MTL - Hao is Also a Kind of Life-~ One hundred and seventy-five: why help you

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very young!

With a purpose in mind, Mother Chen came back to her senses, with a warm smile on her face, walked over, and stretched out her right hand:

"Mr. Lu, hello!"

Holding it with Mother Chen's little hand, it feels soft to the touch, and the skin is also tender.

Looking at her as a friend of Tang's mother, she should be about the same age, and she also has a teenage daughter, but there are almost no traces of time on her fair face, she is well maintained, and she is also a charming mature woman .


Lu Feng responded, then looked at the girl beside him, and said with a smile:

"This is Shuyi, a very beautiful girl."

"Thank you uncle for the compliment."

Chen Shuyi thanked her, and then responded:

"Uncle is handsome too."

"LOL, really?"

Lu Feng was quite happy to be called handsome by a little girl.


Chen Shuyi nodded approvingly.

From the moment she entered the house, Chen Shuyi's eyes were already blinded by such a luxurious residence. She had been watching Tang Lele's show off on WeChat before, and she didn't feel much about it, but now that she was in the middle of it, the impact was huge.

So, now she is very envious of being able to live in such a house and having such a young and handsome godfather.

"Uncle, where's Lele?"

After sitting for a while, Chen Shuyi couldn't help asking.


Before Lu Feng could respond, Tang Lele's voice came from upstairs.

Turning his head to look, a girl who looks like a princess from a fairy tale is walking down.

Because the home is full of heating, and does not feel the cold outside, Tang Lele is wearing a blue dress, with black hair flowing down her back like a waterfall.

Maybe it was because of helping to practice the dance just now, or because of the blush that hadn't faded away after taking a bath just now.

"Lele, she's also a lot prettier."

Seeing her former friend's daughter completely changed, Mother Chen envied her.

Although Tang Lele was beautiful before, she was just beautiful, and there was nothing to recommend her in terms of her dressing style, but now.

My own daughter is nothing compared to others.

why is that?

With some doubts, Chen's mother secretly glanced at Lu Feng who was sitting beside her, and all the reasons were attributed to this man.

"Lele, is he really your godfather?"

When Tang Lele sat beside her, Chen Shuyi asked in a low voice:

"It's not your boyfriend, is it?"

There have been similar examples in the entertainment industry before, and the public relations exposed their love relationship with a difference of many years.

"It's my godfather."

Tang Lele looked quite serious, glanced at Lu Feng, and joked again:

"Do you think my godfather is handsome, do you have an idea?"

"What are you talking about?"

Chen Shuyi snorted, then changed the subject:

"Then I have become your godmother?"

"roll roll roll..."

Tang Lele pushed away Chen Shuyi, who was beside her, and said angrily.

"Ha ha..."

Seeing Tang Lele like this, Chen Shuyi covered her mouth and laughed.

Others saw the scene where the two little girls muttered for a while, and they were a little curious about what they were talking about.

"What are you talking about, so happy?"

Lu Feng asked.

"Shuyi said she wanted to be your girlfriend!"

Tang Lele took the lead in attacking and spoke quickly.

Chen Shuyi on the side wanted to stop her, but she had already said it, so she could only shake her head helplessly, expressing that she had no such idea.

"Lele, don't talk nonsense."

Mother Tang glared at her daughter, how could she say such a thing.

Not to mention the age gap, the mother is still there.

"Sister Xia, the children are playing around."

Chen's mother was not very angry about this kind of thing.

Now that I am still young, if I say this in a few years, it will be too late to be happy.

If there really was such a man who could be his son-in-law, he would have to wake up from his dream.

Thinking about it this way, Mother Chen felt that there was a possibility.

The current Lu Feng is only less than 30 years old, although he likes to mess around, his personality may change in a few years, three thousand drowning, take a scoop.

In this way, it's not like my daughter has no chance to compete.

Now Chen Shuyi is doing well, and if she trains herself well in the past few years, she will not be worse than anyone else.

Lu Feng didn't know, just a simple conversation, this woman who met for the first time thought of so much.

After resting at home for a while, Lu Feng took a few people out of the hotel, eating was one thing, and he had to arrange the hotel where the mother and daughter of the Chen family stayed.

Of course, these have all been booked, but Tang Lele is unwilling and insists on pulling Chen Shuyi to live with her.

Although Tang Lele's bed was big enough and soft enough, she usually lived with Tang's mother, but there must be something to whisper when the two little girls live together.

As an elder, Tang's mother naturally said that she lived with Chen's mother in the hotel and slept together to catch up.

Lu Feng didn't have any doubts about this arrangement, but during the banquet, Chen's mother's frequent glances let him know that this woman had something to say to him.

Sure enough, what he thought was right, in the middle of the trip, Lu Feng went out to smoke.

Chen's mother, who was blushing from drinking some wine, found him.

"Boss Lu..."

On the fifth floor near the window, Lu Feng stood here, looking at the tall buildings outside.

"What's wrong?"

Turning around, looking at Mother Chen's pretty face, which seemed a bit embarrassed, Lu Feng stubbed out the cigarette.

"I heard from Sister Xia that Lele will join the filming crew in a few days."

After hesitating for a while, Mother Chen finally spoke.

Such an opportunity really can't be missed. If you miss it a little bit, it is estimated that compared with Lele, my daughter will be the sky and the earth in the future.


Lu Feng nodded flatly.

"Mr. Lu, see if you can arrange a role for Shuyi as well."

Mother Chen spoke firmly, not forgetting to praise her daughter:

"Shuyi, this child, has filmed many TV dramas, and many directors praised her acting skills. UU Reading will not embarrass you, Mr. Lu."

"It can be seen that Mr. Lu, you also like Shuyi very much. Moreover, if you go to the film crew together, Lele can also have a playmate of the same age."


After patiently listening to Chen's mother talking a lot, Lu Feng asked back.


Mother Chen fell silent.

That's right, why should I ask others to help? Is it because I am sister Xia's friend, that would be too much face.

He is a godfather, so he will do his best to help, so what is he, strictly speaking, it is only the first time we meet.

"Mr. Lu, this child Shuyi is as old as Lele, and she is also cute and smart. Why don't you recognize her as your goddaughter?"

Wanting the word godfather, Mother Chen grasped the key and mentioned it.

Read The Duke's Passion