MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 69 Repel the curse

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"Little girl, you have meddled in too many things, don't think I won't kill you!"

Voldemort raised Quirrell's hand and pointed his wand at Delphi.

Although Delphi remained motionless and confronted him, Auston could see that the girl standing in front of him was trembling slightly.

"You can't," her firm voice was a little frightened,

"I informed Professor Snape before I came. He is already in that room. What you want will be transferred by him immediately, and they will also find out what you and Quirrell have done!"

"How dare you..." The corners of Voldemort's mouth twitched, the terrifying snake face became more and more hideous, and the wand in his hand approached Delphi's face a little bit.

She took a step back slightly, but her face was still very firm,

"Now, let us go, you still have time to find that thing." She advised him.

Voldemort had a weird smile on his face,

"I'll let you go? That's ok." His laughter grew louder and his expression became more and more hideous.

Suddenly, the wand in his hand shot out a beam of green light,

The light hit Delphi, and she fell down in pain.

"Let's fend for yourself here, little girl, this is your punishment for sabotaging my plans!" "Quirinas, hurry up, we have no time to delay any longer." He urged Quirrell.

Quirrell gave them a deep look, wrapped the scarf again, and walked away without looking back.

Auston leaned against the wall to support his body,

"Delphi, how are you?"

He jumped to her side.

Seeing her shed painful sweat and wet the hair on her forehead, an indescribable distress flooded his heart.

It's the Cruciatus!

no! to save her.

Auston got up again with difficulty, jumped to the wall step by step, and slammed into the wall with gritted teeth.

The dagger inserted another inch. Fortunately, the sharp blade moved up a little, just enough to cut through a wire next to it, leaving a fist-sized hole in the net.

Auston moved carefully in his arms with his other hand, and at the same time he could feel the tightness of the fishing net that was holding him.

Finally, his hand stretched out the hole.

He took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and pulled out the dagger on his arm.

The blood spurting from the wound stained the walls red.

Holding the dagger, he quickly cut the net on his body and walked quickly to Delphi.

"Delphi, Delphi..." He knelt down beside her and called her name softly.

But she couldn't hear at all, she closed her eyes and moaned in pain.

The Cruciatus will damage the mind for a long time, and at worst, it will be stupid, just like Neville's parents. At this time, it would be too late to find another professor to break the spell for her.

Auston turned around in a hurry, how did you solve the Cruciatus?

He drew his wand from his robe and pointed it at Delphi

He silently prayed in his heart, hoping it would work

"Stop the curse!"

"Stop the curse!"

"Stop the curse!"

As he thought, the spell is useless at all.

He deeply hated himself for not being able to use any magic!

"Please stop!" he shouted heartily with his wand.

"The curse will stop immediately! The curse will stop immediately!"

After shouting for a long time, Delphi's moaning became smaller and smaller, and her breathing became slower and slower.

Auston dropped his wand and hugged her tightly.

"Please... please don't... don't do this... I was wrong... I was wrong. I'm so useless! Delphi, please don't leave me! I'm willing to do anything!"

Tears gradually blurred his vision and flowed out of his eyes.

no! Can't just give up!

He grabbed the wand on the ground again, and continued to shout, "Stop the curse."

The wand also seemed to sense his deep attachment. As if in response to him, he felt a faint heat flow from the wand to his arm.

He held his mind and continued to shout the curse.

Suddenly! A strong yellow light shot from the pitch-black tip of the staff and penetrated between Delphi's eyebrows.

In an instant, the expression on her face became much more relaxed.

done? ! Auston looked at his hands in surprise.

He quickly dropped his wand and gently shook the girl in his arms,

"Delphi, are you okay?" he asked softly.

However, Delphi didn't answer him, she closed her eyes like she was asleep.

"Delphi, wake up! Are you okay?" He shook her again.

Still no reply.

After shaking for a long time without seeing her sober, Auston was frightened.

He increased the strength on his hands, "Wake up! Delphi! Wake up! Don't scare me! Wake up!"

"You have to let me rest for a while—"

Delphi opened his eyes weakly, frowned slightly and said to him.

Auston smiled, he let out a long sigh of relief, and fondly stroked her hair, "Okay, okay, rest, I'll be here to watch over you."

When Delphi closed his eyes again, he picked up the wand on the ground.

He stood up with difficulty, only to find that his legs were already weak, and he kept shivering.

He struggled to pick up Delphi and walked out of the door of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. Go straight to the school doctor's office.

He put Delphi down, let her lean on his shoulder, and slammed the door of the school medical room.

"Come here!" Madam Pomfrey's yawning voice came from inside,

"So early, who is it!"

She unlocked the door, revealing her head with a hair net.

Auston picked up Delphi again with great effort.

"I'm sorry Pang... Madam Pomfrey, she was hurt for disturbing you so early."

Seeing the pale Delphi lying in his arms, Madam Pomfrey hurriedly opened the door and welcomed them in.

"What's wrong, what kind of injury did she get!"

"Crucifix!" Auston gritted his teeth and said the name of the spell.

Madam Pomfrey covered her mouth, startled.

"Who would attack her with such an evil spell here?"

Auston bent down and carefully placed Delphi on the hospital bed.

"Don't ask Madam Pomfrey any more, hurry up and show her!" he urged anxiously.

Madam Pomfrey glared at him and took out what looked like a silver rice spoon from the cupboard. Bend over to examine Delphi.

After a long time, Madam Pomfrey took back the rice spoon, her expression softened slightly.

"Fortunately, the evil spell didn't torture her for too long. She needs to live here for a few days, but it won't leave any sequelae."

After hearing her words, Auston finally breathed a sigh of relief. He slumped on the other bed, feeling all the strength drained from his body.

"However, you have to tell me where she was and who cast such a terrifying spell!" Madam Pomfrey asked solemnly.

"It's Voldemort!" Auston said through gritted teeth.

"Ah!" Madam Pomfrey cried out, startling Auston.

"You mean, the Dark Lord is back!"

As soon as he wanted to rise and fall, Auston gritted his teeth in hatred. He glanced at his wand with a worried expression on his face. Without answering Madam Pomfrey's words, she went out with a flick of her sleeves.

"Hey! Where are you going! Your arm is still bleeding!"

In the distance he could hear Madam Pomfrey shouting behind him.


Read The Duke's Passion