MTL - Half Immortal-Chapter 1 Promenade Hotel (1)

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The night was deep, and the stars and herons rose.

Yan Wei was lying on the bed in the bedroom, her eyes closed lightly, her thick eyelashes fluttering lightly, with her high nose bridge and thin lips, she could not take her eyes away.

The ringtone of the mobile phone rang continuously, directly through Yan Wei's eardrum, tearing him out of his sleep.

He squinted his eyes a little sleepily, and then he saw the sky this night - he actually slept for a whole day since last night?

The phone is still vibrating.

After sleeping for a long time, Yan Wei was still a little tired. The night wind blew in from the gaps in the unclosed windows and brushed against his cheeks, which made him a little more awake.

Yan Wei glanced at the caller alert—it was his good friend who specialized in psychology.

He yawned, rubbed his eyes, got up and took a quick shower, then picked up the phone with his mobile phone, and walked to the window, trying to blow the wind to get himself out of his drowsiness Pull yourself out.

"Why?" He leaned lazily against the window, and sure enough he slowly woke up in the breeze.

On the other end of the phone, a friend's voice came: "Why did no one answer your call during the day?"


"You sleep too well!?"

"Maybe I had a nightmare with you."

"..." The other party choked, and then said, "Yan Wei, let me tell you, our hospital has recently received a new project, use your IQ to help me analyze and analyze whether it is possible ?"

Yan Wei has a good family background, but his strict family style breeds his rebelliousness. He has done a lot of new and exciting things, and has done a lot of strange part-time jobs.

After being freelance for a long time, he has seen all kinds of people, and his ability to see people has become more and more proficient.

Although he is a layman in psychology, he can always penetrate people's hearts sharply and analyze everything clearly. Over time, his friend always came to him for analysis when he had problems.

He didn't take offense, and chuckled: "No."

Friend: "...Dad!"

"Then speak up. It's the old rule, don't tell others that I am involved in the analysis."

The same hallucinations, they say they will see a towering black building anytime and anywhere..."

Yan Wei listened, leaned against the bedroom window, and looked into the distance boredly.

“…wherever they go, they can see that tall building just looking around, and as time goes on, that building is getting closer and it seems to be calling them in. I asked yesterday I saw a patient with this hallucination. He said that the building was right in front of his eyes, and he was afraid to go in. Did you know that? The patient just committed suicide! Like other people who had this hallucination before, suicide now..."

Yan Wei's eyes suddenly froze not far away.

The voice of my friend continued: "...Many people said that they saw this hallucination, and some people said that they dared not go in. It didn't take long for these people to commit suicide, and the way of suicide is still very strange. And some people said they wanted to walk in and have a look, and then these people either had an accident or disappeared. I think this must be a new type of suicide disease, and people who want to kill themselves have this kind of hallucination-"

Yan Wei's eyes were still fixed in front of him, he interrupted his friend's words, and his tone suddenly sank: "It's not an illusion."


"Dark building? Can you see how high it is?"

"The patient said that he couldn't see it, and the top of the building penetrated directly into the cloud, and the height was unfathomable."

"Are there any windows?"

"Yes, but I can't see the inside of the window. The window is also dark. Did you think of anything? Hello?...Hello? Yan Wei? Yan Wei, are you still there?"

Yan Wei did not speak for a while.

His house is in a high-rise building, and when you look outside on weekdays, you can see the night view of the city.

But now, in front of his eyes, the towering dark building blocks most of the vision ahead.

—the same tall, black building as described by friends.

The bizarre phenomenon that had just appeared in the mouths of others suddenly appeared in front of him, Yan Wei raised his hand, rubbed his eyes forcefully, and repeatedly confirmed that the building was in front of his eyes.

It's about herself, Yan Wei forced herself to calm down and thought about what her friend just said about Lou.

He's pretty sure he's not suicidal.

After seeing the building, many of those "patients" committed suicide, and a small number of people who said they wanted to go in disappeared...

What if I didn't want to commit suicide so I saw the "hallucination", but because I saw this black building and didn't go in, so I "suicided strangely"?

Those who said they wanted to go in, maybe they actually went in. Did something happen after they went in?

He came to a conclusion immediately.

Only "patients" can see the floor, so others who can't see can't help at all.

After seeing this building, you will die if you don't enter.

But if you go in…

“…Hey hey hey? Are you still there, Yan Wei?”

Yan Wei came back to her senses.

He has never been an emotionally dominant person. Now that something has happened, he will not be entangled in useless emotions, but will directly start looking for a solution.

Yan Wei slowly accepted his current situation and said softly, "I'm here. You just said..."

Although some of the people who want to enter are dead, some people are missing?"

