MTL - Hao is Also a Kind of Life-~ One hundred and eighty-seven: a woman with extraordinary skills

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Taking advantage of the spare time after the war, Lu Feng happily chatted with this stranger who would give out benefits.

And the benefits are not limited to the one just now. In the following process, several photos of legs from various angles were sent in succession.

"Lele, why don't you post your own?"

On the soft bed, Chen Shuyi covered her thighs with the quilt and complained.

"I'm afraid that my godfather will find out."

Tang Lele pointed to her fair thighs, and continued:

"Look, I have a mole here."

"How does your godfather know that you have a mole here?"

Chen Shuyi was a little curious.

"You silly, didn't we just wear swimsuits when we went swimming last time."

Tang Lele patted the quilt.

In fact, it's not just because of swimming. When practicing dancing, I have had close contact more than once.

After chatting for a while, there was a knock on the door, followed by Mother Tang's voice:

"Lele, Shuyi, hurry up and rest, you have to film tomorrow."

Hearing the parents' orders, the two looked at each other. Naturally, it was impossible to be so obedient, but their voices were much lower.

"Lele, your godfather can't really date online, can he?"

Chen Shuyi said in a low voice.

"How is it possible, there are so many women around my godfather, and I still need to go online dating."

Knowing Lu Feng's temperament, Tang Lele would not bother to find comfort on the Internet.

I guess if I hadn't taken a photo of Chen Shuyi's legs, I wouldn't have had the next sentence in the conversation.

"How many women does your godfather have?"

Speaking of this, Chen Shuyi was a little curious.

"I don't know either."

Tang Lele shook her head. She said that only because she had seen Lu Feng's phone.

"Your godfather is a badass!"

Chen Shuyi cursed suddenly.

"Yes, a super villain!"

Tang Lele thought so.

These two little girls were having a conversation about Lu Feng, and in the next room, two mature women were also having a conversation about Lu Feng.

"How did you feel when you were with Lu Feng?"

In the darkness, Mother Tang's voice sounded.


Mother Chen didn't answer right away, wondering why sister Xia suddenly asked this.

"What? You're still shy."

After hearing no answer, Mother Tang asked.

"You'll know if you try it."

Mother Chen joked.

"I try a ghost, you think I'm like you, so horny!"

"Hungry? Let's see who is hungrier between the two of us."

As they were talking, the two actually became entangled, each using their own **** techniques to make the other weak.

The next day, according to the flight news sent by Zhao Ying, at the Modu Airport, the woman whom the former said had been her instructor would arrive at this time.

Originally, Lu Feng asked Zhao Ying for a photo, but the other party didn't say anything and didn't know why.

Standing at the exit, Lu Feng glanced boredly at the **** beauties entering and leaving the airport.

Suddenly, an extremely pleasant voice sounded like jade beads dropping from behind:

"Lu Feng."

Looking back, what caught my eye was an ordinary woman. Of course, the word ordinary only described the other person's clothes, tops, pants, and coats, all of which were cheap.

But this woman's appearance is extremely extraordinary, even if the other party wears sunglasses to cover most of her face, Lu Feng's experience in reading women can tell that this is a top-quality woman.

Whether it is appearance or figure, they are all top-notch, and even their voice is so charming. From the appearance alone, it is really impossible to tell that the other party is already in his thirties.

"I seem to understand why you were fired."

As a man, when faced with a top-notch woman, he will inevitably have some thoughts, and Lu Feng is no exception, his eyes are shining brightly.

"The Security Bureau isn't all lustful people."

Lu Shengnan shook his head, took off his sunglasses, and an extremely delicate face appeared in Lu Feng's line of sight, with a slight smile hanging from the corner of his mouth, and said:

"Boss Lu, do you want to **** me?"


Hearing such a direct question from a woman's mouth, Lu Feng was somewhat unexpected.

But still nodded very honestly, and said seriously:


"What pose do you want to use?"

Lu Shengnan approached Lu Feng and said softly:

"Is it the front, or the back, or the top, or the bottom?"

"Whether you want to be in bed, on the sofa, on the balcony, or in the park."

"How about we just come here once?"

The more Lu Shengnan said, the more he went too far, as long as Lu Feng nodded, he would take off his clothes and put on a **** play in front of countless people.

This made Lu Feng a little overwhelmed, this was the first time he met such a woman.

"Xiaoying said that you have extraordinary skills."

Lu Feng coughed, interrupted Lu Shengnan, and changed the subject.

"It seems that Boss Lu is not as impatient as Xiaoying said."

Lu Shengnan returned to the expression he had just now, with a smile on his face all the time:

"Xiaoying's skill is taught by me, what do you think?"

"It's better to confirm."

As Lu Feng said this, he happened to see a young girl coming out of the exit. Of course, it wasn't that the girl was pretty, but because behind the girl, there were two tall men helping to push the luggage.

After finishing speaking, Lu Feng walked up to the girl and stopped in front of the girl.

"Beauty, how about having dinner together at night, chatting about life, and exploring the truth of the world?"

Lu Feng's tone was frivolous, and his behavior was unrestrained, like a **** in ancient times molested a good woman.

Facing the stranger's harassment, the girl took a step back with disgust in her eyes. The two men behind her had put down their luggage and approached Lu Feng slowly.

Lu Shengnan, who was at the side, saw this scene, and felt a little helpless. He went out on his own, and he still had to be tested, but he still went up.

"Please get out of the way!"

The girl's voice was soft, revealing that it could not be questioned.

Seeing that Lu Feng shook his head and didn't move, the girl didn't say much, and pushed her directly behind the two bodyguards.

"Really want to do it?"

Seeing that the conflict was about to Lu Shengnan looked back at Lu Feng and said:

"Do you know who this girl is?"

Before Lu Feng could ask, the two strong men were already gearing up and moving their hands.

On the bright side, this is a very different battle. Two big men who are close to 1.9 meters tall are going to besiege a thin woman who is less than 1.7 meters tall.

Countless passers-by thought that the final result would be the defeat of this woman.

But the result was unexpected. It was just a simple hand knife hitting the necks of two people, and the two people completely lost their fighting power.

Covering his neck, he half sat on the ground, his eyes revealing unwillingness.

And this girl was a little flustered because of the failure of her bodyguard. She thought that she had encountered the legendary kidnapper.

Read The Duke's Passion