question ... Hair grows . "

"Really?" Yu Shulin rolled his eyes to look at his bangs, and smiled helplessly: "You can't cut it on the bed, don't look at the bangs so long in the front. The hair on my back can be short. It's shaved, it's ugly. "

"You're not ugly." Li Tao shook his head and reached out to touch his back of the head, his mouth slightly tilted: "It's really short, stick hands."

"Well, don't touch it. The wound has just been removed, itching." Yu Shulin did not expect that he would suddenly make such an intimate move, hesitated, and smiled away.

Li Tao's hand paused and he closed it back. He turned his head slightly, looked at his tied right hand, and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Yu Shulin also looked at his right hand and replied: "When I woke up, I didn't know that my right hand was broken, and I didn't feel any pain ... As for now, it's okay, it has slowly healed, that is, a long wound It was a bit itchy and I couldn't scratch it. "

"Tend more." Li Tao glanced at him, suddenly reached out, grabbed his exposed right hand, squeezed it, "Are you aware?"

Yu Shulin's fingers moved conditionedly and smiled. "Of course there is. I'm not disabled anymore. By the way, when you go back, say something to me and Wang Zhi. I'm fine, so he doesn't worry."

"Um." Li Tao nodded, looked into his eyes, and remained silent for a while, then suddenly said seriously, "Shu Lin, don't die."

Li Tao rarely called his name, let alone in such a serious tone, he froze, raised his eyes into the dark eyes where he always had no emotion, and smiled mildly, "Of course, I want to live a hundred years. people."

"You said, you must live a hundred years." Li Tao reached out his hand.

Yu Shulin raised his hand back to shake, shook his lips, hooked his lips, "Of course."

Liang Zhou, who had been watching, turned black, got up and put down the documents in his hand, walked over and inserted the conversation between the two, first stroking Yu Shulin's bangs, then stuffing his retrieved hands into the quilt, he asked warmly : "Reviewed for a while, take a break, thirsty?"

"Have you finished processing your files?" He asked.

"Nearly, let's take a break together, eh?"

Yu Shulin nodded and looked at Li Tao: "Let's wait and see the paper again. What do you drink? I have all kinds of juices."

Li Tao turned his head to the sight of Shang Liangzhou, dropped his eyes, opened his head slightly, and replied, "I'll just drink the same as you."

"Then two glasses of orange juice." Yu Shulin looked at Liang Zhou.

Liang Zhou took a deep look at Li Tao, got up and went to the small table and poured two glasses of juice over. One glass was given to Li Tao. The other glass was inserted into a straw and placed next to Yu Shulin's mouth. He asked casually: "You Come to the hospital to help Shulin review, did the teacher and parents agree? "

Li Tao took a sip of juice and replied calmly: "I applied for review at home, the teacher approved it, and my parents agreed. Just staying at school just doing a few more sets of papers, it makes no difference. It ’s the same when I go home. "

"Can you apply for review at home?" Yu Shulin stared. "Mr. Gao would agree?"

Li Tao turned to look at him, his eyes warmed: "I have good grades, of course the teacher has no opinion."

It turned out to be the privilege of a top student. Yu Shulin nodded and sighed, "I don't know if you can take such an intensive exam one month before the college entrance examination."

"Don't worry." Li Tao put down the juice and started to clean up the test paper, explaining: "Mr. Gao said that he only took the test three times, and the last week will let everyone relax, and there will be a few days off before the college entrance examination.

"That's good." Yu Shulin was relieved, and asked with a smile, "Is this a review at home? And accompany reading, I'm a senior treatment, but it bothers you."

Li Tao was infected by his smile, and a slight smile appeared on his face, saying, "No trouble, it is better to accompany you to review than in school."

"That's good."

The two chatted again, and Liang Zhou sat looking at them with deep eyes.

The next day, Li Tao came on time again.

At the end of the kiss, Liang Zhou calmly got up, touched the corner of Yu Shulin's mouth, and turned to look at Li Tao who was coming in the door. It was calm and strange: "Here? I'll go and cut fruit for you."

Yu Shulin glanced sideways at Li Tao who hadn't come in at the door, her face was a little red, and she poked Liang Zhou, who messed with her relatives anytime, anywhere, 108 times, embarrassingly, "Li Tao, you are here, my brother Well, that's what you see ... "Sooner or later, the friends of his relationship with his brother must know, now that you have been seen, then frankly admit it ... No, I still feel a little embarrassed.

In fact, he always felt that with the acuity of Li Tao, the little ninety-nine between him and his brother might have been discovered by others.

