MTL - Half Immortal-Chapter 170 Black Sea Town Coffin (9)

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Yan Wei took Lin Zhen and Yu Feizhou to wait for the rabbit, and deliberately put those props in a conspicuous place, not only did not attract people from the opposite camp, the female ghost also did not approach all night any of them.

But after they got up in the morning and walked out of the door, they found that the atmosphere in the school suddenly became gloomy.

Some of the nc students who got up earlier turned pale, some hurried back to their rooms, and some shouted that they were going to invite a mage.

Yan Wei dissipated her perception, and found that the main problem seemed to be one of the rooms they lived in, and a group of people surrounded by the front hall of the school. He asked Lin Zhen and Yu Feizhou to take a look at that room, while he went to the front hall.

There are many people in the front hall, but most of them are wearing plain white robes, and their faces are nervous. They stood in the anteroom, with a coffin in the center of the anteroom.

, I'll call you right away. I really can't open it, if I open an evil door..."

Among the few people who were obviously not in the school, a middle-aged woman said: "My son was fine yesterday, why did he move in at night, and I can't even see the body the next day? This... What if I admit the wrong person?"

She was lying on the coffin and began to cry.

The book boy was even more flustered and wanted to step forward and pull the person up. But he was also very frightened. As soon as he got close to the coffin, he subconsciously took a few steps back and hesitated at the side, so he could only say: "This matter... It's not that everyone doesn't know about it. Why don't you wait for Mr. to come back and take a look? This is really not an option, there are still a lot of people in the school."

Someone pulled the woman and said, "Would you like to carry the coffin to go home first? It's been so evil in the past few years, it's really not good to open the coffin and cheat the corpse. I also hope that the school admits its mistake. But this... hey, he's the only one living in that room, who else could he be?"

The book boy immediately echoed: "He pulled me yesterday and said that after packing up and moving into the school, it is forbidden to secretly go to Huayunlou to find the girl's school. I told him about it, He doesn't seem to listen very well either. Although there are corpse spots all over his body, his face will not be mistaken."

Those people entangled for a while, and finally the middle-aged woman greeted the strong men they brought and carried the coffin away.

When the coffin passed the place where Yan Wei was located, not only did it not have the rotten smell of the corpse, but also a faint woody fragrance wafted out, which was the smell of agarwood. It's just that the agarwood used for this coffin board is obviously not as good as that in Yan Wei's hands, and it's even far behind.

At this time, Yu Feizhou and Yan Wei's perceptions were also connected.

The others did not dare to come, so they all turned away, and we are now staying in his house. 】

【I also saw it here, and there is his body in the front hall. 】 Yan Wei said, 【Is there anything unusual? 】

[, it should be said...there is. 】

[Huh? 】

Lin Zhen Diao Erlang bumped into Yan Wei's perception: [It's too normal here, it's a bit strange. There was no floral fragrance that the female ghost had on the day she appeared, and there was no trace of struggle. From my experience of fighting people every day, nothing happened in this room. 】

Yu Feizhou: [I can't see how this person was killed by the female ghost last night. 】

Yan Wei came out of the dark and said: [If you can't see it, it means that the female ghost did not kill him last night. 】

He was curious before, when the female ghost secretly attacked him at night, it was clearly a scent of flowers that brought up that unspeakable dream, but he has been infiltrating the deceased's house these days. , or go to the place where the deceased died, but did not notice the fragrance of those flowers.

It takes time for the fragrance to dissipate.

Judging from the time of these people's sudden death, if the invisible female ghost killed people at that time, the dead body would rapidly decay, and then they would be found and buried in a coffin. There shouldn't be enough time for that floral scent to dissipate to the point where he couldn't even perceive it.

He prefers to think that the female ghost started earlier before the death of the deceased.

The way she kills is not the same as most of the ghosts they have experienced. The murdered deceased may have been recruited before, but it took some time to recruit death from it. Therefore, the deceased seems to have died suddenly and instantly, covered with corpse spots and described as thin, as if they were drained and moved in an instant. In fact, the deceased has been recruited long ago, and has been losing energy, only the day of death. It just appeared suddenly.

will die suddenly.

This person was not killed in the school last night - otherwise the three of them are there, opposite the Guanyin Temple and Song Chengan, it is impossible for everyone to be unaware of this, otherwise the female ghost Whatever they want is easy.

This person is more likely to be tricked before coming to the school.

Where is that...?

At this time, other people in the school may have been worried about bad luck and have long since dispersed.

Yan Wei just hid aside and watched these people carry the coffins and leave the school. Combined with what Yu Feizhou and Lin Zhen said, he roughly figured out some of the reasons and walked into the front hall.

