MTL - Half Immortal-Chapter 179 Black Sea Town Coffin (18)

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After Yan Wei turned around and went in, he wanted to see Yan Mingguang's expression again, and felt that he had held back all the way to get into such a posture. Now looking back at Yan Mingguang, he was a little bit down. . It's not the first time that Yan Mingguang has done this. When he was in the puppet castle, this man began to help him by hiding it from him. At that time, he lost his temper a little. With the return of his memory and data? It's over.

If this time, Yan Mingguang can pass the test easily, will it be the next time?

In other words...the unsteady feeling he always had, the doubt he knew but didn't say, the vagueness? Maybe there was a little memory missing, yes Isn't it also related to Yan Mingguang's self-fulfillment?

He is not a temperamental person.

Instead of being angry, it is better to show Yan Mingguang an attitude and let this person know his attitude.

So? With his back straight, he walked into Mr. Bai's courtyard with a very calm appearance, but his perception spread quietly, wanting to pay attention to Yan Mingguang's reaction.

There seems to be a brief conversation between Yan Mingguang and Lin Qing from the rear? Yan Wei listened intently, and Yan Mingguang briefly asked about the situation last night. Lin Zhen was also on the side, Lin Qing didn't say much, basically it was Lin Zhen's recitation. Yan Mingguang's pace was steady, with a few "um" sounds from time to time.

Lin Zhen still won't drop the chain at a critical moment. Although he mentioned Geng Liang, he also followed Yan Wei's instructions and didn't show it in front of everyone? Saying that Geng Liang is his own kind of words.

Just after Lin Zhen finished speaking, Yan Mingguang was silent for a moment, not even a simple "um".

This person is smart, even if Lin Zhen doesn't say it...

—Yan Mingguang should know why he was angry?

Yan Wei was relieved, and he was about to withdraw his perception. Behind, a neat but soft perception suddenly hit the perception that he had not had time to withdraw.

Yan Wei: “…”

He was too embarrassed for a moment, and was jolted by the threshold in front of him, and took a step forward. The people behind him responded quickly, and before he could stand still, Yan Mingguang had already pulled him.

The book boy said, "Be careful."

Yan Wei glanced over at Yan Mingguang.


Apologizing so quickly every time.

Yan Wei retracted his gaze, shook off Yan Mingguang's hand, and said indifferently, "I'm not angry."

After saying that, he regretted it himself.

This sounds like a pointless coquetry. Yan Mingguang seemed to know all of his reactions very well. At this moment, he understood what he was annoyed with, and also understood his bravado. They had gone through life and death twice, as they should have been. They are the people who understand each other best.

I know everything.

Yan Wei suddenly felt that it was meaningless to question and get angry. He knew why Yan Mingguang didn't tell him, and Yan Mingguang knew what his reaction was. Everything was clear. He stopped talking, straightened his robes and continued to follow the book boy.

Everyone didn't speak, only Zhong Bufan kept circling around Song Cheng'an and asking questions.

Mr. Bai's courtyard is at the back of the school, behind a trail surrounded by snow, quiet and remote. There are rockeries on both sides, and it seems that there are still some green plants, but in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, only barren stones are left, which adds a bit of coldness. The front is an open bamboo hut with only a cave and a coffee table in it. We can vaguely see that Mr. Bai is already sitting there waiting, and the surroundings are clean and empty.

The whole Guanyin Town has such an atmosphere, and there is a little bit of trepidation in the deserted place. Mr. Bai? This place only gives people a feeling of emptiness, without any popularity. It is different from the high-spirited feeling of Guanyin Academy. This residence does not even show any emotions.

There is also a simple stage next to the bamboo house.

Yan Wei looked at the stage, his footsteps paused slightly, the book boy knew his question without him asking, and said, "Sir? There are not a few stages left. So? He built one himself, and when he was free, he would occasionally invite the few remaining opera troupes in the town to sing and relieve the boredom."

"Mr. Bai? Really elegant."

"That's not right," Shutong laughed, "Sir? But the most learned person in Guanyin Town, the masters of Guanyin Temple all respect Mr. Sir. But the greater the prestige, Responsibility is also great. In the past few years, the town has been troubled. Mr. is unhappy and very worried. Don't talk about Mr., who is not worried? Ah, I shiver every night when I sleep, because I am afraid that the evil thing will come to me. "

Yan Wei looked away from the stage and said, "It will be resolved."