"I know." Li Tao's gaze swept between the two, bowed his head, walked to the bed and sat down, carefully traced Yu Shulin's face, leaned forward, bent down and bowed his head, and a dragonfly put water on his mouth. Just kissed, got up, raised his hand and touched his hair: "You are with your brother, I know ... And, I like you for a long time."

Yu Shulin was stupid.

Liang Zhou stood behind Li Tao with the fruit in his hand. The fruit knife in his hand was so cold that he asked lowly, "What did you do to the forest?"

"I'm confessing." Li Tao ignored his hostility and threats completely, put down his backpack, and dig out the textbooks: "Review, let's memorize the words again today."

Liang Zhou stepped forward, "You ..."

"Brother, put down the knife, calm." Yu Shulin hastily stopped Liang Zhou's dangerous movement, turned his head and stared at Li Tao for a long time, hesitantly said: "Li Tao, when are you ..."

"I don't know, but like it just like it." Li Tao put down the textbook without any fear of Liang Zhou holding the knife behind him, looked at Yu Shulin calmly, pointed at Liang Zhou, and asked, "Do you like him? And Are you happy with him? "

Probably Li Tao's gesture was too calm and calm, Yu Shulin's embarrassment gradually disappeared, calmed down, glanced at Liang Zhou, and nodded: "Well, I like it, very happy."

The expected answer, so ... nothing bad. He lowered his eyes, covering the emotions in his eyes, tightening his hands slightly, then quickly loosening his head, nodding: "I understand, review."

"Thank you for your thoughts." Yu Shulin was at a loss.

"... Review it." Li Tao didn't look at him, opened the textbook, and picked up the pen: "On the day I liked you, I was ready for failure. The chance of a crush on success is very low, and the chance of a first love lasting is even more. Low, instead of being persistent, it is better to step back and be friends for a long time. "He said, maybe he was talking to Yu Shulin, maybe he was persuading himself ... Actually, he understood this point long ago, so He has been inactive and speechless, just be able to be friends ... With the confession and stolen kiss just now, his first love ... can be considered a success.

There were too many things to ask for, and he had learned to take a step back.

Liang Zhou lowered the fruit knife, placed the fruit tray on the bedside table, took a look at Li Tao, retreated to the sofa, and continued to look at the documents.

Yu Shulin glanced at Liang Zhou, looked at Li Tao, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say. He really didn't think Li Tao would ... Although Li Tao's temper is not very good, as a friend, he is still very good, but now ...

"Don't say anything." Li Tao raised his eyes, met his gaze, shook his head, and whispered, "Review ... it's about half a month for the college entrance examination ... it will be fine."

Yu Shulin was silent for a long time, and finally smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's review."

After the quiet and unusual review, Li Tao finished packing and left in silence. When he came to the door, he suddenly stopped and turned his back to Yu Shulin. "I need time ... I won't come tomorrow ... The day after tomorrow, I will be the day after tomorrow Come again. "

Yu Shulin looked at his back and nodded, "OK."

Li Tao held his backpack tightly, opened the door, and strode away without turning back.

Liang Zhou lowered the file and sat next to Yu Shulin, holding his hand, Wen Wen asked: "What are you thinking?"

"I miss Li Tao." He sighed, raised his eyes, held his hand back, and suddenly laughed. "If you didn't, I might try to have a love relationship with Li Tao. Well, I feel that it would be very nice to be with him. Looks good, although he doesn't have a good temper, but if you think about it, his temper doesn't seem to be too bad. "

Liang Zhou was blackened and gave him a stern blow, threatening: "Dare you."

He smiled and avoided, shaking his head: "Don't dare, I just think about it."

"Don't think about it." Liang Zhou held his face, leaned closer, his face sinking like water: "It seems that I've been so petting you lately, I won't take it anymore, maybe one day you will be kidnapped. "

He grinned loudly, stretched out his intact left hand to pinch his face, and said, "Funny, vinegar jar."

The two were laughing and the ward door was suddenly opened.

"Well, you two pay attention, this is still in the hospital." Ling Chun walked in disgustedly, and threw a document to Liang Zhou: "The case was sentenced, both were indefinite, Liang Jian suffered a second stroke, it is estimated You won't be able to live in prison for long. "

Liang Zhou got up and flipped through the documents, his expression indifferent: "It doesn't matter to me whether he is dead or alive."

"Look at you like this, don't think about it." Ling Chun shook his head, dragged a chair and sat down, sighing: "This Liang Jian is also stupid, is it not good for someone to provide for the elderly? It's going to die. Now it's OK, twice A stroke is still a prisoner. If you don't help him, he can only hang on to his life and enjoy the rest of his life in prison. "

Liang Zhou frowned.

