MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 72 perish together

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"I owe you a debt? Haha!" Black smoke was on the snake's face, and he looked at Auston mockingly, "I owe a lot, and everyone who wants to collect debts from me has gone to see Merlin, you want to be The next one?" The snake face approached him little by little.

Auston took out his wand, pointed at Voldemort, and looked at his ugly face vigilantly.

"Looks like you don't cry when you don't see the coffin. Quirrell is finished, and you can't even escape now, so you dare to threaten me."

"Boy, don't underestimate the power of the Dark Lord. Even if you don't have a body, it's as easy for me to kill you as an ant."

"Hehe, is that so?" Auston clenched his wand and uttered a spell


He prayed silently in his heart, hoping that the Stunning Charm would work on Voldemort who had no body.

However, the wand was unresponsive as usual, and Voldemort was still smoking black with a frantic look.

No, it shouldn't, but the Cruciatus Curse was solved just now. Auston looked suspiciously at the wand in his hand.

"Hahaha!" Voldemort laughed wildly, "Little boy, I didn't expect you to be a Squib! Dumbledore is really dizzy, and even a Squib can be recruited into Hogwarts."

Auston came back to his senses, clenched his wand, still pointed at Voldemort, gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"I'll let you run wild for a while, you can't escape now anyway, and you won't have a chance to laugh when Dumbledore comes!"

"Really?" Voldemort's snake had a weird smile on his face. "I said, killing you is as easy as killing an ant."

His smoky face slammed towards Auston and disappeared in an instant.

Auston was startled, he hurried back, his back pressed against the stone door. He looked around looking for the black air.

"Kid, help me open the door."

Voldemort's hoarse voice entered Auston's ears.

He was stunned to find that the voice came from his own body.

He was possessed by Voldemort!

After that, his body turned around involuntarily, bent down, stretched out his hand and lifted the stone door bit by bit.

no! not like this! This is the last chance, don't let him run away!

Auston warned himself in his heart, he closed his eyes to concentrate, and tried his best to get his hands out of Shimen.

He fought hard for a long time with the thought of opening the door in his head.

Finally, he successfully regained control of his hands.

Ouch! The stone door, which had just opened a crack, fell back to the ground. Auston fell to the ground and sighed in relief.

"Boy! You have good willpower. You are the first person who can break free from my control. It seems that I have to find a way to weaken your consciousness!"

Auston suddenly felt that his body was not obeying his orders again.

He sat up, stretched his right hand into his arms, and held the dagger that he had been using.

The tip of the sword flashed a cold light, and he held the short sword in his hand, stabbed his own thigh sharply, and quickly pulled it out.

Auston screamed, the dagger left a blood hole in his leg, and the blood stained his pants.

"Hahaha! Does it hurt? There's this here!" The voice in his body laughed horribly. The hand that controlled him held the dagger and stabbed the other leg again.

Then he pulled it out quickly, blood splashed on Auston's face, and the severe pain in his leg made him lose his ability to think.

"Okay, now it's time to be obedient." The voice continued, Auston involuntarily threw down his dagger, knelt on the ground and lifted the stone gate behind him.

The pain gradually made his body numb, and he watched helplessly as he lifted the stone door open little by little.

"Haha. Goodbye, little friend, I hope you can still live to tell him how I escaped when Dumbledore comes." The voice said happily, he was ready to leave Auston's body.

Seeing that he was about to run, Auston gritted his teeth and let go of his strength.

The stone door, which was almost half-open, slammed into his hand. The excruciating pain made him gasp.

He gritted his teeth and pulled out his ten **** fingers from under the stone gate.

"Bastard!" Voldemort yelled frantically, and he almost escaped.

"It seems that you won't give in unless I give you a taste." He said sternly.

He controlled Auston's hand, grabbed the dagger on the ground, and stabbed it directly at Auston's eyes.

Auston was busy holding the thorn's wrist with the other hand he could temporarily control.

He laughed at himself, "If you give me some garlic pie to try, I won't give in!"

He held his hand holding the dagger and wriggled on the ground with difficulty.

Ignoring Voldemort's loud cursing, he moved to Harry's side little by little.

He suppressed the hand holding the dagger with his own body, and put the other hand into Harry's bulging trousers pocket and took out the red stone.

"The Philosopher's Stone!" Voldemort's voice was full of surprises, and the hand that Auston pressed under his body was wriggling violently, trying to rush out and **** the stone.

"You don't have a chance, Voldemort!" Auston swallowed the stone without No one will ever want to get it again! "

As soon as the Philosopher's Stone touched his saliva, it turned into a warm current and rushed into his stomach.

Auston turned over in relief, resting his head on Harry's body, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Voldemort, if I am destined to not survive in this world, you must be buried with me. This will at least bring peace to my family and friends." He said calmly.

His hand tightly clasped the wrist holding the dagger, and forcefully moved the tip of the sword that was facing his eyes to the position of his chest.

"Come with me to see Merlin, Voldemort!"

"No! No!" Voldemort cried out in horror, "If I die, you will die too! Aren't you afraid of death! As long as you are willing to help me, I will give you anything you want! Endless wealth, supreme status, Powerful magic! Even if you are a Squib I can make all the powerful wizards submit to you!"

"Enough, Voldemort, I don't need any magic or status! I just want you to die." Auston stabbed his dagger into his heart without hesitation, and severe pain spread from the center of his heart. What Auston got was endless peace.

After pulling out the dagger, Ruzhu's blood stained his shirt red.

With the scream of Voldemort, the black smoke surrounding Auston gradually dissipated.

He turned his head to look at Harry, thinking silently in his heart that when Voldemort died, he would not have to bear the responsibility of the savior, so that Sissi by his side would be safe.

As long as the remaining Horcruxes are destroyed, there will be no more dangerous Voldemort in this world.

There is no such person as Austin Brown.

He gradually closed his eyes, feeling his body temperature and consciousness as he gradually left his body...


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