MTL - Guardians of Tirisfal of Konoha-Chapter 439 the agreed date

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   Chapter 439 The Promised Day

   Time, before you know it, another four years have passed.

  The new generation of ninjas are active on the wider stage of the ninja world.

   And recently, strange energy disturbances have appeared in the vast desert west of the Land of Winds.

  Although it is far away from the center of the Western Continent, Gao Tianyuan detected this change for the first time.

   "'s almost time."

  Has become the legendary Speaker, Mito Gate Satoru, opened his eyes in the room of the scuba training.

   In the past few years, Satoru has been waiting for this moment in addition to silently increasing his strength.

  The world pattern has stabilized. After the hard work of this generation of ninjas, the exploration work of the entire Western Continent has been almost done.

  Various new things are also flourishing under the impetus of Gao Tianyuan.

  The Ninja world has a new test field. Although most of the Western Continent still maintains its original style, it has also become an important source of resources for hidden villages in various countries.

  The world has ushered in rapid development amid countless new opportunities.


   Recently, Satoru also discovered that the strength of the ninja world has grown, and after a period of leap, it has entered a plateau.

  Because the parliament has always maintained the peace of the ninja world, the great growth brought about by great development will consume more resources than the era of friction between nations.

  According to the precise calculations of various departments, the dividends from the development of the West Continent can still be maintained for ten years.

   In the past ten years, the livelihood of the ninja world will usher in a very big improvement.

   But ten years later, a new generation of ninjas will grow up, and their meaning of existence will be challenged.

  After all, in times of peace, the ninja's sense of existence will become weaker and weaker.

   "It won't take ten years... this problem can be solved."

   Now Satoru, the link with Star Soul is close to 100%.

   also means that he can invoke almost all the power of this planet.

   is different from the predatory power gathering of chakra fruits.

  Satoru and Star Soul are in an in-depth cooperative relationship.

   and the tailed beasts are now very similar to the mode of getting along with the contractor through the ring of contract.

   is just the current star soul, still incomplete.

   Even if Satoru went to Otsutsukimoto’s house to grab a chakra fruit, he might not be able to repair the wounds of the star soul.

   Wu has not forgotten that he still owes Xinghun a promise.

   But before that, the threat of Otsutsuki must be lifted.

   "Let's go and have a look, the little powerhouses in the original timeline still need to grow up."


  In the desert west of the Land of Winds, a huge spherical purple enchantment loomed.

  Fengying Luosha of Sand Hidden Village has come here to check it out in person.

  Beside him is a red-haired boy——

  The current one-tailed crane contractor in Shayin Village, Luo Sha's youngest son, Gaara.

   "Father, this thing... This huge energy is about to catch up with Shouhe, is it a tailed beast sealed inside?"

   Gaara is 16 years old, but he was not tortured by Shouhe when he was young, and he does not have such heavy dark circles.

   On the one hand, he inherited his father Luo Sha's magnetic sect and blood, and on the other hand, as the contractor of the sand guarding crane, his sand control technique and wind swept are even stronger than Magun's.

   Now his strength can be said to be no longer under his father's four generations of wind shadows.

   "It shouldn't be, the tailed beasts are all in Gao Tianyuan now."

  Luo Sha's eyes jumped, the color of this enchantment was very familiar.

   "However, I'm afraid this has nothing to do with Your Excellency the Speaker."

   "Yo, Your Excellency Fengying, Gaara is also here, you guys are quick to respond."

   White light flashed, and Satoru's figure appeared beside Luo Sha.

  Luo Sha saluted Wu with a look of "as expected":

   "Your Excellency Speaker, this was originally the boundary of Loulan, a small country, but Loulan has disappeared for 20 years, so I sensed the energy fluctuations, so I brought Gaara to check it out."

   "Ha, it doesn't matter - Loulan is coming back."

  Satoru patted Gaara on the shoulder, and the latter's look of admiration made him touch his chin:

   "Okay, Shoukuru said that he will teach you the true body of the tailed beast in a while."

   "Thank you, Your Excellency Speaker!"

   "Well... let me explain briefly, this incident is also a very important event for the entire ninja world...

  If it is not handled properly, it will cause confusion, so after it is officially confirmed, it must not be leaked except for the relevant personnel. "


  Rosa and Gaara's eyes widened.

What   Go told them about the time and space travel and parallel time and space simply subverted their cognition.

   "So...we'll meet another of ourselves?"

  Satoru looked a little weird.

   "Uh... Gaara will meet another him, but you Kazuki...

   If I remember correctly, you have been dead for years in that world.

   The current Kazekage over there should be Gaara. "


   Ignoring this somewhat awkward topic, Satoru threw the father and son duo who were in a daze on the spot:

   "Wait for the news, Loulan will definitely come back.

   But whether the space-time channel can be opened, we can only make preliminary preparations, which will take about three months.

   After you are ready, whether you can really connect depends on the choice of that world. "

   "I'll go check it out first, you guys go back first...

   Get ready for the shock of connecting two worlds. "

  The huge time barrier slowly stabilized under Satoru's magic power.

  The time synchronization is completed, and the time enchantment turns into a streamer and disappears.

   After twenty years, the guardian of the dragon vein, the ancient country Loulan finally reappeared in the world.

   "Long time no see, Queen Sarah."


  Original timeline, the battlefield of the Fourth Ninja World War.

   "Cheer up! You can't lose! You must... must be saved!"

   On Gaara's sand, Haruno Sakura desperately squeezed her chakra to save Naruto, who was almost silent.

   "Damn! Chakra has...

   If this goes on, Naruto will really die! "

  Naruto lay quietly on the sand, without a heartbeat or pulse.

   "Why, why is medical ninjutsu useless!"

   "Because the nine tails were pulled out..."

   Gaara gritted his teeth:

   "Nine tails told me that there is another way to save him..."

   Just as Gaara took Sakura and Naruto desperately to the side of Minato where he was reincarnated in the dirt, Naruto's consciousness gradually sank into darkness.


  【This that gem...】

  Naruto once again sensed that strange spar that had begun to signal half a year ago.

   That was three months after he returned from Loulan.

The    spar sends a signal, which proves that the connection between the two worlds is ready.

   But when it really came to this time, Naruto hesitated.

   During this period, too many things happened.

  Naruto learned Xianshu in Mt. Miaomu, and successfully escaped Nagato who attacked Konoha.

   During the critical period when Konoha is rebuilding, Naruto also has a lot to do.

   And then learning to use the power of the nine tails, seeing the Chakra of his mother Uzumaki Kushina, and the establishment of the ninja alliance, "Uchiha Madara" launched the fourth ninja war...

  Naruto didn't have the energy to think about it at all.

   Now, when Naruto's consciousness was about to fall into darkness, the signal of the spar finally caught Naruto's last attention.

  【Kurama was taken seems that I am doomed...】

  Naruto's consciousness gradually blurred, but the last thought came up:

  【This war cannot be lost...

  Go-sama, 20 years have passed with you...

  If you were still there, my father was still there, and the lecherous fairy was still there...

   Please save this world...]

  【Space-time channel, open it! 】

   (end of this chapter)