MTL - Hail the King-~ 1142, Zhong Dajun appeared

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Sun Fei incredibly found that his mental strength, after entering this space, was actually compressed to a minimum, less than a millionth of a week.

This made him very shocked.

I have never encountered such a thing.

You must know that your entry is already the king of the king of the gods. There is a secret book of [Purple Skills], and the spiritual strength is the strength. It can already be compared with the existence of the Lord God, even in the continent of Azeroth. Force repair is definitely not a second person.

But in this world of magic and vindictiveness, it has been instantly suppressed to such an amazing level. What is going on?

Sun Fei released the power fluctuations around him.

There is no magical ban or supernatural power in this building.

Is this the result of technology?

Can technology actually suppress mental energy?

Is this a new thing that Americans have researched?

If it can be used on a large scale, it is definitely a huge blow for the worms, because this race does not have language and other communication. Between the superiors and the lower classes, between the lower worms and the higher worms, it is completely dependent on the powerful The spirit of the spirit communicates with each other. If they cut off their communication, and then cooperate with them to simulate the mental power spectrum in a false manner, they can control the worms to kill each other!

Sun Fei had an idea in an instant.


"What? Exchange white gas and super-power weapons? This is impossible." Vice President Duran Klin vetoed the first reaction to General Liu Yun's proposal to exchange American secrets with ultra-long-distance mobile technology.

"I don't think that in the face of such a global disaster, you still choose to cherish yourself. Do you really think that relying on the power of the United States alone can solve the disaster?" Liu Yun is somewhat angry at the attitude of the Americans.

"No, old friends don't misunderstand, just...just..." Durranklin and the face of the American high-ranking audience are not very good-looking, and there is some vomiting between words.

Sun Fei, who is hiding in the side, is very surprised.

In the American way of thinking, Sun Fei saw a difficult situation of riding a tiger. Obviously, they also very much like the technology that the government can control across the mainland. It seems that they are willing to exchange, but out of Certain objective restrictions cannot be made into agreements.

Thinking of this, Sun Fei decided to seduce the Americans.


"Maybe you still don't know much about the transmission technology we have mastered. I can give you a demonstration. I can guarantee that once we have the technical cooperation, we can definitely achieve the final victory in the war against bugs."

Liu Yun stood up and said with a smile.

The voice has not fallen.

Around his body, there was a hint of white light, and then the next moment, the whole person disappeared in place and appeared about ten meters away.

"Oh, buy a cake..."

"Oh, God……"

"God, is this light transmission technology? Is this the legendary total optical transmission technology? It must be!"

"How much distance can such a transmission be achieved?"

“Unbelievable, how did this happen?”

The Americans were shocked.

Everything that happens in front of us is beyond the scope of their understanding. It is simply the 'light transmission' in some conceptual science ideas, but according to the most optimistic estimate, this is the technology that human beings can realize after more than three hundred years. How do Chinese people? Will it be mastered now?

Of course, Liu Yun will not tell, in fact, Sun Fei manipulated and transmitted his body with the power of space law.

He simply nodded and admitted that this was the so-called 'light transmission'.

"How, everyone, still have to consider? The 'light transmission' technology is not worse than the super-power shields and attack weapons you have mastered, and is not willing to exchange?" Liu Yun repeatedly urged.

The Americans are all in a hurry.

Indeed, such a technique is simply a magical technique, if it can be mastered..." Liu, we are old friends, this thing, we are not willing to exchange, but it is really impossible to exchange..." Duran Klin’s words Stop again.

Liu Yun was straight up at this moment, and sneered: "To tell the truth, we are here not to ask for help, but to help you. I believe this time, your existing six military satellites. One of the [Goddess] has already run over China, can send some pictures to see. In the territory of the country, and the existence of bugs?"

"What does this mean? Have you already defeated the Zerg?" The Americans were shocked.

Soon, someone brought up the scouting image of the [Goddess] - the only military satellite that passed through China over the past 12 hours, and the images that were sent back, completely plunged the US command into chaos.

"The bugs on the ground in China have all disappeared..."

“It’s gone completely? How did it do it?”

"This is impossible……"

"Chinese... you... have eliminated all the bugs?"

Liu Yun’s five people were immediately surrounded by the middle. In the eyes of the Americans, they shot green light. Like a group of hungry wolves, they did not cut the heads of Liu Yun and others. The information and secrets are all dissected.

"Ha ha..."

Liu Yun and others only felt an uncontrollable excitement in their hearts. They breathed a sigh of relief and played the conversations of these years. He had seen Americans whispering for themselves. Because of the limited national strength, they always wanted Doing a bow, did not expect the end of the eruption, actually completely suppressed the Americans.

Under such ostentation, the Americans quickly succumbed.

The situation is stronger than people and has to bow.

Time is precious at this time, and it is more than half a day. I am afraid that the entire United States, except Las Vegas, will fall apart.

They finally showed Liu Yun their final 'secret weapon' to hold Las Vegas.

"White gas can corrode a certain amount of mental energy. This is not a chemical we have developed, but a newly discovered ore powder. As for the protective film outside Las Vegas, it is not our own ability. But there is a young man who provides us..."

Vice President Franklin finally paid the bill.

He left Liu Yun and others to leave the conference room, came to the deepest part of the building, found a hidden door, passed the retina, iris, fingerprint, voice and so on more than 10 kinds of verification, entered a long and narrow laser corridor, and then came I arrived in a room like an operating room.

In the middle of the room, a soft bed lay a sleeping man.

A young man.

Zhong Dajun.

Former Orc Pope Ernst.

It is also the person Sun Fei has been looking for -

The fourth is even more.

Thank you for your concern. I went to the hospital for testing this morning. The result is better. It is mainly my state of mind and the mental state is out of order.

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