He followed the book boy to the bamboo house, and the book boy shouted inside: "Sir, it's time."

"Just come in."

Bookboys step down.

Yan Wei went in first. Mr. Bai was sitting in front of the coffee table waiting for them. Wine was being boiled on the stove beside him. The smell of wine wafted in the air, covering the cold snow outside.

Mr. Bai? Wearing a simple robe, with her hair tied, and without any extra decoration on her body. His facial features are not particularly good-looking, but he can be called handsome, and he has a strong scholarly temperament, which is completely different from those peddlers that Yan Wei has seen in the past few days.

In front of the coffee table? A good number of cushions have been placed.

Yan Mingguang knew Yan Wei's habit of cleanliness, so he patted the cushion for Yan Wei and handed it to him. Yan Wei took it, and as soon as he sat down, he saw this man sit down beside him naturally.

He sat next to him in order to pay attention to the details without a trace. Song Chengan walked in and saw Yan Wei's seat, so he bit his head and sat in the middle of the room, chatting with Mr. Bai.

Zhong Bufan, although he talks a lot and is annoying at ordinary times, obviously played a role at this time. He and Song Chengan chatted casually with Mr. Bai, breaking the cold in the house.

Yan Wei took advantage of this time to observe the surroundings.

He didn't feel the presence of any props, but the atmosphere, except for the necessities of life, all around were paper, pen and books. There are especially many books, and there are all-encompassing books on the shelf on one side. From those who are in the middle of spring and white snow to the scriptures of the Xialiba people, they have everything.

Mr. Bai? Poured a glass of wine for each of them to warm up.

Yan Wei took a sip, then got up and walked away. Holding a warm glass in his hand, he walked to the bookshelf and glanced at the books. He didn't dabble in the books of this era, many of them were classics with names he had heard of in memory, but he didn't know what they were talking about, and he wasn't interested.

On the contrary, it is the script of the play. He is more familiar with it, and he has glimpsed the script of "Tianxian" and "The Liang Zhu".

"Can you do me a favor?"

Yan Wei was stunned for a moment, then turned his head, just in line with Mr. Bai's line of sight.

Mr. Bai? He didn't mind Yan Wei's act of looking blindly, and said, "It happens that you are standing there, can you help me with a book?"

Yan Wei nodded: "Small thing."

Mr. Bai? ordered a seat on the bookshelf, and Yan Wei took out a book from there.

This book was just taken out, and everyone present, except Mr. Bai, all looked slightly moved—this is a prop!

"I'm sorry for disturbing you, too. Some of you have come from thousands of miles away with magic tools to ward off evil spirits, but I...hey, I didn't succeed in inviting the mage back." Bai Mr. pointed to the book that Yan Wei took out, "I really can't bear it for the past few years? Seeing so many people die in vain for no reason, I searched for a long time, and then I found such a solution, I want to solve the matter of the Black Sea. Here is written the formation method of using magic tools to suppress evil spirits, and everything is ready, but I went to the Shen residence in private, and the coffin was full of grievances, which must be purified by the mage before the suppression method can be used, but Mage suddenly had an accident, only Guanyin bottled water can purify grievances."

Mr. Bai? His eyes are full of sorrow: "I don't want to implicate you in the matter of Guanyin Town. I take the liberty to ask you to leave these things to ward off evil spirits first, and then I will find a way. Can you all? Look at the book. As for these things, I can also exchange them with what I have. You can leave Guanyin Town first, so as not to be targeted by evil spirits.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the reminder of the dungeon sounded in the minds of all people in their camp.

[Congratulations to the players for thoroughly understanding the Black Sea dilemma of Guanyin Town and discovering the source of the Black Sea problem. All players in this faction get 10% progress on the main line quest. Currently, your faction has more main ? Online progress, please try your best to keep it. ]


[The two sides of this task are of the same camp, and only the one who completes the task first can get the progress reward brought by the task and successfully break the game. ]

Everyone looked at each other and understood the meaning.

Mr. Bai? Said to let them go first, that's because Mr. Bai? is an NPC. What they have to do is to take over this matter and solve the troubles in Guanyin Town.

Song Chengan looked at Yan Wei, and seeing Yan Wei nodded, he said, "Everyone has come, and now he's gone, it would be too outrageous to leave the problem to Mr. Sir? If you don't mind, you might as well give us this formation first, I was originally doing this business, and I will think of a solution together with everyone in the past few days."