Yu Shulin shook his hand comfortably.

Seeing Liang Zhou's expression was not right, Ling Chun decisively shifted the subject, looking at Yu Shulin, smiling and saying, "If you don't die, there will be blessings. Xiaoyu, your mother's makeup box can lock good things." With that said, he took a key from his pocket and lost it. "There are three layers in the box, two of which are for cosmetics and tools, and the remaining one, oh, all jewelry, are not cheap. It has been enough for you to spend money for many years. I helped you find a box and put it in the bank safe. That is the key. "

"I put the jewelry, I thought it was just an old makeup case that my mother didn't want." Yu Shulin remembered that there was still a makeup case, and then he stunned. The jewellery left behind ... who to wear it to?

"I'll put it away for you." Liang Zhou put away the key and said, "Whatever is left by your mother, leave it, it's okay to go and see."

Yu Shulin nodded.

Ling Chun watched the two getting along, raised her hands to support her face, and asked, "I said, are you successful out of the closet? What do they say, old lady and old lady?"

Yu Shulin froze, thinking of the Zhou family who often came to visit and told his brother to take good care of his grandfather and grandmother, a little embarrassed ... From the attitude of the Zhou family, it should be considered a success.

Unlike Yu Shulin's uncertainty, Liang Zhou nodded decisively, affirming: "Well, it succeeded."

Ling Chun whistled, "Sure enough, there is a blessing. The family members are the saddest. How long have you been here before?"

Yu Shulin looked at Liang Zhou, "Grandpa also ..."

"Agree." Liang Zhou nodded and gave a positive answer. "When you were unconscious, my grandfather asked me to talk to me once. It's okay. The two uncles already knew our relationship. Let's go and sit with grandpa. "

"Good." Yu Shulin's heart fell to the ground and nodded hard.

"I'll figure it out." Ling Chun pulled out her phone and flipped it, suddenly a thief smiled and looked at Yu Shulin: "Xiao Yu, you will be eighteen years old in September this year."

"Yes." Yu Shulin nodded honestly, Liang Zhou's face began to turn black.

Ling Chun winked at him and asked, "Do you need teaching materials? Now you are in love with each other, and you have met your parents again ... Your brother has been stunned for many years, and he has no experience. It is estimated that the technology, sigh."

Yu Shulin was silly for a while before reflecting on what he meant by the textbook, and his face gradually turned red. As a good student who concentrates on his studies, he is still a little boy or something ... uh, he really hasn't seen it ...

Liang Zhou got up directly to drop off the guests, stiffly: "Sparse forest is going to rest, you go quickly."

Ling Chun raised her eyebrows and remained motionless: "Everyone is an adult. It is not good to be angry or angry."

"The company's accounts have been messed up recently and need to ..."

"Okay, don't mention the accounts, I'll go, I'll go." Ling Chun poked his lips and squeezed his eyes to Yu Shulin for a while, and walked slowly.

Quiet in the ward, Liang Zhou's face was still very dark.

Yu Shulin glanced up and down at Liang Zhou's very well-built figure, squinting: "Brother, let's make a good agreement with each other, for the first time ... I'll come?"

Liang Zhou's face was completely dark.

The day of injury was over in a blink of an eye. A few days before the college entrance examination, Yu Shulin got up, put on a stand, and walked out of bed with the help of a doctor.

He recovered well, and it was not too strenuous to move around. With the help of a stent, his spine could stay upright, and there should be no problem with the exam. The splint on his right arm was also removed. To be on the safe side, he slowed down writing a bit when he resumed practice.

Liang Zhou left the company's affairs again and made a shopkeeper. Tiantianwo accompany Yu Shulin in the hospital to do recovery exercises. The intimate and meticulous energy is almost twenty-four filial piety to his boyfriend.

The Zhou family, who gradually accepted the relationship between the two, expressed that they could not stand it. The grandson / nephew / cousin / cousin who had been silent and did not love to express his feelings fell in love with him completely like a person, terrible.

In this regard, Yu Shulin was somewhat ashamed and embarrassed, but fortunately, the Zhou family's attitude towards him was as before, and even more enthusiastic and caring than before, which reduced his embarrassment a lot.

The only exception is Zhou He.

