MTL - Half Immortal-Chapter 5 Promenade Hotel (5)

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Before seeing this studio, Yan Wei felt that there were too many portraits of women in rows on the corridor.

But now, the unfinished oil paintings stacked in front of them to completely cover the floor and walls look more than the portraits hanging on the promenade.

But "they" all have no eyes.

A pair of empty eyes were facing forward, or looking at a certain place, the women's mouths were raised, their smiles seemed sweet and mocking.

Gao Ming's face was extremely pale: "It's so strange here, I really can't see what's going on. Let's see, we just happened to discuss it together."

Yan Mingguang glanced at Yan Wei.

Just as Yan Wei guessed that Yan Mingguang's body index must be a bit higher, this person also seems to have found that Yan Wei's perception is different.

Although he didn't say anything, Yan Wei understood that Yan Mingguang was asking about his perception of danger.

This person is the only one among the players who saw through him from the very beginning, Yan Wei didn't bother to act stupid, shook his head and whispered: "I don't know. This studio is for I feel very different, it looks very strange, I feel like there is danger everywhere, and then I feel like it is nothing."

He frowned, stepped over the scattered drafts on the ground, and walked slowly to an easel.

This easel holds the only portrait of a woman with eyes in the studio.

The woman seemed to be wearing a white coat-like dress, with two soft and lovely long braids hanging on both sides, her eyes were gentle and her eyes were clear. The most beautiful thing about "her" is her eyes, which are full of emotions even though they are just strokes shaped on flat paper.

It appears to be a young female doctor. It is by far the best painting I have seen in the hotel.

Compared to the rather immature oil paintings seen on the promenade and in their rooms, this painting has been completely reborn. Even a layman like Yan Wei can see that this painting has both aura and skill. Although the style of the painting has not changed, the level of the person who painted this painting has completely risen to a new level.

Yan Wei took out his mobile phone that still had electricity and took a picture of this picture.

Unusual things always represent possible clues.

After he finished filming, he put his mobile phone in the pocket of his trench coat with one hand, patted Yan Mingguang's arm with the other, and whispered, "Dude, let's count as teammates?"

Yan Mingguang seemed to pause.

"If you don't call me 'buddy,'" the man said a little more, "forget it."

Yan Wei raised an eyebrow: "?"

The man still looked flat: "Waiter."

Yan Wei suddenly remembered the name he used to call the waiter.

"..." Yan Wei never expected that this calm boss would actually care about calling the waiter, "Okay, big brother, big brother, big brother!"

Yan Mingguang: “…”

Yan Wei: "I found clues on the promenade that the owner of the hotel was a gifted painter, but the paintings on the promenade were all early works of this painter. In the later period, the waiter Said the painter made a better picture, I guess..."

"That's what's in the studio."

"Yes, the early paintings are in the gallery, and the later paintings are in the studio - almost all of them have no eyes, only one has eyes, there must be something important in it. Why don't you paint eyes later There are generally two kinds of willingness not to do one thing: don't want, or can't. If you don't want to, but the female doctor's picture has eyes; if not, the female doctor's words have eyes, and it still doesn't make sense. Why on earth did the owner of the house paint so many portraits without eyes?"

Yan Wei just took his eyes off the portrait of the only female doctor with eyes, and before he could look at Yan Mingguang, he suddenly felt a chill on his back.

The extraordinary perception made him aware of the danger in an instant, and there was a burst of wind behind him, and Yan Wei subconsciously rushed to the side.

The next moment, Yan Mingguang, who was beside him, followed his strength and pulled him violently, pulling him to the other side.

Yan Wei heard the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the wall.

He looked back and saw a pair of sharp scissors stuck on the wall where he was standing. If he hadn't dodged just now, these scissors... would have pierced his head directly!

The obscure skylight shone through the glass windows, slanted and shattered in the studio. In the dim light, a girl in a long skirt lifted her feet slightly off the ground and hovered there quietly.

She has no eyes, her eyes are hollow and dark, as if she can't see the bottom. She smiled slightly, but the smile was not sweet at all, only eerie.

Her clothes, hair and facial features... all look exactly like a portrait of a **** the easel without eyes, cutting flowers and plants with scissors!

"...that's what you said," Yan Wei raised his eyebrows, "into the world in the painting?"

Yan Mingguang looked at the girl in the painting and shook his head slightly: "It's not the same, this time 'she' came out."

"What are you still doing!" Gao Ming shouted at the door, "Run!"

At this time, the eyeless girl raised her hand slightly, and the scissors that had been embedded in the wall flew back to her hand in an instant.

She laughed a few times, took the scissors, and said to Yan Wei and others: "Yeah, someone has discovered some secrets. Now that they have discovered it, then leave something in exchange. …”

"The two who discovered the secret," she pointed at Yan Wei and Yan Mingguang, "They are all good-looking, I like them all, it's hard to choose. Let's play a game. , you two guessing fists, choose one and let me dig out his eyes with scissors, and I will let you go after digging."

"Don't run, I'll chase after you."

The girl's sharp voice was still echoing in the studio, she hadn't moved yet, Yan Mingguang didn't even have the preparations to deal with it, and stepped directly in front of the girl in a few steps.