"Ah yes, what's wrong?"

Yan Wei muttered to himself: "...That means, some people will see this black building, and those who see it may not die unless they enter. "

"What the **** are you talking about?"

In the colorful city, this high-rise building directly inserted into the cloud is very obvious.

It is very close to Yanwei, as if it is opposite his building.

The black building stood there silently, but the people passing by didn't seem to notice it, only Yan Wei saw it clearly.

Perhaps the black in front of her was too gloomy, and Yan Wei felt that the wind blowing was rather gloomy for a moment. He shivered slightly, turned around, picked up the clothes on the hanger, and put them on.

He put on a windbreaker, wrapped a scarf neatly, and said in the suspicious voice of his friend on the other end of the phone: "It's not a hallucination, because I have seen it too. Since people who can't see it can't do anything , then I'll go in and solve it myself, if I 'suicide', remember that this is not an illusion. If I survive, your research should have an answer."

Yan Wei hung up.

The black building seemed to have seen him too. By the time Yan Wei walked downstairs, the building had completely appeared in front of him, as if out of thin air in this huge city Moved a few hundred meters forward.

It is completely dark, without any additional decoration, only the dark windows on each floor reveal that this is an unfathomable building.

At the bottom, in front of Yan Wei, a door that had been opened was facing him.

The inside of this door is still very dark, and nothing can be seen clearly. The surrounding street lamps exuded a warm yellow bright light, but they did not dispel the darkness of the building at all.

Yan Wei raised her head and stood by the street watching quietly.

He is a very rational person.

Since he sees this building, he will find the best solution in the shortest time.

—that's walking in.

After a while, he took a deep breath, raised his feet, and passed through the unaware crowd around him, his windbreaker swayed lightly with his footsteps, he slowly walked into the dark building, plunged headlong into the in the dark.

[Welcome to the copy in the building. ]

[There are ninety-nine floors in the building, and each floor is a random copy. There are players, NPCs, and copy bosses in the copy. The initial players will start from the first floor, and only when they reach the top can they survive and leave, and bring the abilities obtained in the building into reality. ]

Clearance. ]

[Players have basic values: body index, perception. ]

[The body index represents the player's combat ability and physical fitness, and the perception represents the player's inference and perception of danger and ghosts. In addition to the basic values ​​that the player comes with, completing the dungeon and the branch within the dungeon will have the opportunity to gain an increase in body index and perception. There will be bonus points for dungeon clearance, and points can bring you everything. ]

[All information of the player is stored in the black ring and can be consulted at any time if necessary. ]

[The number of layers of this copy: one layer. ]

[Location of this copy: Promenade Hotel. ]

[Current player data: body index 4, perception 26, layers 0, points 0. ]

[Players have arrived, the instance is open. ]

[In the instance, players cannot kill each other. ]

Any violation will be at your own risk. ]

[Please note that death may occur at any time within the dungeon, and there is only one penalty for failure of the dungeon: death. ]

Yan Wei felt that a ring appeared in his hand, and a small window floated in front of him, recording the information that the gloomy voice had just said.

—According to the information instilled in him by the voice just now, the name of this window is the information panel, and all information can be seen on this panel. The black ring that suddenly appeared on his hand was the medium for contacting the information panel. As long as he gently slid over the ring, the information panel would pop up in front of him or in his mind.

He glanced at the interface, and before he could take a closer look, the information was indented into the black ring in his hand.

The surroundings suddenly turned upside down, and the light slowly emerged in front of Yan Wei's eyes.

He frowned, subconsciously raising his hand to cover his eyes.

After a while, the discomfort caused by the strong light slowly dissipated. Yan Wei put down the covering hand, only to find that he was in a brand new place.

The crystal lamp on the ceiling rotates slowly, scattering bright and crystal light. Floor-to-ceiling mirrors and decorative portraits are scattered on the walls on both sides of the surrounding area, adding to the spaciousness of the place.

This is a hotel lobby.

And like him, there are eight people next to the front desk of the hotel lobby, men and women, a total of nine people including him.

The rest of the people also looked surprised or puzzled, looking at this quiet and empty hotel lobby with only nine of them. As soon as Yan Wei appeared, those few people looked at him more or less, their eyes were full of scrutiny, and some people just turned their eyes and showed quite astonishing eyes, their eyes were glued to Yan Wei's face. .

Yan Wei hated this kind of impolite gaze, he raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at the person looking at him. The man suddenly met Yan Wei's eyes, and hurriedly averted his eyes in embarrassment.

Yan Wei retracted his gaze, thinking about the "climbing", "player" and "corridor hotel" that he had just heard, and already had a general understanding of what happened.

