MTL - Hail the King-Chapter 3 Arrogant fat man

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Chapter 3 arrogant fat man ("")

The beautiful girl Angela is also holding the bedside tightly, and the clear watery eyes are full of heart-wrenching anxiety. I thought, "Poor Alexander, he won't be stupid? Even though he used to It’s a low-energy child, but it’s not like this, I can’t even say a word... Just at this time—“Alexander, I heard that you fell, haha, let me see you...”

A voice that did not hide his gloating and sorrowful voice, came in from the outside of the hall, and Angela and Xiaoli Lijima changed their faces at the same time. Sun Fei looked up and saw a round meat like a fat pig. The ball' rolled in from the main entrance of the main hall.

"Guge, what are you doing?"

Wen Qi's brunette beauty Angela converges on the smile on her face and stands up and asks.

Obviously, this fat pig is not as popular as a fat man.

"Haha, beautiful Angela, what do you mean? Don't you welcome me? I heard that my good friend Alexander was injured. I quickly came over and saw what was wrong with this?"

The dead fat man named Gegel said that he couldn’t help but squeezed into the bed and sat down on the bed.

"Let's go, Gegel, how dare you sit on the collapse of the King's Majesty?" Blonde Loli's little maid, Jimmy's face, was frosty and helped Angela scolded.

The fat man snorted and looked at the blond little loli.

In his eyes, there was an unmistakable vicious and obscene light, and he licked his fat lower lip: "Despicable slave, roll to the side, when you cry..." He said, he turned his body up and down. Looked at Sun Fei lying in bed, that look, where is to observe the friend's injury, but the high-level master looked at his own pet.

Sun Fei is also staring at the fat man.

From the eyes of the fat man, he easily found a variety of negative looks, such as disdain, disdain, joke, and ridicule.

Sun Fei is a little bit confused, can't help but think in his heart: Is this dead fat pig really a friend of Alexander? He looks so ugly, still dare to look down on a king with this look? Is it difficult to have a hard time?

Just thinking, the fat Gu Geer suddenly reached out to the hand of a fat and greasy hand, like a carrot-like finger pinch the ball, pinching Sun Fei's cheek.

It seems that this action has long been familiar to the fat man.

"Alexander, it seems that you have nothing serious, huh, huh, I have a few distinguished guests in the afternoon, trouble you to accompany them to relax, how?"

The fat man smiled.

He squeezed Sun Fei's face hard, and patted it lightly and unremarkably.

Gegill enjoyed this feeling - a feeling of playing with a king.

I really can't figure out, this idiot called Alexander can actually be a king? The age of seventeen is only the intelligence of a three-year-old child. Why does the creation **** prefer this little idiot?

However, the smile of the fat man's banter has not yet blossomed, and something that nobody thought of happened - hehe!

A loud and slap in the face.

The fat man squinted inconspicuously. On his fat and greasy face, a bright red handprint is like a new painted pattern, which is clearly visible.

The girl Angela and the little maid, Jimmy, who had been uneasy since the appearance of the fat one, were completely stunned on one side.

They can't believe what they saw.

The mentally ill idiot Alexander, who has always been stupidly bullied, actually raised his hand and slaped Gilgil a slap in the face? How can this be? At the same time, the two girls felt a sense of bliss in their hearts. In fact, they also had a long time with Genger, the fat pig. Alexander’s slap was really too deflated.

" you dare to hit me?"

"The dead pig of the dog day, if you dare to take the disgusting fat hoof on Laozi's face, I will find the dinosaur to explode your chrysanthemum..." Sun Fei looked at the fat man and sneered. In any case, this fat fat man makes Sun Fei feel uncomfortable, and for those who feel uncomfortable, Sun Fei has never been polite.

The dead fat man groaned, and suddenly the muscles on his face trembled. He was angry and shocked and could not believe: This IQ is only a three or four-year-old idiot. How dare he beat me? And dare to say this?

The fat man pointed to Sun Fei, and for a time he didn't know what to do. He was shaking and shaking, like a shofar patient in the attack, and he spit out.

"You **** soft egg, dare to hit me?" The fat man roared over and over again.

Sun Fei was half lying in bed and didn't echo again. He was working hard.

This dead fat man dared to roar in the king's hall, and those guardians who should appear in time according to the logic did not appear, which made Sun Fei have a trace of doubt, is this dead pig really big? In the first place, even the king can’t help him?

Just thinking, I saw that I was stimulated to die. It seems that I finally made up my mind, pulling my arm and wiping my sleeves, and rushing over it... It seems that this dead fat man is going to do something.

"Let's relax!" Angela's face is frosty: "Gerniel, the son of a little clerk, dare to be so disrespectful to the king?"
