MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 188 Bewitching

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Seeing that no one dared to step forward, the blond man's eyes became more and more fierce. At this time, he really wanted to kill Qin Weijie, but the blond man did not dare to shoot. He knew that if Qin Weijie died in his hands, it would be a big problem. article.

"What are you waiting for!? Vijay Foley refused to cooperate with the investigation, openly attacked public officials, and the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic were immediately arrested!" The blond man looked coldly at the nineteen Aurors behind him.

The Aurors are also depressed at this time, don't mess with our mentality when you fight with gods!

A very philosophical question came to the minds of the Aurors.

tobeornottobe, that's the!

If you don't catch the boss and wear small shoes, if something goes wrong, Nima will take us little scoundrels out of the tank, dog coins! Blonde lion, you are a real dog! Poodle!

Although he was reluctant in his heart, Shangfeng had already issued an order, and the Aurors could only execute it with reason.

Seeing the nineteen Aurors surrounding him, Tom looked nervously at Qin Weijie and wanted to step forward to help.

Qin Weijie reached out to block it, and motioned Tom to protect Emma.

Tom deserves to take out his wand and protect it in front of Emma, ​​but his eyes are fixed on Qin Weijie. Once Qin Weijie loses to Tom, he will definitely help.

Qin Weijie looked around at the group of Aurors who came up, and looked at them with great interest. Just now, he didn't know that it was the smart guy who transmitted his voice to him.

"Master Welfare, please cooperate. Don't make it difficult for the little ones! As long as you cooperate, the villain will contact the Welfare Family immediately. As long as you delay for a while on the way to the Ministry of Magic, the Welfare Family will definitely come."

Sure enough, as Qin Weijie expected, these Aurors would have a grudge against the Knights of the Round Table.

In fact, think about it, the Ministry of Magic, especially the British Ministry of Magic, is an official organization, an official organization that plays an important role in the entire wizarding world.

As a result, it was infiltrated by a secret private organization. Not only did inexplicable leaders parachute at every turn, but Nima also looked at other people's faces. Isn't this just kneeling to make money! Shabby, very **** shabby!

"Hey, hey, don't worry!" Qin Weijie looked at the Auror who had surrounded him with confidence, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a wicked smile.

After hearing Qin Weijie's words, the nineteen Aurors stopped and stared at Qin Weijie with their wands in their hands.

Even the blond man who had been standing in the distance couldn't help but look at Qin Weijie.

"Hey, eldest brother and uncle Ji, oh and eldest sister, is it easy to inquire? How much are your wages?" Qin Weijie asked, his innocent expression looked like a well-behaved little brother next door.

Seeing Qin Weijie's expression, Tom smiled bitterly and sighed: "Hey, Emma, ​​remember, as long as Weijie shows this kind of expression in the future, it will prove that this guy is going to do bad things... I feel sorry for that thick-skinned blond man. , Qin Weijie will probably kill him!"

"Vijay has a way to break the game?"

"He has a lot of crazy ideas, let's see!"

After speaking, Tom looked in the direction of Qin Weijie.

"35 Galleons! Weekly salary!" A mediocre-looking female Auror whispered.

"What? It's only 2,000 Galleons at the end of the year!?" Qin Weijie said strangely: "2000 Galleons will make you die, let you die, and let you die? Hehe... You should all know Pierce, and know that his annual salary in the welfare home is How much?"

The nineteen Aurors looked at Qin Weijie with curiosity on their faces. They all heard that the former chief of the Auror's operations department was appreciated by the young master of the Welfare Family and transferred to the Welfare Family.

However, few people at the Ministry of Magic really knew about Pierce's specific treatment. Now that they heard Qin Weijie mentioning this matter, everyone could not help but arouse their curiosity.

Qin Weijie smiled and stretched out two fingers.

"Twenty thousand!?" A horrified voice came.

Twenty thousand Galleons is not a small amount in the eyes of ordinary Aurors.

Even if there is some gray income from being an Auror, the annual income will definitely not exceed 5,000 Galleons.

Even if Pierce has a high position and achieves the position of captain, adding gray income to 15,000 Galleons can be regarded as a huge profit.

Twenty thousand Galleons was an attractive price for all Aurors.

Qin Weijie glanced at the Auror who opened his mouth in surprise: "This big brother, can you let your imagination fly! Pierce's annual salary in the welfare home is 200,000 yuan, not only food and housing, but also all daily expenses are provided by the family, two 100,000 is what he takes with his eyes closed every year, after calculating the benefits of various rebates, if it works well, he can earn 400,000 to 500,000 yuan in less than a year."

The Aurors were shocked, Qin Weijie seemed to see a line of words on their faces in a trance, 'I can recognize you as a father at this price! ’

"Okay, I said so much and it's not to draw hatred, it's just that it's not worth it for you! I gave Pierce 200,000 and never let him die. You can lead an inexplicable parachutist for less than 2,000 Galleons. Go to die!?" Qin Weijie said and looked at all the Aurors:

"After arresting me, my old man will definitely not let it go after the incident. At that time, someone on the golden retriever will pat his **** and leave, and you will be implicated! If you accidentally hurt me again, then you will be finished. Temper, you should go to choose a cemetery tomorrow morning and you should be able to catch the burial!"

After listening to Qin Weijie's words, all the Aurors hesitated more or less, it is indeed not worth it for such a small amount of money! This is simply a question to send! The director really is a golden retriever, you are a real dog!

"Don't listen to this kid's slanderous words, arrest him quickly! Those who violate the order will be expelled from the Ministry of Magic!"

Who knew that Qin Weijie went straight down the hill: "Hey! Don't you want elite soldiers like the Ministry of Magic? These are all battle-hardened Aurors, and you'll be fired if you say they're fired!? When will the Ministry of Magic be fired? Is it yours? The Ministry of Magic now, tsk tsk tsk…”

Turning his head, Qin Weijie said to the Auror beside him: "Hey, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts, this is forcing you to die! Either you lose your life or you lose your job... Compared with your life, your job is a big deal. Be, there is only one life."

"Otherwise, the Ministry of Magic forces you to resign, then you should come to the welfare home."

"Welfare family is currently exploring the American market. The old man has been traveling between the Americas and Europe and has taken many people away. The domestic emptiness is the time to employ people. UU Reading"

"You are all experienced senior Aurors. Joining the welfare home will definitely be reused. With my current authority, I can offer you an annual salary of 50,000 yuan per year for each of the nineteen present."

While speaking, Qin Weijie waved his hand and called out a square table, while Qin Weijie sat in front of the square table and pressed a stack of parchment.

"I know you don't trust me, I'm not talented, and I'm good at all kinds of contract magic. If you don't believe me, I can sign a magic contract with you." Qin Weijie pointed to the parchment at his hand, the magic power surged, and anyone with a discerning eye could see the parchment There is an air of contract magic on the paper:

"As long as I go to the welfare home, I promise that the benefits I just promised will never be empty words. If there is a half-truth, I will let my magic power run wild and be attacked by the elements and suffer endless pain and die!"

The voice fell on the parchment in Qin Weijie's hand, and the power of countless elemental rules emerged in it. The magic contract was completed, and as long as they signed each other, they would be recognized by the contract.

Nineteen pages of parchment fell before the nineteen Aurors.


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