The book boy also seemed to dislike the coffin here just now, and walked away nervously, without cleaning up the mess in the front hall.

Perhaps it was because the person died in a hurry, and the family only cared about carrying the coffin, and some items from this life were stacked on the coffee table. Yan Wei stepped forward and took a look. It wasn't anything valuable, it was just some pen and paper, and there were some scattered things in it.

Yan Wei flipped over and didn't see anything related to the evil spirits. He was about to close his hands when he caught a glimpse of a wooden sign in the far corner of these clutter.

This wooden plaque is about half the size of an adult man's palm, with a flower engraved on it, and the pattern appears to be a balsam. The brand doesn't look like something a man would carry around, but it doesn't look like an accessory either, without any tethers.

Like a house number.

There was a commotion at the door of the school, and there seemed to be some chatter. Someone is at the door.

Yan Wei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he sent Song Chengan a message to ask them to help find the source of the impatiens flower wooden sign, picked up the wooden sign, turned around and walked towards the door of the school.

In my mind, a prompt sounded suddenly.

[Congratulations to the player for opening the main line-related branch, obtaining the quest-limited item "Hanshian Flower Card", and obtaining the main line task progress 2. You currently have a total of 15 main line progress, among all players in this dungeon temporarily ranked first. ]

Is there any tips for temporarily staying first?

In other words, as long as he keeps ahead, he can know the progress limit of the entire dungeon. Or maybe he is suddenly not the first and can also get information.

The fastest progress has such a hidden benefit.

Please note: This side quest is just an additional trigger, which is helpful to the main quest, but not required. You can choose to finish, or you can choose to simply give up. ]


Yan Wei took a step.

Know the number of camps on both sides?

This reward seems to be just a number, but its role is self-evident.

In an instant, Yan Wei decided to first find out how the female ghost killed these men.

He stepped on the snow that was beginning to freeze on the path, and walked towards the door of the school against the coldness outside, silently putting the balsam pear into his sleeve.

There were more people coming and going in the aisle, and there were more faces that Yan Wei had not seen these days, and a few people carrying a few boxes passed by him. He walked to the door, only to find that several people were unloading luggage from several carriages.

There were two people at the front of the carriages.

One is a man in his thirties, wearing a very simple blue linen shirt, his appearance is not that eye-catching A very comfortable scent. This man is directing those people to carry their luggage.

He didn't have to guess, he just glanced at it like this, and then looked at the school boy who came up and a few people in the school, and knew that this was Mr. Bai who they had been waiting for for a few days.

Yan Wei's identity is Mr. Bai's distant cousin. With the help of the copy, Mr. Bai naturally recognizes him. Seeing him coming, Mr. Bai smiled at him.

There are too many people around now, and the player and nc may not be able to tell the difference. Yan Wei didn't plan to have any communication with Mr. Bai here. After returning a smile, his eyes swept to Mr. Bai's side. of another person.

This person Yan Wei is very familiar with.

"What are you doing standing there in a daze," someone shouted at Yan Wei, "I don't have enough people, come and help."

Lin Qing glanced at this man and said lightly, "You can't move yourself?"

The man immediately stopped, picked up the heavy luggage, and made heavy footprints one after another on the snow. Snow fell on the luggage, and it seemed to carry some moisture, and ice beads were condensed on it.

Yan Wei and Lin Qing glanced at each other, but did not speak for a while.

After carrying the luggage, Mr. Bai walked slowly into the school, surrounded by some book boys and students. He had a calm expression from beginning to end, his whole personality was sparse and broad, but his body was straight, just like the feeling of this school - high-spirited and strict.

When Mr. Bai passed by Yan Wei, he deliberately stopped and said a few words with Yan Wei. Roughly speaking, he has been exhausted these days, and he still needs to deal with some school affairs when he comes back. I will talk to him privately tomorrow.

Yan Wei should be fine.

But Mr. Bai is a key figure, and both camps probably already know some of it, so don't care, in case the enemy camp directly hits nc to obstruct them, the trouble is not small. Yan Wei explained that Lin Zhen was secretly optimistic about Mr. Bai through his skills, so he and Lin Qing found a small pavilion with no one in the school.

The small pavilion is full of cold winds, and the cheeks of the people blowing are cold. Surrounded by houses and white snow, all the light was scattered, but most of the sound was absorbed. The school had just died strangely. Except for those people who carried the coffin away and Mr. Bai back, everything was quiet.

"If you don't show up again," Yan Wei sat down on a bench in the pavilion and joked, "I almost thought you were assigned to the enemy camp."

Lin Qing replied earnestly, "Isn't that more of a time to show up, to tell you what to say?"

