MTL - Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha-Chapter 382 Shou Crane and the Kurama

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   Chapter 382 Shou Crane and Kurama

  Rosa made a wise judgment.

  Because there is no human pillar force, Sandyin Village is the first to actively contact Wu to promote the chakra transmission of the tailed beast.

   They are also the first forces to benefit from this.

   After all, in the cognition of Zhongyin Village, the tailed beast can exchange energy for freedom, but if it is separated from the body, the human column force will definitely die.

  Luo Sha even felt that it was a wise choice that he did not insist on choosing Zhuli for Shouhe.

   In this way, the relationship between Sandyin Village and Shouzuru became much simpler.

   "If possible... I'd like to talk to Shukuru."

Before   Luo Sha said goodbye, after hesitating for a long time, he still made this request to Satoru:

   "Your Excellency the Speaker has the ability to go with the tail, presumably you can do it...

   I hope I can try my best to resolve the conflict with Shoukaku.

The hope of    is that people and people, people and tailed animals can understand each other...

   Maybe I'm not qualified to speak from this angle, but I want to give it a try. "


   looked at Luo Sha with a serious face, and slowly, a gentle smile appeared on Wu's face:

   "Of course you can, it's really a blessing for Shayin Village to be able to think so, Your Excellency Fengying."

   "Don't worry, this is also one of the original intentions of the Guardian Council--

  The ninja world is not just the ninja world of ninjas.

  Tailed beasts also live on the planet of the ninja world, and it is also the responsibility of the council to promote them to live in harmony with humans. "

   "...Speaker Your Excellency, Luo Sha...I am convinced."

   solemnly salute Wu:

   "Then I'll send Shuizuru here... I'll ask you later."


  High Tianyuan, an underground secret laboratory.

   Although it is underground, in fact, this is an independent space opened up by Satoru.

   Therefore, there is a huge volume that can accommodate nine big-tailed beasts.

   In the center of this experimental space, two figures stood.

   Satoru holding Aluneth, and Kurama holding his arms with a playful face.

   Elunes swayed gently, a hole opened in the space, and a large tea kettle flew out from it and slowly fell to the center.

   "So, shall we begin?"

   Wu touched his chin and turned his head to look at the strange looking Kurama:

   "Wait a minute and be merciful, we're here to do business today."

   "Cut! As long as the stupid civet cat doesn't take the initiative to find trouble, this uncle will be too lazy to care about him."

After    was transformed into a human form, the Kurama, who no longer had to be imprisoned by the seal, changed his habit of closing his eyes and falling asleep at every turn.

   Now he is very busy.

The hatred in   's heart was gradually erased, and Kurama has recently become very interested in raising human cubs.

   Minato and Kushina's son, Naruto Uzumaki, is almost three years old now.

   Maybe it's because his personality is more like his mother. Naruto can already see that he is a standard bear child.

   And the children of the ninja world, especially the children of the big family, have already started basic ninja training at the age of three.

   Far away is like Hatake Sakumo's son Hatake Kakashi, and near is like Uchiha Itachi, the eldest son of Uchiha Fugaku.

   As the son of the fourth generation Hokage Naruto Feng Minato, Uzumaki Naruto's talent is poor?


  In the original timeline, it was the nine tails who had been absorbing his chakra and lacking the meticulous education of the family, which caused his so-called "crane tail".

   And now, Naruto has the family education of two excellent ninjas, Minato and Kushina, and naturally belongs to the list of first-class geniuses.

   Moreover, Kurama also frequently appeared in Naruto's life.

   He is very interested in how a human cub grows from a little bit to a super shadow ninja who destroys the world.

   And one of the important ways to deeply understand human beings, of course, also includes observing human life.

   Minato and Kushina are both contractors of the Kurama, and Naruto has naturally become his observation target.


   "Hurry up, I made an appointment with Naruto to take him to catch rabbits!"

  Wu felt sweat on his forehead, but Kurama didn't notice it at all:

   "That guy at Minato was busy all day, so he's still shrewd, Satoru...

   Nine Shinnai is known as a 'blood red pepper'... but he can't be hot for his son!

  I recently read a book about how human beings raise children—

   Boys, you want to be wild! "

  Kurama held his arms and nodded again and again, with a deep understanding:

   "Minato and you are too soft-tempered—

   So next, I will teach him what it means to be domineering! "

  【No... wait a few years, Naruto is older, especially after school, you will see the horror of being a mother. 】

   silently complained, Satoru was no longer able to express his opinion on this deviated world.

   "Hmph... the fox will definitely teach that little guy to crook!

  When that fellow Medivh was born, if the circumstances didn’t allow it, I would have…”

   "Okay, don't talk for now... Shouhe doesn't know your existence for the time being, don't irritate him too much."

   Elunes hummed silently, Satoru sighed, fortunately he was wise and didn't have to face these problems now.

  Although he has also accepted apprentices, there are others who train him for him.

   "Then, let's get started..."

  The tea kettle was originally created by Satoru's creation magic, and now he waved his hand, and the sealing magic weapon that bound Shuhe directly turned into a light spot and dissipated.


   Without shouting "I finally came out!" Such nonsense, the moment the tea kettle disappeared, Shouzaku sensed two auras that he cared about.

   One is a nasty stinky fox, the other is...

   "Mito Gate Satoru..."

   For this young man whose aura was similar to, but not the same as, Sage of the Six Paths, Shouhe always held a trace of awe.

  Especially the way he made this tea kettle…

   is no different from the old man Liudao!


  Shou He was stunned for a while, then looked away from Wu, and turned to Kurama, who was holding his arms and looking distracted:

   "Ha! Stinky fox! You actually get distracted in front of Lao Tzu?!"

   Shouhe saw that the Kurama was angry and did not fight:

   "Why didn't you call for such a powerful helper earlier! I let Lao Tzu go in and walk around the golem for nothing!"

   "Hmph, that's because you are weak, and you only have one tail, so Madara will be the first to take aim."

  Kurama was still thinking about catching the rabbit, and replied indifferently:

   "You don't have the seal of Manzhuli. If you don't catch you first, do you want to catch Ben first?"


  Shouzuru's huge body was about to jump into a rage.

   Again, when he quarreled with the fox, he never took advantage.

   Of course, the same goes for a fight.


   "Hey! Stinky fox, you are so weak now, I can completely abuse you!"

  Shouzuru suddenly remembered that Kurama is now in human form, and his energy response is only one-tenth of the previous one.

   He was eager to try.

   "Hmph, it's not that I can't change back to my main body, or it's just a little more troublesome... You should forget about it, stupid civet cat, so that you won't have to work hard to coax you when you get beaten up and cry."


   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion