MTL - Happiness Consist in Contentment-v17 Chapter 11

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Liu Fang and Zhuo Qing were chatting in the room, but outside the door, Mother Liu covered her mouth and leaned against the wall of the corridor, choking and sobbing.

The few bodyguards sitting in the living room were a little embarrassed when they saw it, so they simply got up, told Father Liu, and went outside to wait first.

Father Liu sent off a few bodyguards, closed the door, turned around and walked over, stretched out his arms to hug Mother Liu, patted her on the back, and said nothing.

In fact, for his father, he didn't feel too deeply about this matter. Although he would miss Zhuo Qing's daughter, he was still more rational and knew what to do to be better for the two children.

Liu's mother is different. Although she looks very tough, her personality is also very refreshing. However, in fact, she is a knife-mouthed, tofu-hearted person. Her words are hard, but her heart is the most soft-hearted.

As for Liu Fang, she has only been together for a short time, and now there is still a gap between her and she is unfamiliar, but for Zhuo Qing, it really hurts her heart.

Whether it is biased or unfair, how can you say that you can let go of a child who has been raised for 16 years?

Father Liu also understands, so he has been accommodating her and giving her time to relax.

This may be unfair to Liu Fang, who has just recognized it, but this is the reality. It is human nature, and not everyone can easily adjust it.


Mother Liu cried for a while, and then eased. Father Liu helped her sit on the sofa, took a tissue and handed it to her, then sighed and said slowly, "I know you are reluctant to bear Qingqing, but since the two You can't favor one over the other, one child is better than the other. You must know that Fangfang is our own daughter."

Mother Liu wiped away her tears and said, "I know. I didn't say I was bad for Fangfang, but it's rare for Qingqing to come back, so I should be nice to her, right?"

Father Liu frowned, "Then you plan to come here every time Qingqing goes home?"

Holding Zhuo Qing at the door and crying loudly, it seemed that they had experienced a reunion after a long absence, a life-or-death disaster, what does this make Liu Fang think?

You must know that Liu Fang was also raised by the Zhuo family's parents. If the Zhuo family saw it, how would they feel distressed?

Mother Liu: …

She looked embarrassed and said, "I also know that I cry a lot these days, but I just haven't gotten used to it yet. It'll be fine in two days, really."

Seeing her like this, Father Liu didn't know what to say, so he could only believe her for the time being.


In the room of the two brothers Liu Wei and Liu Jie, Liu Wei

Lying on the door and listening to the movement outside, first Zhuo Qing was crying in the opposite room, and then mother Liu was crying in the living room.

When Liu Wei listened to it, he felt particularly uncomfortable.

He couldn't tell who it was for, Zhuo Qing, Liu Fang, or Liu's mother.

Ugh... what is this all about?

Liu Weizheng had a headache and the three women in the family seemed to be pitiful. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Liu Jie sitting in front of his computer typing codes.

Seeing his younger brother's heartless appearance, Liu Wei was suddenly upset. Why should he be the only one to worry about family matters here?

Liu Wei walked over to Liu Jie, reached out and tapped Liu Jie's forehead hard, Liu Jie cried out in pain, stopped typing the code, raised his hand to cover his forehead, turned his head to look at Liu Wei, and charged blankly.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Liu Wei put his arms on his chest and said coldly, "I want to ask you what you are doing. The family is about to be in trouble, and you are still in the mood to mess with your code? Are you really stupid or fake?"

When Liu Jie heard Liu Wei's words, he immediately shrugged, "Then what do you want me to do? Should I coax my mother? Or coax Qingqing? Or Fangfang?"

Liu Wei: …

Seeing the expression on his brother's face, Liu Jie knew that he couldn't, so he said confidently, "Look, you don't think it's possible, don't you? The women in our family are very powerful, don't underestimate people, now is the I didn't get used to it at first, but it'll be fine when they get used to it. There's no need to be so nervous. Don't you see? Fangfang and Qingqing got along pretty well last night, just let them handle it by themselves. Me, don't get involved so much."

Liu Wei originally wanted to teach his younger brother a lesson, but he was educated by his younger brother instead. He was a little uncomfortable and coughed twice, "Well, you are right, then we will wait and see for the time being."

Liu Jie nodded in appreciation, "Right, that's how it should be."

Women's affairs should be solved by themselves. Men's involvement will only make things more and more complicated. Why bother?

After talking about Liu Wei, Liu Jie turned around and continued typing the code again.

Liu Wei originally wanted to sit back on his bed to read and review, but after thinking about his younger brother's expression just now, it took him a long time to react: No, he is the eldest brother, how can the eldest brother be educated by the younger brother?

Thinking of this, Liu Wei immediately jumped, threw himself on Liu Jie, strangled his neck and said, "Okay, Liu Jie, did you do it on purpose? Show that your IQ is higher than mine?"


Liu Jie, who strangled his neck:…

There is a brother Erha, he is also very difficult!

In particular, this brother is also very good face.

Liu Jie covered Liu Wei's hand with his hand, rolled his eyes and said, "Brother, you are really busy, how is your internship? Did you resign? Also, how is your postgraduate entrance examination? The results are out. Are you confident? Are you still in the mood to argue with me about this?"

Liu Weiwei is already doing an internship, and the company where he is intern has good prospects, but he doesn't want to work like this. After all, according to his current education, if he is promoted in the future, he will definitely not be competitive enough. Therefore, he thought about postgraduate entrance examination, master and doctoral studies, and then he would think about work. Therefore, although he has passed this internship and can be turned into a regular, he still reported his resignation and prepared to go back to school to concentrate on his studies.

And his internship salary has also been saved, which is enough for his first-year graduate student tuition.

But at this time, the results of the postgraduate entrance examination have not yet come down, and the resignation report has been handed in, but the work still takes some time to hand over, and it is not over so quickly.

Now being questioned by Liu Jie in such a round, he also feels that his time is very urgent. But no matter how urgent it is, he can't easily let go of his brother's failure to give him face with his brother. He must let his brother know: who is the elder brother!

Just so stubborn!

Therefore, Liu Wei laughed and said, "Don't worry, I still have time to discuss with you how to respect my brother. This does not delay my business at all."

Liu Jie: …

Can he apply for a return? Such a big brother, who wants to accept it!

The two brothers started fighting in the room like this. Liu's father and Liu's mother heard it outside, but they didn't care: anyway, since childhood to adulthood, this kind of virtue has been used, so the two brothers can do whatever they want.

As long as it doesn't affect their feelings.


Liu Fang and Zhuo Qing also heard the movement on the other side in the room, looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Zhuo Qing smiled and said, "Big brother and second brother have been like this since they were young. Sometimes I don't understand how they got into trouble."

Liu Fang also smiled and said, "Well, probably all the brothers are so emotionally connected?"

Zhuo Qing was surprised, "Brother Zhuo Ting, are they like this?"

Liu Fang raised her eyebrows and nodded with a smile, "Yes, it's always been like this."

Zhuo Qing couldn't help laughing. The Zhuo Ting she saw in Zhuo's house had always been steady and elegant. Unexpectedly, he had the same personality as Liu Wei!


It's a wonderful fate, isn't it?

She suddenly thought of herself and Liu Fang. It seemed that in some places, they also had some strange similarities.

Zhuo Qing looked at Liu Fang, and Liu Fang looked back at her. The two smiled at each other. Everything was silent and tacit.


Zhuo Qing stayed at Liu's house for a whole day, and went back after dinner. When she returned to Zhuo's house, the much relaxed smile on her face made her father and mother feel relieved.

The next day was Monday, Zhuo Qing went back to school, but Liu Fang returned to Zhuo's house in the morning. When Zhuo's mother saw Liu Fang back, she smiled in surprise.

"Fangfang, why are you back?"

Liu Fang smiled and said, "Come back and tell Dad something."

Mother Zhuo glared at her with some resentment and said, "I know you have something to do, but you can't coax mother?"

Liu Fang smiled and said, "Mom, I miss you."

Only then was Mother Zhuo satisfied, she reached out and hugged her, then walked in with her hand, and knocked on the door of Father Zhuo's study.

Zhuo's father was reading a book inside, and when he saw Liu Fang and Zhuo's mother standing at the door of the study, he suddenly laughed.

"Fangfang is back, come in quickly."

Liu Fang smiled and walked to the sofa beside Zhuo's father and sat down, and said to him, "Dad, do you remember the new agricultural production base I told you before?"

Father Zhuo nodded, "Remember, what? Is there any news?"

Liu Fang nodded, "Well, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences is officially ready to be established, and public bidding has begun..."

This new type of agricultural production base is actually a concept developed by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences a long time ago. After several years of research and investigation, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences has finally decided that it wants to build such an agricultural research base.

This is very different from traditional agricultural bases. First, the latest high-tech planting is used in agricultural bases. Secondly, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences wants to conduct a lot of soil research, and the most important thing is pollution. Research on soil purification.

All these need to be completed by the company that undertakes the construction of this agricultural base with a more professional construction team.

The Zhuo family has also been involved in real estate. Of course, they have gradually withdrawn in the early years. Instead, they have transformed into industries, emerging high-tech industries, and local government/government infrastructure projects.

In particular, Zhuo Ting, who took over the group, paid more attention to the development of the industrial chain in these major directions when his father was semi-retired. It can be said that the Zhuo family also had the ability to compete for the construction of the agricultural base.

Holding the mistake before the incident happened

, Liu Fang had already talked about this to Father Zhuo, and now that she got the news, she naturally came over to tell Father Zhuo immediately.

After listening to what Liu Fang said, Father Zhuo pondered for a while and said, "Okay, I'll let your elder brother pay attention to it later. First organize a team and come up with a plan."


Mother Zhuo will see that they are done talking about business, so she said to Liu Fang, "Fangfang, let's eat at home today."

Liu Fang smiled and agreed, "Okay, I think my mother made sweet and sour pork."

Mother Zhuo said happily, "I'll make it for you tonight..."

The three chatted, and Liu Fang stayed at Zhuo's house for dinner, even at night.

☆、Other types are content and happy to wear

When Zhuo Qing arrived at the school, she was entangled by that Qiao Xiuya again, and she was irritated: Why is this person endless.

But Qiao Xiuya didn't know Zhuo Qing's boredom, she was still serious, and said with a very concerned look, "Qingqing, don't you believe in that adopted sister from your family? I'm really good for you, Don't think that your sister is very good to you now, but what is she actually doing? You have to understand that the Zhuo family is so wealthy, I don't believe that she is really unmoved. Do you think Want to see, can anyone really resist such a big temptation?

And I also heard that the adopted daughter and your two brothers already have a fund. Do you have one? Have you asked your parents if they prepared this for you? Do you know how much money is in this fund? Several hundred million! "

Zhuo Qing was stunned when she heard it. She really had never heard of this fund. After returning to Zhuo's house for so many days, she had not heard Zhuo's father and Zhuo's mother talk about it.

But Zhuo Qing did not believe what Qiao Xiuya said. She always felt that this Qiao Xiuya had ulterior motives for saying this. Even if some of what she said was true, she felt that it was definitely not what she said. What makes Zhuo Qing feel strange is that Qiao Xiuya has always disliked Liu Fang, but she obviously doesn't know Liu Fang. As far as she knows, she has never met Liu Fang, so how did she come to this a conclusion?

Zhuo Qing looked at her as if she knew Liu Fang very well, but she was just talking nonsense, which made her feel particularly baffling.

Also, why has she been so concerned about her own family's affairs?

Obviously, this matter is regarded as a campus gossip. If it was another classmate, they would at most discuss it behind their backs, and then envy Zhuo Qing's current identity or something.

After all, she is the daughter of a rich man, and the Zhuo family is quite famous in China. There are a lot of names on the Internet. It is normal for such people to have some envious or jealous remarks. .

But this Qiao Xiuya was not like that. She is always provoking her relationship with Liu Fang. If she and Liu Fang had not talked twice and knew exactly who Liu Fang was, wouldn't she have believed these pure rumors she said, and then If you fight with Liu Fang again, you will suddenly make the relationship between each other deadlocked?

In this way, whether it is the parents of the Zhuo family or the parents of the Liu family

, they will not be happy, but will cause a lot of contradictions because of their discord.

How will the family live in the future? How are you getting along?

She cared too much about herself. And such excessive concern, Zhuo Qing felt abnormal!

Zhuo Qing was very vigilant about this Qiao Xiuya immediately in her heart. She would never allow anyone to destroy her family harmony and hurt her family.

Sometimes it's scary for someone with a soft temper to get angry.

For the first time, Zhuo Qing had a cold face and said very seriously: "I think what you said is wrong!

First of all, these are my family affairs and have nothing to do with you. What position do you have to say this?

Also, my sister, what kind of person she is, I know better than you! I hope you don't say these words in the future, otherwise, I will sue you for slander!

As for the fund you mentioned, whether my parents prepared it for me or not, it has nothing to do with you!

I will say it again for the last time: I am their biological daughter, and I believe they absolutely love me, and they love me no less than they love their sister!

In addition, I am also in the Liu family. Liu's parents are very kind to me. They love me and my sister very much. I too, love my sister very much.

According to your logic, if the Liu family's parents are nice to me, they will not be nice to my sister, right? That being said, I also have ulterior motives for the Liu family?

I warn you for the last time, don't continue to slander my sister, otherwise, I won't let you go easily! "

When Qiao Xiuya heard Zhuo Qing's words, she almost died of anger, and she was completely stunned by Zhuo Qing.

She really didn't understand, what happened to Zhuo Qing in this life, why the relationship with that adopted daughter was so good all of a sudden?

Obviously, they were not like this in their previous lives. When they just changed their identities, they were so stiff, it could be said that it was already too much trouble.

But why is this life completely different?

And what frightened her the most was that Liu Fang did not study in the experimental middle school, but had already passed the university entrance examination, and was even a well-known talented girl doctor in Qingda University!

How did she never know this in her previous life? She remembered that there was no such thing!

Obviously Liu Fang is a scumbag, why did she suddenly become a **** of learning?

Qiao Xiuya couldn't figure it out: Wasn't she reborn? Why is this life and the previous life

Completely different?

Where is the problem?

Despite this, she always felt that according to normal people's thinking, a girl like Liu Fang who had enjoyed life in a rich family would definitely not be able to accept it when she suddenly returned to an ordinary family. Such a huge gap between the rich and the poor, how can a 16-year-old girl who has been pampered and grown up can bear it?

Moreover, the mother of the Liu family is an ordinary aunt with no culture and no scruples. What she does must be all kinds of stings to the heart of this fostered fake phoenix with rich habits and strong self-esteem.

Therefore, it is normal for Liu Fang to toss around in the Liu family, isn't it?

But now, why does she feel that Zhuo Qing is so protective of her? Moreover, listening to her voice, Liu Fang is not doing well in the Liu family?

How is it possible, doesn't Mother Liu hate this daughter very much? Didn't you always think that it was because of her that Zhuo Qing was driven away?

But now, why is everything different?

For a time, Qiao Xiuya's mind was in chaos, and she didn't know what to do at all.

If the future becomes completely different from the life she once had, what's the point of her rebirth?

Zhuo Qing didn't know what Qiao Xiuya was thinking. She was just annoying this person. She was very annoyed that someone who didn't understand the situation started to talk nonsense. This was just nonsense!