Holding the ice cream, the boat and tangled looked at Yu Shulin, who was walking around wearing a scaffold, with a distorted expression, "Sparse forest ... no, watch, ... no, no, no, watch, watch ... heaven Now! What the **** should I call you! "

"Quiet, this is a hospital." Liang Zhou lowered the cut fruit, raised his hand and knocked on the boat and his forehead, walked over to help the sparse forest, and asked, "Tired? Tired? Let's rest for a while, then we will leave later. I rub your shoulders for you. "

"It's okay, I just walked for a while." Yu Shulin shook her head, looked at Zhou He, and smiled: "Of course it was calling me to clear the forest, don't think about it, how did we get along before, how can we get along now, ok?"

Liang Zhouyi glanced at the boat, and froze coldly, "The ice cream is going to melt and eat it." After that, he helped Yu Shulin sit down beside the bed, pulled the fruit tray, and asked gently, "Which one do you want to eat?"

Zhou Hezuo put it down, put down the ice cream, and covered his face, "You guys ... I have a toothache."

Liang Zhou glared at him, "Itchy skin?"

Zhou He quickly shook her head and looked at Yu Shulin, "You are my cousin now ... uh, it doesn't matter! My cousin bullies me, you don't care!"

"Pipe." Yu Shulin smiled and nodded, reaching out to push Liang Zhou, "Don't frighten the boat, and it's ok, I'm thirsty, I need to drink water."

Liang Zhou looked at him helplessly, got up and poured water.

"It's so obedient ..." Zhou He was stunned, then gave thumbs up to Yu Shulin, "You coward, I recognize!"

Yu Shulin laughed loudly.

On the day of the college entrance examination, Yu Shulin repeatedly checked his ID card and admission ticket. After ensuring that everything was carried, he accompanied Liang Zhou to the examination room.

Zhou He had arrived early, and he was walking around nervously. When he saw Yu Shulin coming over, he immediately rushed over like a savior, howling: "Shu Lin, come and bless me to play well!"

Liang Zhou kicked him away, blackened his face: "Don't hit him."

Yu Shulin greeted with a smile, pointing to the support on her body, and said, "The situation is compelled, and you will not accept your warm hug. Just test it with your heart. The more nervous you are, the easier it is to make mistakes."

Zhou He wiped his face and took a deep breath: "OK! Listen to you, I'm not nervous!"

"Smelly boy, no one is forcing you to take the first prize, and you are nervous and nervous." Zhou Qingren shook his head helplessly and gave the purchased water to Zhou He and Yu Shulin, saying, "Xiao Yu, don't be affected by Xiao He , Just normal. "

"I know." He nodded.

Li Tao came to the exam by himself. At a glance, he saw Yu Shulin, who was specially dressed in the crowd, touched him slowly and greeted him.

"Is it hot?" He pointed to Yu Shulin's thick support.

Yu Shulin nodded and sipped: "A bit."

"There is air conditioning in the test room, which is fine."


After the confession, the two got along with each other only a few days before their embarrassment. Li Tao was very calm, and Yu Shulin put his mind right, and treated him as before.

After a brief conversation, Li Tao suddenly reached out and touched Yu Shulin's burr's head, and asked, "Hair is cut?"

Yu Shulin glanced at Liang Zhou's dark face for a moment, and nodded a little funny, and replied: "Well, you can't take the test with a dog's hair frizzled." After confessing, Li Tao suddenly fell in love with him Physical contact was not excessive, so I touched my head and pulled my arm or something. I also chose Liang Zhou to do this when I was there. It was intentional at first glance.

Such naive provocations ... it's fun.

"Don't drink too much water first." Liang Zhou interposed between the two, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Li Tao glanced at him side by side and did not speak.

Liang Zhou ignored him directly.

Zhou He looked at them in confusion, then opened his mouth in shock, pulled his father, and babbled, "I'm too sensitive or how ... Cousin, is this a rival?" I still don't think that after understanding that men can also be ambiguous, he now sees everyone ... Oh my God, he is a pure good boy! not like this!

Zhou Qingren slaps his back into the back of his head and screams, "Ask what, now you're not nervous anymore? Check me if everything is all right, silly."

"Eccentricity!" Zhou He quickly jumped away and checked her examination bag.

Li Tao glanced at the interaction between Zhou and his father, turned his head, and became silent.

Before the exam, Mr. Gao came and looked for a few days. After a few words of concern, he went to find other students.

Liang Zhou had a special status and could not stand in a crowded place. He pulled Yu Shulin back to the car and waited for the test to begin.

Zhou He couldn't stop making troubles. Zhou Qingren had no choice but to call his family and went to the shade to conduct pre-examination education.

Li Tao quietly retreated into the crowd, took out the mobile phone that had not been moving, looked at it, and pressed to shut down.

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