MTL - Hail the King-~ 1198, the legendary person

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"Take off your mask, I am very curious, under this face, what secrets are hidden in the end." Sun Fei stared at the man who held the scepter in front of him and appeared in front of himself in the Pope's gesture, unquestionably authentic. .

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are concentrated on this person.

In the midst of great expectations, the golden mask was slowly taken off.

Everyone held their breath.

What appears in everyone's eyes is a plain face, slightly old, wrinkled and stacked, and the sparse white long hair has been meticulously combed, but it still looks a bit messy. It seems that it has not been exposed to sunlight for too long. The skin white is amazing, it should not be the color that the living person should have, the skinny, the blood vessels on both sides of the neck are black.

If Blatter gives the impression that the wind will blow down when it blows, then the old man in front of him is like a sand sculpture, as if as soon as the wind blows, it will instantly become a thousand pieces of fine sand. , drifting in the wind.

From this old body, Sun Fei smelled a trace of decay.

Obviously, this is an extremely ancient existence. Even the power of the high level of the gods can't help him to regain his youth. He can only stay alive... In this case, the old man is afraid that he has been more than a thousand years old. Life is up?

It is just an old monster.

However, obviously no one can recognize the identity of this face.

The strong people who watched from the surrounding voids all showed a confused look. If the previous Blatter could be recognized, then the ancient level of this person is far beyond their memory, even Beyond the length of their lives.

As for Sun Fei?

It’s only a few years before I came to this continent. Of course I don’t know such antiques.

But Batistuta's face showed a trace of doubt.

Although it is impossible to distinguish from the appearance of who this person is, but the lingering on the old man, trying to fight the death of decaying power, let him feel a distant familiar feeling.

"Child, don't you know me?"

The new pope smiled and stared at Batistuta.

This sentence is like a beggar. It instantly opens up the memory of Batistuta that has been dusty for many years. When a sun shines in, he is shocked and said: "You are...Staby came down The old master... Oh, my god, how is this possible? You are not..."

Batistuta was completely confused.

The name "Staby", which was spoken from his mouth, is almost unfamiliar to everyone, but for Sun Fei, it is like a bright sword, evoking a name that exists in the record.

Guillermo Starby!

A name that is already very far away.

This name, before seven or eight hundred years, is extremely brilliant, mastering the greatest power under the sun, accepting the worship of the whole continent, and having the largest number of believers, glory and glory, is synonymous with him.

Because he was the pope of the Holy See.

Before Blatter, he mastered the man of the Holy See.

It was also the doctrine that prevailed in the great branches of the Holy See at that time, and the doctrine of writing [God] was regarded as the pope of the [Black Temple] of the Holy Scriptures.

It is precisely because of this person’s sudden disappearance that the Holy See was in civil strife, and the [Black Temple] was slain. It was excluded from the core of the Holy See’s power, and it was almost completely destroyed. Later, Blatter’s coronation and Prati were born. Nie's betrayal.

A piece of glory, so did not enter history, was eternal dust.

Because of the suppression of his successor, Blatter, the [Black Temple] has fallen, and Stabbi, the bright pope who should have left a strong color in the history of the Holy See, soon disappeared into the history of the mainland. Among them, they were forgotten by the latecomers.

The disappearance of Stabbi is also regarded as the most inconceivable mystery in the history of the Holy See.

After all, before the disappearance, Staby came to hold the weight, at the peak of the moment, it was regarded as the first strongest of the Holy See, and the artifact of the Holy See was in hand, and it was so remarkable that no one could block it. Unless he wants to commit suicide, who can kill him?

Unexpectedly, after more than eight hundred years, the deceased who should have been sleeping in the embrace of the stars has reappeared in the world.

In this way, the first half of the year is too much for the Holy See, which means that Stabile has returned to Sicily. From the hands of Blatter, he has won the long lost imperial power. Could it be said that the disappearance of Staby is actually related to his successor, Blatter? Is he being blinded by Blatter?

Such a conjecture should be the most reasonable explanation.

"Eight hundred years have passed, I can't think of it. In this world, someone really recognizes me. I remember you were a child eight hundred years ago." Staby came with a smile on his face and looked at Batistu. The tower is too strong.

"Really... you?" Batistuta couldn't control his feelings, rushed to Staby to come, slammed, and his eyes were full of tears.

At that time, he was indeed a child, only seven or eight years old. He was one of the little boys in the Black Temple choir. Because he had the talent to cultivate the Holy Spirit, he was widely optimistic. He used to be the Pope. Tabilai has given Baptistuta 's top blessings many times. In the memory of Batistuta, Stubbie is an incomparable and charitable pope who takes some time every day to sing hymns with the children of the choir, telling the distant story, and more Personally teach the children how to practice.

The children of countless choirs treated the approachable pope as a relative like a grandfather.

After Stabile’s disappearance, Batistuta was so sad that he secretly cried many times.

It is precisely because of the worship and respect of the pope that Batistuta still refused to draw on other sectarian branches and joined the [Black Temple]. For hundreds of years, no matter how bad the situation is, I tried hard. The ground supported the existence of the [Black Temple], and until the appearance of Sun Fei, the "Black Temple", which was almost dying, was carried forward.

Unexpectedly, today, the man he admired most finally appeared in the world again.

This kind of sadness and enthusiasm, finally let Batistuta, the Northern Territory empire giant who has been promoted to the status of the gods, could not help but burst into tears.

At this time, under the reminder of some old people, the powerful people around them finally realized the inside story.

This change is really shocking.

The Pope, who has disappeared for 800 years, has appeared alive?

what does this mean? ——

First more

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