MTL - Hail the King-~ 1174, kill and ten days

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"Anger is the performance of the weak, the monster, not completely, you are not my opponent."

Sun Fei did not move, releasing a provocative and full of spiritual fluctuations, letting the enchanting green flame wrap himself, but even one of his hair could not burn.

The voice has not fallen.

He opened his mouth and sucked, like a long whale absorbing water, inhaling the green flame of the sky into his own belly, but refining it into the purest energy and turning it into its own use.

This level of attack simply cannot pose a threat to Sun Fei.

This scene has obviously stimulated the monsters that were finally transmitted from the wormhole.

A burst of crazy tyrannical eruption broke out from the mouth of the giant locust.

It frantically struggles, the huge body is like an asteroid, like a fat ground marmot squeezing a cave, moving it out bit by bit from the wormhole space, it took a full five or six minutes. Completely got rid of the shackles of space wormholes.


It roared in the sky.

All the bodies appear in the universe and are more visually impactful.

The green flame lingers on its body.

The violent shock wave and the violent power of the atmosphere spread in all directions.

"Low worms, dead!" The monster snarled.

The huge compound eyes emit green fluorescence, forming a grid-like light net, as if it were an invitation from the **** of death, shrouded in the sun, the grid touches the broken asteroids in the void, quietly They are silently cut into a sand-sized powder.

Is this one of the killings of giant locust monsters?

From the similar attack methods of the laser network, Sun Fei feels the power of the frantic surging law. Obviously this is not an ordinary power beam attack... Is it that the Zerg has merged with Ai in the process of evolution? The power of the laws of the gods of Zelas?

Thinking in my heart, as the green grid approached his body, he held out his hands and gently tore it.

Just like tearing up an old rag, Sun Fei will be able to instantly tear a green net of a low-ranking **** king into two pieces, then he will shoot a golden light in his hands and then shake it. The green net was quickly dyed into a gold net, and the backhand was thrown back.

"Low-lying species...dead!" The giant locusts released hurricane-like mental fluctuations.

It is this sentence to go back and forth.

What surprised Sun Fei was that this spiritual fluctuation was actually revealed by the ancient continent language of Azeroth.

The next moment, Sun Fei guessed the reason.

This should be a high-ranking Zerg who participated in the battle between the gods and the demons before the millennium. It should have killed a lot of gods and demons in the same year, and absorbed the laws and powers of the gods, so they evolved and mastered. A similar skill and mastered the ancient continent language.

The battle begins at this moment.

The Zerg is considered to be the highest species in the universe and does not look at humans at all.

Its huge mountain-like body moves freely in the universe, and the six pairs of tentacles are violently twitching, tearing the golden light net like a mad mad cow, rumbling and trampling the space, stalking the green flame, the weapon The general forelimbs stepped on to Sun Fei.

"Ha ha ha, is it bigger than a man?"

Sun Fei laughed, his body flashed, and instantly expanded thousands of times. He was tall and tall, and turned into a giant in the sky. The huge palm stretched out and grabbed a pair of forelimbs of giant locusts and directly picked it up. The figure is like a gyro, and then let go of the locust worm.


The giant locusts struggled wildly, but unfortunately did not help.

The huge body hit the wormhole in the distance, completely breaking the space element that was not very stable. The wormhole exploded, and the terrible power exploded on its body. The green blood 迸Shot it out.

Only the first move was made, and the giant insect was injured.

Sun Fei did not give it a chance to breathe, his body shape turned into lightning, and he quickly caught up. The fist was like a meteor, and he punched the chest and abdomen position of the giant insect with an indescribable speed.

"Damn low-lying species!" The giant worm struggled to struggle.

The abdomen, which was originally covered by hard green bones, suddenly opened, and a bone spur that flashed with cold light suddenly burst out. At the same time, its antennae, forelimbs and large hind legs were incredibly anti-joint angles. Twisted over and hugged Sun Fei's body tightly.

With this trick, before the millennium, it did not know how many gods and demons were killed.

Unfortunately, what he encountered today is Sun Fei.

Sun Fei's favorite is the barbarian's close combat. He is known as a close-fighting expert. How can he be hurt by such an attack? The cockroach's cockroaches completely inspired Sun Fei's arrogance, and his muscles bulged. I simply ignored the spurs that contained the power of the law of destruction, and screamed, and instantly broke the tentacles and limbs hooping on myself...

A screaming roar pervades the space.

Huge bones and floods of blood form a giant green light group in a vacuum.

The bone spur is still being melted near Sun Fei's body.

And Sun Fei’s fist almost smashed the chest and abdomen position of the giant worm.

This man was caught in a crazy battle, like a meteorite-like space, and the giant locust was beaten by Sun Fei on a nearby meteorite, almost hitting a meat sauce, and it was destroyed. The meteorite stars are completely destroyed.

This giant king of the peak of the king of the king, it fell.

Sun Fei released gold and silver two-color sword gas, refining its remnants, and getting the most powerful energy.

"You are such a madman."

The voice of the mainland Wusheng Maradona sounded in the ear, the silver brilliance flashed, and Maradona went back.

"You old guy, don't know how to help." Sun Fei looked at the wormhole that had become stable again, and felt the breath of the giant locust power that was not weaker than before. "Okay, it seems that these bugs are coming. Really, there are some busy ones. Old guys, you have to be careful. If you are blown up by bugs, I won't save you."

Maradona grinned, and his palm was spread out. A special curved machete appeared in his hand, releasing a horrible atmosphere.

This is a **** soldier.

It seems that the mainland Wusheng is finally coming to the real thing.

"The group of people who eat with their heads said, let us stay here for at least ten days, so that they have enough time to arrange everything..." Maradona said: "If it can't resist, a little after They will send reinforcements."

"Ten days?" Sun Fei calculated it silently, his face was dignified.

With the strength of both of them, resisting this race for ten days, even with the power of his own god-level, is definitely a huge challenge. Only in less than one day, the Zerg sent the power of the **** Wang Fengfeng, and then What will happen? On the other side of the wormhole, will there be a worm at the main **** level?

Read The Duke's Passion