He and these eight other players are now in this copy of the "Promenade Hotel".

There are several players talking.

"...Where the **** is this place? I thought that black building was an illusion. There must be nothing when I walked in! Why did it appear here in a blink of an eye??"

"I didn't want to come in at all, but the building was getting closer and closer to me, and it appeared directly in front of me. I didn't take a step and came in..."

A woman with short hair even cried: "Why can't I go out...The phone can't get through...I want to go back..."

"The voice said you have to find the stairs to get out. What are the stairs? Where are they?"


"You... also saw a black building come in?" Someone asked Yan Wei, with a hint of hope in his words, "You have been in for a few minutes and there are no new people, you should be the last one Since we appeared here, we have been watching people keep appearing, the mobile phone has no signal, the door can't be opened, and we don't know what happened for dozens of minutes. Do you know some information about this strange place? Do you know how to get out?"

"I don't know." Yan Wei took out his phone and glanced at it - there was indeed no signal.

The player looked disappointed.

Yan Wei put away her mobile phone, walked to the hotel entrance and pushed the closed door.

As expected, as the player said, the door could not be opened at all, as if some force blocked the door.

He didn't make any useless attempts and returned to the front desk. A group of players hurriedly guessed and asked, except for Yan Wei who calmly observed around, there was also a silver-haired man who did not say a word from beginning to end.

This man stood alone, leaning slightly against the front desk of the hotel, with a cigarette between his slender fingers.

He wears a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, his hair color is cold silver, and he looks clean and gentle. But the pair of eyes hidden under the lens are cold and indifferent, and the emotions are calm. This is a face that says "Don't disturb strangers" wherever he goes, but Yan Wei finds it quite pleasing to the eye.

Perceiving Yan Wei's gaze, the man suddenly raised his eyes to meet his gaze. But the man didn't react, and for a moment he looked back coldly.

The inside and outside are the same, very cold.

Yan Wei: “…”

He sneered in his heart, and looked back with the same expression of indifference.

At this time, on the corridor at the end of the hotel lobby next to the elevator, a young man in a tuxedo and a bow tie walked towards them.

The young man was very pale, so thin that the tuxedo was a little loose on his body, his cheeks were even tighter, his eye sockets were sunken, as if his body was thin with only skin and Normal bones. This is clearly not a player.

This so-called copy did not give them any time to breathe at all, it had already begun.

"The guests are finally here," the thin tuxedo man smiled at them, raised his finger and pointed to the corridor where he came, "I'm the waiter here, I'll have dinner here. It's ready for you, invite the guests to the restaurant with me. After dinner, stay here and start visiting the art exhibition tomorrow."

Although the waiter was smiling, his voice was calm and hoarse, without any fluctuations in his tone.

Sounds like this echoed in the hotel lobby, making it even more eerie.

Among the other eight players, except for the indifferent silver-haired man who was still leaning against the front desk, someone even took a few steps back in shock, trying to stay away from this strange waiter.

A player standing beside Yan Wei had collapsed and shouted, hysterically: "I don't know what dinner! Why can't I go out?? Why can't the door be opened here!? What the **** is here? Where is it!? I'm not going to any restaurant, I'm leaving!!"

The standard smile on the waiter's face suddenly collapsed.

He walked forward slowly, his sunken eyes looked at the shouting player, and his voice became deeper and deeper: "What did you say? You don't go to the restaurant?"

Yan Wei's eyes narrowed.

He turned around and saw that the waiter had walked up to the player.

The situation is unclear now, he didn't want anything to happen because of a reckless person, and whispered to the player: "You calm down first, we must accept the reality immediately. Lou said not to disobey the NPC and said If you do, you will only have serious consequences..."

The man was frightened by the approach of the waiter, and hurriedly took a few steps back, "I'm not going—"

His voice came to an abrupt end.

—The scrawny waiter suddenly raised his thin hands and easily broke the player's neck. Blood splattered out, except for the waiter who shot, not a single player was stained with blood.

But the screams of several other players were immediately heard around.


Yan Wei made no sound.

His eyes stayed on the floor-to-ceiling mirrors attached to both sides of the hotel lobby.

The mirror surface scatters the bright light from the chandelier, illuminating the figures of nine players including him. Other than that, there is no other figure.

The mirror did not show the waiter at all.

This guy is not human at all.

In the picture reflected by the mirror, the hysterical player's neck seemed to be completely twisted by an invisible thing, and the blood spattered and flowed all over the place. The head, with its eyes wide open and an unbelievable expression, rolled to the ground with a "coo dong", the headless body was shaky, and it was about to fall.

In front of the player whose neck was just broken, there was nothing in front of him.

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