Yan Wei: "..." It seems that Lin Qing is really from the hostile camp.

Lin Qing said solemnly: "But I wouldn't do this kind of thing. I should kill my own people directly. I can help you take one away."

Yan Wei: "..." That's not true.

His hands must have been shaking when he divided it, and he gave all the humorous cells to Lin Zhen.

He simply went straight to the point: "So what is your identity? Why did you come back with Mr. Bai?"

Lin Qing's expression suddenly became a lot more serious, he frowned, and said solemnly: "My identity is just a pretense that blends into the background of the copy, but why did I come back with Mr. Bai... You did ask That's right. I think a player - that is, me, after loading the dungeon, will accompany Mr. Bai on a long trip and come back, in order to witness."

"Witness what?"

"I know that Mr. Bai sent a letter to someone to send a letter, and found some things that can exorcise evil spirits. Those things should be on you? And the reason for these things is to solve the problem of Guanyin Town. It's been unknown for several years. Mr. Bai is here to invite a mage who can use these tools to exorcise the evil spirits of Guanyin Town."

"When I accompanied Mr. Bai to find someone, I saw with my own eyes that Master died in front of the Buddha statue."

After receiving the news of Yan Wei, Song Chengan sent a message to Yu Zhengqing and Zhong Bufan without any delay, intending to find out where the impatiens card came from and what it was used for .

They met in front of the side hall of a large Guanyin temple with no people.

Song Chengan waited for a while, but Zhong Bufan, who did not live in the Guanyin Temple, arrived first. As soon as this person arrived, he started to circle around him again, asking about various things about V. This time, there were more tricks, and he also mentioned Yan Wei's performance in this dungeon several times.

But in Song Chengan's ears, all Zhong Bufan said was about Yan Wei, which made his head hurt.

He put on a face that was three points colder than the surrounding snow, ignored Zhong Bufan's words, and waited for a while at the door of the side hall.

"No." Song Chengan said suddenly.

The twittering Zhong Bufan also stopped suddenly. He frowned: "Where's that idiot Yu Zhengqing? Isn't he closer?"

"Has your black ring received any messages from him?"


The two looked at each other, and at the same time set off for Yu Zhengqing's residence in the Guanyin Temple.

Song Chengan arrived first. The door of Yu Zhengqing's residence was open, and there was a series of collisions.

He rushed in and saw Yu Zhengqing holding a legendary item, fighting with a cyan bunt and a masked player.

The physical data of this unknown player does not seem to be the same as Yu Zhengqinggao, who is a veteran super high-level player, but this person is vigorous and dexterous in his hands, and he is not in harmony with Yu Zheng Qing confronted hard, always digging towards Yu Zhengqing's sleeve.

As soon as Song Chengan came in, Zhong Bufan who followed him immediately took out his props.

Before they started, this man realized that he was outnumbered, and suddenly took out a long bow in his hand, pulled the bowstring, and two black arrow feathers went towards Song Chengan and Zhong Bufan.

The two of them subconsciously turned to avoid the arrow feathers, and in the blink of an eye, the man had disappeared in front of the three of them.

Zhong Bufan wanted to chase, but Yu Zhengqing stopped him: "If he can't catch up, he should run away. Lin Qiao's skill is to use two items to teleport at a fixed point, and he should have Lin Qiao on him. The thing that was sent directly to the distance, we don't know the destination of the fixed-point transmission, and we can't catch up."

Song Chengan asked, "Where are your props?"

He is the most prestigious and powerful among these players. At this moment, Yan Wei is not around, Song Chengan is posing as usual, and his words are full of questioning and oppression.

Yu Zhengqing did not dare to offend Song Chengan, and immediately said: "Don't worry, he was not taken away by him. But...this..."

Zhong Bufan had already bent down and picked up the two arrows that had just shot at them.

"I don't recognize this arrow." Zhong Bufan said, "I just arrived at the super high-rise, and many players have not cooperated or fought each other. The two are more senior than me, see?"

Song Chengan obviously recognized it.

He didn't look very good.

Yu Zhengqing pointed at the arrow and said, "I've seen this before! That little bunny, Lin Zhen, took someone directly to our Yuemang headquarters before this dungeon was opened, and his arrow looks like this. The way the man used just now is the same as him, a longbow without an arrow, as long as the bowstring is pulled, the arrow will automatically appear."

Zhong Bufan looked at Song Chengan - he saw that Song Chengan's expression was wrong.

"I've seen this arrow too," he said, "but not that Lin Zhen. Lin Qing and I have entered the super high-rise dungeon twice, and I've seen him use it."

Read The Duke's Passion