MTL - Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha-Chapter 415 Ci Xuan

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   Chapter 415 Ci Xuan

   Satoru didn't expect that the target he had been investigating was related to the person Orochimaru was targeting.

   "Cixuan? Black portal? No impression at all."

   Got the message from Orochimaru, Satoru frowned, completely unaware of this guy's information.

   But now Satoru is not afraid of any challenge.

   "This guy was in the original timeline, and he didn't jump out to do anything until ten years later...

   Judging from this incident, it was Takamagahara’s new technology that caught his attention. "

   Wu silently analyzed:

   "Enchanting enhancement technology, as well as human body replication technology.

   In other words, in these two original timelines, there was no or completely immature technology at this time, which was extremely needed by this Ci Xuan.

   That scientist named Amado was the one who Ci Xuan recruited for these two technologies...

   So in the original timeline, it will take many years before such a technology matures. "

   "Need not only reinforcement, but also human replication, or, in other words, the need for powerful replicators?

   In other words…”

  Thinking of Matt Dai's situation after he used the Eight Gates of Dunjia before, Satoru's eyes became cloudy:

   "The other party wants to change to a stronger body, and has the technology of soul transfer."

   "Some mysterious group?

   Now that the ninja world is united at least on the surface, there is still such a group that has not been discovered...

   And after doing a false investigation for so long, I didn't find that there is an organization behind the target...

   It seems that there are still many secrets in the ninja world that have not been solved. "

   shook his head, Satoru re-immersed his mind into the energy core:

   "The restoration work of the wasteland cannot be interrupted, I can only do this...

   But the other party didn't actually do anything in Gao Tianyuan. It seems that he is not very confident about his own force value at present——

  According to the logic of the ninja world, this level of time and space ninjutsu must have something to do with Otsutsuki.

   Could it be that Otsutsuki is already lurking in the ninja world now? "

   "Really...Otsutsuki is a big trouble."


  In an unknown research facility, Amado looked at the cultivation warehouse in front of him and lit a cigarette with a blank expression.

  The lingering smoke covered his face, and a complicated look flashed in his eyes behind his glasses.

  In the training warehouse, it was Ci Xuan with his eyes closed.

   "On the original basis, it has been strengthened by 10%...

   is really amazing, this is all-round reinforcement, and it can actually achieve this level. "

   Amado muttered to himself:

   "The known technical part can only do so much.

   But it is conceivable that the core part of the technology may even exist only in the hands of the research institute director Osumaru and the speaker Mito Gate Satoru, and the part of the technology that is not disclosed...

   How scary it would be! "

   Turned his head to look at another cultivation warehouse, Amado looked solemn:

   "The clones cultivated from scratch can also do this level...

   Even local adjustments can be made to match my research direction...

  The artificial human technology can mature at least fifteen years ahead of the original plan. "

   "However, the problem of independent consciousness brought about by artificial humans has always restricted technological progress——

   It seems that I am also a villain who deserves to go to **** for an unknown number of times. "

   shook his head, Amado turned his gaze back to the cultivation warehouse where Ci Xuan was, stepped forward slowly, and turned a few valves.


  The culture liquid in the culture tank was discharged, and then Amador pulled the handle to open it, and Ci Xuan inside opened his eyes at the right time.

   "It feels good...well done, Amado."

  Cixuan stretched his body lazily, feeling the wonderful feeling he had experienced for the first time in a thousand years:

   "Around 10% enhancement in all directions, in this case, about 20% more combat power can be exerted...

   A frontal battle is still not enough, but at least we can barely cope. "

   "Why, Ci Xuan, you who can exert 20% more power, aren't you the opponent of the Speaker of the Guardian Council?"

  Amado didn't even have a smile on his face, but there was a strange attitude in his words:

   "It's not like you've always been confident."

   "Heh... The facts are here, and I'm not someone who can't recognize reality."

   Ci Xuan was not angry. Although he was the leader of the organization, Amado was his most trusted subordinate and had high hopes. In nature...

   even resembles a partner.

  Cixuan took a fancy to Amado's scientific research ability, and the human body replication and artificial human technology that the other party has been researching all the time is very much in line with Cixuan's requirements.

  Amado is the one most likely to perfect and put these two technologies into use before news of the Guardian Council comes out.

   Ci Xuan did not regret not betting on the Guardian Council in the first place.

   His identity is too sensitive, and His Excellency the Speaker is obviously not a good one--

   Even if Ci Xuan went to the council, why did they create a new body for him?

The    Parliament itself is only applying this technology to the repair of bodily mutilation, that is, medical technology such as prosthetics and organ transplantation.

   Even if Amado combines the technology he has spied on with his own, he can't make him a qualified artificial human body right away.

   But this enchanting enhancement technology really exceeded Ci Xuan's expectations.

   This is a technique that can take effect immediately.

   "If there was this technology in the early years, I probably don't need artificial humans now...

   Speaker Mito Gate Satoru...

   Being able to step into the Sixth Path level, his relationship with Otsutsuki will not be far away, and he is the best 'tool'.

   But now it's too late. "

   "He's a superb researcher—

The director of the    Research Institute, Osumaru, is his teacher in name, but in fact, His Excellency the Speaker's achievements have already surpassed him.

   Enchanting enhancement technique is the technology he invented.

   It’s just that he focused more on developing a unique arcane line in the later period, and the enchantment enhancement technique was continued to be studied by his teacher, Orochimaru. "

  Amado shook his head, his tone was somewhat ironic:

   "If he becomes a weapon, I even think he's likely to crack the wedge--

   Of course, the premise is that he has enough time. "


   Ci Xuan was stunned for a moment, but he did not expect this at all.

  "The scientific research ability is also so powerful...

   To be honest, I rarely admire anyone, but this speaker, Your Excellency, has to make me admire——

   He is also unique among these pathetic inferior creatures. "

   But then, Ci Xuan frowned slightly:

   "You said earlier that this time he will stay at the core of Gao Tianyuan for at least the first half of the year. Is the news reliable?"

   "It should be reliable. This level of innovation is already a miracle..."

  Amado's face is finally no longer expressionless, but a flash of complexity:

   "Continuing to activate this level of power, although Gao Tianyuan obviously has an energy supply that we don't know about, it's not something he can do automatically if he leaves it alone."

   "His announcement to the Five Ninja Kingdoms is that half a year later, the advance development will be officially started.

   Even if the wasteland restoration work can be advanced, it will not be too advanced. "

"I see……"

   Ci Xuan was silent for a moment, then nodded:

   "Then maybe I need something to distract him and make it drag on a little longer."

   (end of this chapter)