His stern but cold voice sounded with a firm tone: "Then don't run."

It was a two-choice game proposed by the girl without even thinking about it.

He said, moving very fast, but in a moment he pulled his folding knife out of his pocket. The metal blade made a slight rustling sound in the air. Yan Mingguang held the weapon in his hand and reached out to poke at the girl's empty eye socket.

And the moment the blade pierced her eye socket, nothing happened!

The scissors kept moving towards Yan Wei.

Yan Wei instantly knew that he could not be the opponent of this eyeless girl at all, and quickly ran to the side, "Yan Mingguang, save me!"

"No help." Yan Mingguang said, but he immediately took out the blade in his hand and threw it back without looking back.

The folding knife extending to the length of the dagger slashed in the air, directly collided with the scissors chasing Yan Wei, blocked the attack of the scissors, and returned to Yan Mingguang with a perfect roundabout arc. in hand.

Yan Wei had already run to the other corner of the studio, and took a breath.

The eyeless girl picked up the scissors again and poked at Yan Mingguang, murmuring: "Give me the eyes, I only need a pair of eyes. Give me the eyes, I only need a pair of eyes... A pair of eyes ah…"

Yan Wei just ducked for a moment and rolled over in a pile of drawings. He looked at Yan Mingguang who had been fighting with the girl a few times, and shouted loudly, "Try your heart!"

Gao Ming was already frantic at the door: "Run first!!"

Yan Wei said: "You run first."

Although he and Yan Mingguang didn't say anything, they clearly understood in their hearts that it was useless to run away, and there was a problem with the studio.

The next moment, Yan Mingguang had stabbed the girl's heart.

—The girl is safe and sound.

Her scissors kept attacking Yan Wei, and the dagger-shaped folding knife in Yan Mingguang's hand kept testing various parts of her body, but to no avail.

The sharp blade pierced into the girl's body, but no blood came out.

Is it because this girl has no eyes, Yan Mingguang just found out that the method of dealing with the person in the painting is useless?

While thinking about how to deal with the eyeless girl, Yan Wei kept dodging the scissors thrown at him, and was out of breath. Fortunately, the speed at which the eyeless girl threw the scissors was not particularly fast, and with the help of Yan Mingguang, he was able to escape.

Yan Mingguang still seems to be crushing the girl, but the girl in the painting with scissors has no place to be injured. If this goes on, no matter how powerful Yan Mingguang is, he will only be slowed down. consume slowly.

At the door, Gao Ming seemed afraid to come in, but he didn't leave immediately, just kept shouting for them to run together.

The black-rimmed glasses that Gao Ming was wearing all slipped during his waving and shouting, and he was about to fall off the bridge of his nose. Come out, don't compete with girls.

Yan Wei looked at Gao Ming, frowned, and was caught by the girl for a moment, and the scissors were about to pierce his heart.

Yan Mingguang turned directly from the girl to Yan Wei, grabbed Yan Wei and avoided the scissors.

The two rolled on the ground together and knocked down an easel. The wood shattered into a sound of colliding one after another, and the pieces of paper in the studio flew, a mess.

The moment he stopped, Yan Mingguang was pressing on Yan Wei.


Yan Wei blinked.

Seeing that the scissors were thrown at them again, Yan Wei hooked the corner of his mouth, and his light brown eyes were filled with a smile of sudden realization.

"I understand," he whispered to Yan Mingguang, "Fresh teammates, believe me?"

Yan Mingguang glanced at him and just said, "I said, you are smarter than Gao Ming and the others think."

He also got up at the same time and went back and forth with the eyeless girl again.

Gao Ming can't wait any longer: "If you don't run, I can only go by myself!"

Yan Mingguang blocked another pair of scissors from Chao Yanwei, Yan Wei sat up slowly on the ground and glanced at Gao Ming.

He said, "Can't run."

Gao Ming was taken aback: "Why?"

"My intuition told me just now that I can't run. From a rational point of view, I'm being targeted, and I'm in this hotel wherever I go." In the panic of being in danger, "Intuitively, I always think that there is a problem with running. Besides, we just met, right? What kind of friendship can make you risk your life to wait for us at the door, and what kind of hatred makes you clearly Always at the door, but not helping at all?"

Gao Ming's expression froze.

Yan Wei turned his head, looked straight at him, and said in an orderly manner: "I just wanted to ask you a question, this eyeless thing is not the target of Yan Mingguang, I can understand - after all, who It can be seen that Yan Mingguang is the worst to deal with. Then why does she only deal with me and never deal with you? "

Gao Ming replied angrily: "I should ask her, how can I ask..."

Yan Wei smiled.

He said word by word: "Because she doesn't know, you know."

For a moment when Gao Ming was stunned, Yan Wei shouted to Yan Mingguang: "Yan Mingguang! Poke Gao Ming's eyes!!"

Before he finished speaking, the dagger-like folding knife was supposed to go towards the eyeless girl, but Yan Mingguang moved his finger in an instant, and the thrown blade hovered in the air, instantly piercing Gao Ming right eye!

Read The Duke's Passion