MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 103 key

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In an instant, the bottom of the valley was dusty, and no matter how strong Auston's eyesight was, he couldn't see what happened to Bob, who was trapped in the storm.

After a long time, the smoke and dust in the canyon dissipated little by little, and the outlines of the big trees were revealed little by little.

The scene in front of him made Auston very unbearable—the gravel fell, the trees were uprooted, the scattered roots were turned into the air, and they were still floating. Auston looked closer, Bob’s The tree crown was lying on the ground, completely silent. He stretched out his hand, touched the branches with his fingertips, and quickly retracted his hand with a silent expression on his face.

The dragon stretched out his finger, and a beam of yellow light shot towards the tree, "Don't you humans often say that no matter how good friends are, there will always be times when they are separated, so you have to learn to look down on them."

Auston was silent.

The beam of light from the dragon's fingertips enveloped the tree, and the branches of the tree fell one after another. As soon as the fallen branches touched the ground, they instantly turned into dust and dissipated in the flying dust. The tree trunk wrapped by the yellow light also gradually melted under the surrounding light, and finally turned into a seed the size of a fingernail. The dragon retracted the light from his fingertips, and with a single tap, the seed flew to the heart of his claw.

The dragon walked towards Auston with its huge webbed feet and gently put the seeds into his hands.

Auston held the seeds that the tree turned into, and looked at the dragon in confusion.

"Take it as a souvenir," said the dragon.

Auston looked at the seed in his hand, which was still glowing faintly. He gently clenched the seed into his palm and placed it on his chest to mourn silently.

A few minutes later, Auston opened his eyes, took out a small glass bottle from the dragon skin bag, carefully put the seeds into the bottle, plugged it with a stopper, and put the bottle back into the bag properly.

"Let's go," Auston said after arranging his emotions, "it's time to leave here."

"Don't worry," the dragon patted his shoulder, "We haven't got the key yet."

Auston looked surprised and said, "Huh? Isn't this the key?"

The dragon said with a smile, "Of course not, it's just a souvenir for you."

Said, it went to the place where Bob grew up. Because the tree was uprooted, there is only a big hole left.

Auston also approached the entrance of the cave with him, and he was very surprised when he saw the scenery at the bottom of the cave.

I saw that the entire bottom of the cave grew into a cylindrical shape, and only the edges were uprooted due to the perennial growth of the roots, resulting in a slightly rough and messy soil. When more than 100 meters below the cave, all the arc-shaped inner walls with smooth edges lead straight to the bottom of the valley. The magma layer, Auston can even see the magma that is still bubbling under the cave, and the heat is constantly rising. Auston is busy urging the power of the dragon on his body, using a circle of golden runes to generate protection The hood envelops itself and the dragon.

Looking at the runes that suddenly appeared in front of him, the giant dragon was a little surprised at first, then understood, and looked at Auston with approval.

"Yes, you did a very good job, but you forgot that I have lived beside magma for many years, and I have already been immune." The dragon said with a smile.

Auston touched his head, embarrassed to withdraw the protective cover.

Then the giant dragon closed his big orange eyes, as if he was in a state of concentration, and he didn't move or speak.

Auston also understood that he should be carrying out some important ritual, so he waited patiently, slowed his breathing, and tried not to disturb it.

The quietness at the bottom of the valley can be heard even when a needle falls. Because of the transformation of the dragon's bloodline, Auston's hearing has also been amplified countless times, and the sound of the magma bubbling at the bottom of the valley is particularly clear. breathed.

After a long time, the giant dragon suddenly opened its mouth, and a flame of flame spewed out of its mouth, reaching the bottom of the cave.

Because of the power of the giant dragon, Auston could see it very clearly. The flame, like an arrow from a string, rushed under the hole, passed through the bubbling magma, and even burned down.

Going down further, Auston couldn't see it anymore. He turned his head to look at the giant dragon. It happened that the giant dragon also opened his eyes and looked at him for a while without speaking.

After a while, with a swoosh, something rushed up from the bottom of the valley, attracting Auston's attention.

He recognized that it was the same flame, but the flame that came back this time was no longer like a straight feather arrow, and there seemed to be something mixed in the burning flame.

The flame burned for a while, and the thing looked very solid. Gradually, the flame became smaller and smaller, and the outline of the thing gradually became clearer. It looks like a ring.

"What's that?" asked Auston.

The dragon stretched out its claws and tapped with its fingers, and the ring-shaped object with flames flew towards Auston.

The flame on the thing just burned out when he reached him. Auston looked carefully, it turned out to be a small ring.

Auston stretched out his palm, and he could still feel the scorching temperature brought by the burning flame to the ring, and the ring with blue smoke slowly fell into his palm.

Strangely, the moment the ring touched Auston's palm, it was no longer hot.

Auston took the ring with his thumb and forefinger and examined it carefully.

The ring is dark gray throughout, with three or two rust spots on it. It looks like a broken iron ring that was abandoned by the owner. The entire surface of the ring does not have any exaggerated decorations, except that it is slightly flat and there is a small badger embossed on it.

Auston looked over and over again, but he still couldn't see how strange it was, except that it was strong enough to be burned by the dragon's fire for a long time and not broken.

"This is the key that Bob guards?" Auston asked suspiciously.

The giant dragon also looked at him through the ring, "Well, it belongs to you now, you should make a contract with it."

"Contract? How to make a contract, blood?"

Auston asked, the thoughts in his mind began to become fanciful.

"Haha," the dragon laughed, "you think too much."

Saying that, it stretched out its paw and touched Auston's left hand, saying

"Bring the ring to the ring finger of your left hand."

"The ring finger? Isn't that what you wear when you get married?"

"That's right, didn't you use your ring finger to make a contract when you got married? The same is true now. You have to make a contract with this key in order to be its owner." The dragon explained.

Auston was a little hesitant to hear this, but then he thought about it, Voldemort should have been eliminated by the hero Harry by the time he got married, and this ring will be taken off at that time, but I hope Delphi sees the other. Misunderstood what.

On the other hand, he has obtained the dragon bloodline of the dragon. In order to contribute this ring to him, Bob even sacrificed himself. He really has no reason not to use this ring properly.

Thinking like this, Auston made up his mind and slowly put the ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

Read The Duke's Passion