So when she saw that Qiao Xiuya was speechless, she thought she understood what she meant, so she wanted to leave.

But when Qiao Xiuya saw that she was about to leave, she suddenly recovered, she reached out and grabbed her, and said, "Qingqing, I'm really doing it for you! Why don't you believe it? You don't want to be robbed by the other party in the future. When everyone loves you, you only come back to cry after you're down and out..."

However, Zhuo Qing directly broke her hand away, turned her head and smiled coldly, "Thank you, no need! This is absolutely impossible! I believe in my family! I have a very good relationship with my sister, she is very It hurts me, she is not what you said, if you say something like this again, I will tell the teacher!"

Hearing Zhuo Qing say this, Qiao Xiuya really had no choice. After all, she knew that she was only a middle school student now.

If she really pestered Zhuo Qing too much, she was told to the teacher by Zhuo Qing, and the teacher would definitely ask her. And at that time, what if she shows her feet?

Qiao Xiuya didn't dare to go home now. Every weekend she made excuses to stay in the dormitory, saying it was tutoring, but in fact she was making it clear.

Why is this life completely different from the previous life?

Zhuo Qing saw that Qiao Xiuya really had nothing to say, so she turned and left.

Anyway, she thought about it, if the other party continued to talk nonsense, she wouldn't mind letting her know that it was amazing!

Zhuo Qing pursed her lips and returned to the classroom angrily.


After Zhuo Qing scolded Qiao Xiuya forcibly, she no longer paid attention to this person, and would avoid her during recess, for the whole day, without giving her another chance to continue entanglement.

When she returned to Zhuo's house after school, she saw Liu Fang sitting in the living room playing chess with Zhuo's father as soon as she entered the door.

She was very surprised. She put down her schoolbag and ran over. She smiled and said to Liu Fang, "Sister, why are you here?"

As soon as Liu Fang saw her smiling so happily, she also smiled at her in a particularly good mood, and said, "Well, come over to tell Dad about something, are you out of school?"

Zhuo Qing smiled and nodded: "Yes, sister, did you eat at home tonight?"

Zhuo Qingsheng was afraid that Liu Fang would not stay because she was worried about her feelings, and Zhuo's father and mother would be especially sad.

She was suddenly a little nervous. She still hoped that her sister would stay and not to treat her with too much care. After two conversations with her, Zhuo Qing was completely able to accept this very **** incident of wrongdoing.

I saw Liu Fang nodding very indifferently, and while placing a piece on the chessboard, he smiled slowly and said, "Well, I plan to stay here for dinner, but my mother made sweet and sour pork for me specially, I'm greedy. For a long time."

When Zhuo Qing heard this, the smile on her face suddenly became brighter, and she said with great excitement, "Really? Mom is cooking? I'll go take a look."

Speaking of which, she had never seen Zhuo's mother cook by herself.

Said that Zhuo Qing didn't mind at all, but that's not true. It's just that she quickly remembered that when she returned to Liu's house yesterday, Liu's mother did the same, and cooked a lot of dishes that she liked. Therefore, now that Liu Fang is back at Zhuo's house, Zhuo's mother does this, it's not very good. Is it normal?

Thinking of this, Zhuo Qing didn't feel sad or mind at all.

In fact, she and her sister are the same, they are both mother's darlings.


Zhuo's father and Liu Fang smiled comfortably when they saw her turning around and happily running to the kitchen.

Zhuo's father turned to Liu Fang and said, "Qingqing is a very good child."

Liu Fang nodded, "Well, she was also loved and raised since she was a child, and she knows how to love others."

A child who has been surrounded by love since childhood, even if she can't figure it out for a while, she won't be able to figure it out all her life.

On the contrary, Zhuo Qing, who grew up in Liu's family, is actually a very sensible and good girl who knows how to be considerate.

It's just that she suddenly changed her identity and changed her family, and she really didn't get used to it.

Give her time and she'll be fine.

It's a good kid, isn't it?