MTL - Hao is Also a Kind of Life-~ One hundred and thirty-five: I want to praise her

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Modu, commercial street, in a coffee shop under an office building.

Outside the door, a tall woman in normal attire was walking towards this side.

From the outside, one would think that this was a woman in her twenties, but everyone who knew her knew that she was a wife and mother who already had a child in her teens.

A youthful appearance, in addition to natural beauty, also has the effect of maintenance.

This person is Lele's mother.

Walking into the coffee shop, Mother Tang saw her daughter Tang Lele sitting inside.

Beside her daughter is a woman who is about the same age as her, and even better than her in appearance and body.

Tang's mother knew this person, he was her daughter's teacher, and had dealt with him several times.

Opposite her daughter, there was another figure. Mother Tang could only see a figure from the back from her current perspective, and could only know that it was a man.

Walking over, Tang's mother could see clearly that this was a young man, and he must be a lecherous man.

The reason why I feel this way is because when I walked over, the other person's first glance was not at my face, but at my calf, and then slowly moved up.

If **** is divided into realms, then the man in front of him must not be low in realms!

"Ms. Li, what happened to Lele?"

Without asking who this strange man was, Mother Tang asked directly:

"Did Lele get into trouble at school?"


Tang Lele yelled, feeling a little helpless.

I'm very good at school, okay? Where would I cause trouble? Even if someone invited me to bully the disadvantaged classmates, I wouldn't go.

"Don't call me mom..."

Mother Tang yelled angrily.

What parents are most afraid of is being called a parent. Under normal circumstances, calling a parent is definitely not to accept praise.

"This parent, Lele didn't cause any trouble. It's because of him that I came to you this time."

Li Wanshu explained, pointing to Lu Fengdao opposite.


Tang's mother was a little surprised, and signaled Lele to move her position. After sitting down, she began to observe Lu Feng intently.

He was twenty-five or six years old, and his appearance was average, but Tang's mother was a little surprised by the outfits. What made her eyes shine was the famous brand that Lu Feng was wearing.

After secretly calculating, it would cost at least 50,000 to 60,000 yuan.

When she looked at Lu Feng, Lu Feng naturally also looked at her.

As far as appearance is concerned, Tang Lele has completely inherited the mother's excellent genes, and she is still better than blue.

It is precisely because of such a beautiful mother that a naturally beautiful daughter is born.

Looking at the mother and daughter together, their looks are 70% similar, and Tang's mother takes care of her very well, she looks too young.

If you go out together, you will definitely not think that this is a pair of mother and daughter, but a pair of sisters.

"Who is this?"

Mother Tang asked politely.

Just looking at it like this, she always felt that the man opposite was a bit familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

"Lu Feng."

Lu Feng took the initiative to introduce himself and stretched out his right hand.

Holding Tang's mother's hand together, it was soft and boneless, and the skin was delicate and smooth. He compared it with Li Wanshu's in his heart, and each had its own merits.

"Lu Feng, Lu Feng..."

Mother Tang muttered a few words, finally remembered, and said in surprise:

"You can't be the Lu Feng in Wang Sicong's Weibo, right?"

"Mom, it's him."

Before Lu Feng could reply, Tang Lele next to her confirmed her mother's doubts.


Mother Tang was really shocked now, and asked:

"Boss Lu, what are you looking for?"

As a standard urban white-collar worker, he usually drinks afternoon tea, plays Weibo, and chats with friends in his free time. He also pays attention to celebrities on Weibo.

Especially the Disciplinary Inspection Commission who often broke the news, the soul of women's gossip, naturally they would not miss it.

Therefore, Mother Tang has heard about some of Lu Feng's romantic affairs.

But she can figure it out, isn't that what the life of the rich is like.

A woman with fine wine, a mansion with a fragrant car!

Of course, it's also because she didn't go deep into it, otherwise she would definitely find some problems.

For example, my daughter once played a crazy game with this man in a bar.

"It has something to do with your daughter."

After glancing at Tang Lele, Lu Feng continued:

"I think your daughter is in good condition. With a little training, she can become a superstar."

What he said was very casual, but full of confidence, it seemed that as long as he did it, a pig could become an international superstar.

"You mean?"

Hearing Lu Feng's words, Tang's mother was a little agitated, and looked straight at the former, trying to make sure if the other party was joking with her.

"Yes, I'm going to sign her."

Lu Feng laughed.

"Sign Lele?"

Mother Tang calmed down and said with a smile:

"As far as I know, Mr. Lu just came to a live broadcast company, and bought a stake in National Treasure Entertainment a few days ago."

"Do you want Lele to do a live broadcast?"

"live streaming?"

Lu Feng shook his head:

"I'm planning to invest in a film company, and I just need to launch a representative. The first time I saw Lele, I thought this girl was pretty good."

Hearing Lu Feng's words, Tang Lele lowered his head and rolled his eyes.

Tang's mother was even more excited. If she had the opportunity to enter the entertainment industry, she would definitely support her.

But now, she suspected that Lu Feng's purpose was impure, so she didn't readily agree.

"Lele is still young, and she still needs to study."

Mother Tang hesitated.

Tang Lele was overjoyed, and felt that her mother understood herself and would not blindly pursue those fame and fortune.

"A girl as smart as Lele should not be affected."

Lu Feng said, and gave an example:

"Sister Shenxian also made her debut at this age before, but she was not admitted to the film school in the end."

"Mr. Lu, you came here to find me just for this matter?"

After hesitating for a while, Mother Tang still asked.

A big man like Lu Feng, just for such a thing, why bother to come to the door in person, he can just order anyone to do it.

As long as the other party puts forward conditions that satisfy me, or provides sufficient guarantees, even if I don't agree immediately, I will think about it.

"It was seen by you. There is indeed one more thing, which is very important."

Lu Feng smiled, looked at Tang Lele, and continued:

"Lele is very talented. You should be able to see that. I like her very much. Otherwise, I would have sent my subordinates to talk to you directly."

Mother Tang nodded, expressing her understanding.

Lu Feng continued:

"So, I want Ren Lele to be a goddaughter, what do you think?"


Hearing these three words, UU Reading Tang Lele's delicate body was shocked, and she looked at Lu Feng in horror, a little incredulous.

This guy actually has such a terrible idea, he must not be allowed to succeed.

But Tang's mother thought very far, she was clear about her daughter's conditions.

Moreover, Tang's mother had the idea of ​​letting Tang Lele enter the entertainment circle very early, but she suffered from no chance.

If, according to the normal development, even if someone came to find me in the end and stepped in successfully, based on their background, they would have to stumble for a few years if they want to get ahead, and their daughter is still so lovable.

Not to mention the past few years, after a few years, I don't know how many people will make up their minds.

At that time, in the entertainment industry, many things will be involuntary.

. m.