Song Chengan is not wrong.

His skill is to set up a formation, and his identity in this dungeon is also a Taoist priest, it is obviously the most suitable for him to take over this job.

He brought it up, Mr. Bai? After careful consideration, he said, "If there is any danger, please tell me as soon as possible."

This task is the next step.

Yan Wei gave Song Chengan the formation. There is a specialization in the art industry, and Song Chengan is better than him in this regard.

They have to race against time to find the Guanyin Jingjing bottle and the female ghost who captured Jiang Jingyun's resentful soul. There is no need to drag it here. A few people pretended to leave, Yan Wei stood up slowly, and heard Mr. Bai? Right? He said, "It's cold outside, let's go out after drinking this glass of wine."

Yan Wei is not good at drinking, but the wine is not much.

The strong smell of wine in the air is intoxicating.

Mr. Bai? got up to send them out, Yan Wei walked last, and when he stepped over the threshold, he suddenly said: "Sir?"

The splendid scholar turned to look at him with a smile on his face, "Please speak."

"I'm not a meditator, I don't read many books, many things are based on what I've seen and heard, and most of the people around me are like this. This is the first time I meet Mr.? People in the group, suddenly want to ask a question."

Mr. Bai? Look at him.

Yan Wei didn't know why he wanted to ask an NPC, he was right? These NPCs are relatively indifferent. No matter how vivid and real they are, they are not from the same world as him. But he suddenly thought of Yan Mingguang's words - to these NPCs, they are just passersby.

Perhaps in their eyes, the player is the incomplete existence and the fleeting passerby.

No one is imaginary.

He said: "Sir? I want to solve the evil in Guanyin Town, but in fact, Mr. can also leave Guanyin Town and use Mr.'s financial resources, is it not difficult?"

Mr. Bai? He seemed stunned.

"Individual to all, sir? Did you choose?"

This time, Mr. Bai laughed.

The answer. You ask this question, do you want me to solve your puzzles, or I choose for you? But if there is a fixed answer to this question, it will not be a problem."

Snowflakes fell, and one of them hung on Yan Wei's eyelashes, slightly blurring Yan Wei's vision.

Geng Liang sent him a message at this time.

He blinked and said, "It seems that Mr.? also thought about this kind of question. I went to find Guanyin bottled water."

Yan Wei walked out of the eaves of the bamboo house, faced the snow, and walked to the front of the small courtyard, in front of Yan Mingguang who was waiting for him. The snow was so heavy that within a moment, a few snowflakes had piled up on Yan Mingguang's shoulders, and Yan Wei subconsciously raised his hand to help him away.

"Aren't you angry?" Yan Mingguang asked him.

Yan Wei gritted his teeth: "I've never been angry."

"Okay, you're not angry, but I'm sorry. I'm worried? You're embarrassed."

"I know what you think, and I won't be impatient. I give up this last copy for you. The copy prompt doesn't say what will happen to the loser. It's just a reward. After the game is broken, the players who failed without death will return to the world inside the building. If I exchange it to Pandora's Box, everything will be the same, we just have one less Pandora's Box."

Yan Mingguang grabbed his hand and covered his fingertips, which were soaked in ice and snow.

Yan Wei leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Just now, Geng Liang—oh, the one who 'swapped' camps with you sent me news. Your The faction got the news that the bottled water was purified. The mage who helped Member Shen had the Guanyin bottled water. He took it to the Shen residence, but he died in the Shen residence before he could use it. So, in fact, the Guanyin bottled water. The water is in the Shen's house, but neither of us found it? They are in the Shen's house, near the water tower, we have to find a way to sneak in and grab a bottle of water."

"You think of a solution."

"Mr. Shen has to pick up a few girls from Wanhualou for the past two days. Fengxian died, but Wanhualou has to hand over the girls. Do you think they are overwhelmed and want to find a girl? A girl who can go to the Shen residence instead?"

He said this, his eyes were bright and clear, and he looked straight at Yan Mingguang.

Yan Mingguang's eyes moved lightly, and he sighed: "You said you're not angry, isn't this a public revenge?"

"Then you agreed," Yan Wei scratched slightly with his fingertips in Yan Mingguang's palm, "Miss Yan."

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