MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 9 Auston who can't walk through the fireplace

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"Oh! No! It's not 'Winga Dimleviosa', it's 'Winga-Dimlevi-O-Sa', and the word 'plus' has to be long and clear. Do you understand? ?" Auston corrected.

Hermione nodded understandingly, then tried again, she stretched out her wand hand and pointed the tip of the wand at the goblet on the table.

"No, no," Auston frowned, took Hermione's hand holding the wand, and moved it down slightly. "You have to point the wand under the object to feel like you have to hold it up, and then talk to me. Read 'Winga-Dimlevy-O-Sa'".

Auston's hand slammed over, and Hermione's nervous ears turned red. She stumbled and said "Yu... Wingadim, Le... Leviosa".

"No way, how can the cup float when you recite the spell like this." Auston felt annoyed that I might have encountered a fake Hermione. Where is the smart and confident Hermione in the original book.

He let go of Hermione's hand and looked back at her, only to find the little girl's blushing face. He was also cramped in an instant, and suddenly found the scene very embarrassing.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Auston glanced at her quietly, and joked deliberately.

"Aren't you shy!"

He was waiting for the strong Hermione to give him a few words, saying that he was being affectionate or something, but the little girl lowered her head, and the redness on her face spread directly to her neck.

Auston was even more at a loss

"Then... do you still want to practice?"

The little girl just remembered what she was going to do, she raised her head suddenly and responded.


"Then just try again as I said." Auston ordered.

Hermione tidied herself up, held her wand again, pointed the tip of the wand at the base of the goblet, and called out "Wingardim Leviosa".

As soon as the voice fell, the goblet gradually left the table, and the tip of her wand climbed up little by little until it was as high as Auston's head.

Hermione blushed again, this time excited. She jumped up from the chair, hugged Auston suddenly, and shouted excitedly

"I succeeded! I succeeded! Auston! I succeeded!"

The joy of the little girl's success in casting the spell for the first time hit Auston. He hugged Hermione back and patted her on the back excitedly.

"Yes! You succeeded! You are amazing!"

The two children embraced each other in joy, and no one cared about the goblet that was still floating. After the glass floated in the air for a while, it fell to the ground with a 'smack'.

The crisp sound of the goblet attracted people in the whole bar. Although it was past lunch time, there were still a few people in the bar enjoying their afternoon tea.

Several people's eyes were fixed on the two of them, and the sound of the goblet breaking also startled Auston and Hermione.

The two let go of their hands and hurriedly apologized to the people around them. Everyone looked at them happily and nodded. Auston and Hermione were relieved.

Auston went to the front desk of the bar to talk to Tom about the broken glass, and Hermione was left in place. She remembered the scene of hugging Auston just now, rubbing the corners of her clothes with her hands, biting her lips with her teeth, and her face that had just faded turned red again.

Allston insisted on paying Mr. Tom a silver siko, but in exchange for Mr. Tom's greater kindness - two crushed almond ice creams.

He returned to his seat with two ice creams and gave Hermione one.


Later, Hermione tried a lot of spells, including the Luminescence spell that Auston had taught Sissi, the Sweeping spell to pick up the goblets on the ground, the Disarming Charm, the Transfiguration Charm, etc...

Until Hermione finally waved her wand and pressed the newly removed table leg up, the Browns and Grangers also entered through the back door at the same time.

"Miss Granger, you must have missed what I said just now. Hogwarts does not allow students to perform magic outside the school. And you, Mr. Brown, please abide by the rules of the school. If you are divided into houses now , I will definitely deduct ten points for your academy." Professor McGonagall's serious face stiffened.

Auston quietly stuck out his tongue to Hermione, and Hermione also winked at him secretly.

Professor McGonagall glanced at the clock on the wall and suddenly panicked. She hurriedly said goodbye to Mrs. Granger and Mrs. Brown.

"Oh! Merlin's beard! It's so late! I'm so sorry, I made an appointment with Professor Sprout to talk about something. Can I ask you to send the Grangers home, Daisy?"

Mrs. Brown smiled and nodded in response, "Okay, Professor McGonagall, I will send them back safely."

"Thank you Daisy, you're always so kind." Professor McGonagall took Mrs. Brown's hand and thanked him, and she turned to Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, and said to him, "Good afternoon Tom, can you lend me a fireplace? Use it, I hope I won't be late."

The hunchbacked Tom grinned, showing his yellow teeth, and he stretched out his arm to show Professor McGonagall the way: "Okay Professor McGonagall, please come with me."

Professor McGonagall took two steps forward, then turned around and winked at Auston.

"Be patient, Mr. Brown, there will be good news."

Auston nodded politely and thanked Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall also nodded, then hurriedly followed Tom.

Mr. Granger and Mr. Brown were left to discuss the way home.

Mr. Granger complained that it was too late and they couldn't get back to Manchester tonight in the fastest car.

The Hermiones are also in Manchester, and the Browns are in the South and the North.

In this way, it's better, Mr. Brown suggested that they use the Floo network to go back, and then take the Manchester City intercity bus home after arriving at Brown's house.

Mr. Granger was very embarrassed to accept it.

Mrs. Brown stopped Tom, who had just sent Professor McGonagall away, and asked him to borrow a fireplace.

Tom still said kindly, "No problem, Mrs. Brown, please come with me."

Tom took them to the second floor, and UU reading entered the first room on the left. Then he closed the door and walked out.

Mrs. Brown took out a larger dragonskin bag from the handbag with the stretch spell, and opened the bag to reveal the blue powder inside.

Although Auston and Sissi grew up in a wizard family, they had never used this kind of travel method used by wizards. Sissi's little hand was restlessly pulling at Auston's clothes, and Auston also traveled from He had seen the usage of Floo powder in the original book, and to be honest, it kind of made him terrified.

Mrs. Brown motioned for Mr. Brown to demonstrate first. Mr. Brown grabbed a handful of Floo powder, went to the fireplace, sprinkled the Floo powder in his hand, and immediately a blue flame ignited under his feet. Min Du was shocked by the flames, and Qian Qian took a step back in fear. Mr Brown shouted out '36 Low Lilac Street, North Manchester,' before he disappeared with the flames.

Mr. Granger's mouth widened in surprise, Mrs. Brown explained.

"This fireplace and the fireplace in our house are both connected to the Floo network. As long as the address of our house is called out correctly after the floo powder is sprinkled, it can be teleported immediately. Because of its convenience and speed, this has become a frequent occurrence of wizards. the way of travel.”

Immediately afterwards, Sissi, Mr. Granger, and Mrs. Granger each grabbed a handful of Floo powder, walked into the fireplace and disappeared.

In the end, only Mrs. Brown, Hermione and Auston were left in the room. Auston also grabbed a handful of Floo powder from the dragonskin bag in Mrs. Brown's hand and walked into the fireplace.

He sprinkled Floo powder, and the blue flames rose up, and he shouted loudly 'North Manchester, 36 Short Lilac Street'.

However, after a few seconds... he was still there, the flames through his body were still blazing...


Read The Duke's Passion