MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 193 5 seconds of real men show their prowess

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The group of heavy cavalry did not disperse the battle formation at this time, the phantom of the knight heroic spirit looked at the pool of rotten meat in the distance with a very humane look, and then looked at the direction of the field on the left.

Meanwhile Emma and Tom were rushing in that direction.

Tom was a little faster than Emma, ​​and when he arrived at the target position, Tom looked at Qin Weijie, who was covered in blood, with a horrified expression.

Qin Weijie was in a very bad state at this time, it was just tragic, his chest was a little sunken, at least ten ribs were broken, and there were small wounds all over his body, which were injured by the dazzling brilliance of the knight heroic spirit, and all the wounds were oozing blood. , Now Qin Weijie is a **** man.

Fortunately, Qin Weijie has a huge vitality that plunders Kraken in his body, and his recovery ability is very strong. At present, many wounds have begun to recover, and the broken ribs are slowly healing in the right position under the blessing of the huge vitality.

"Cough cough..." Qin Weijie couldn't help coughing out a mouthful of blood: "Damn, so strong! Is this the 'Heroic Spirit Battle Formation' of the Knights of the Round Table? I finally know why they have stood for thousands of years..."

"Are you mentally ill! If you don't save those people, you can use the 'Ghost Substitute' three seconds earlier." Tom looked at Qin Weijie's tragic state, and was furious for a while, and hurriedly used magic to suppress Qin Weijie's injury.

"As soon as my brain is hot, I want to pretend to be a B... I forgot that I have a special physique that will slap my face when I pretend to be B..." Qin Weijie was still able to joke with Tom at this time, but the joke did not make Tom feel relieved.

Tom was surprisingly silent, and his eyes were a bit more stern. Qin Weijie rarely saw Tom have this kind of expression. Usually, Tom's expression like this proves that this guy is going to fight with others.

"Damn, don't be stupid!"

As Qin Weijie was talking, Tom had already rushed towards the phantom of the knight heroic spirit in the distance.

After three flashes, Tom came to the front of the knight heroic spirit, with black mist flashing on the wand in his hand: "Bastard! How dare you hurt him like that! You will all die today!"

As he spoke, Tom's eyes turned pitch black, and a huge and invisible spiritual energy impacted the Knight Heroic Spirit.

This is the psychic power 'spiritual shock' mastered by Tom. It seems invisible and intangible. In fact, the invisible spiritual power has turned into several invisible short blades and attacked and killed the forty heavy cavalry in the body of the knight heroic spirit. .

The 40 heavy riders did not notice for a while, and nearly 20 were recruited. For a while, the phantom of the knight's heroic spirit became a bit illusory, and there were faint signs of collapse.

But fortunately, with the support of the phantom of the heroic spirit, although Tom's short mental blade broke through the phantom of the knight's heroic spirit, its power was also reduced by half. The mental shock only caused the nose and mouth of the knights who were recruited, and did not break it. their spirit.

However, the knights of the round table are not wine sacks, and Tom's unpredictable means instantly made the knights of the round table vigilant in the battle, and hurriedly changed the formation to prompt the phantom of the knights to stab Tom at Tom.

Tom was already mad at this moment, he shouted angrily and flashed again, dodging a fatal shot, and appeared behind the knight phantom in a blink of an eye: "Spiritual Corruption!"

One after another malicious spiritual imprints appeared on the heads of the knights of the round table. For a time, the forty knights of the round table only felt their heads dizzy, as if some invisible force was breaking through their spiritual defenses, making them exhausted and heartbroken. a negative emotion.

Tom's great power made Emma in the distance couldn't help but open her mouth wide. Qin Weijie struggled to sit up and lifted Emma's chin to close her mouth.

"Tom this guy is very strong, don't be fooled by this guy's usual harmless appearance, although I often bully him, but if I really want to make this guy anxious, I'm also a coward!"

Qin Weijie looked at Tom with a smile, and sighed deeply: "It's a pity..."

"What a pity?"

"Unfortunately, Tom's blue bar is short, and it only takes a moment to show his power. He is a real five-second real man."

While speaking, Emma found that Tom on the battlefield was pale and sweating coldly.

Seeing that Tom was exhausted, Emma was anxious to go up to help, but Qin Weijie grabbed him.

"Don't worry, Tom has a strong sense of battle. He should be able to deal with it for a while, trying to find a way to help me heal, and there will be a tough battle after that!"

After listening to Qin Weijie's words, although Emma's heart was attached to Tom, but looking at Qin Weijie's seriously injured body, she still drew several talismans and fell into Qin Weijie's eyebrows.

As the talisman fell between Qin Weijie's eyebrows, Qin Weijie found that his injury had been suppressed, and the vitality hidden in the body was repairing the injury of the body endlessly.

"I see that you have a lot of vitality in your body, so you can use the charm to stimulate the potential in your body. For others, this kind of charm that stimulates potential will hurt the root, but it should not have much impact on you. Life force does not come from yourself, and it is easy to overflow after being stored in the body for a long time, so it is better to stimulate your potential to heal your wounds.”

"Yes! You and Tom help me buy two minutes of time. I'll take care of my luck, and I can recover my combat power in two minutes at most!"

Having said that, Qin Weijie got up and crossed his knees to recuperate.

Just as Emma was about to step forward to help Tom, she heard Tom's voice transmission: "I'll hold on to this phantom first, protect Vijay, and be careful of that golden retriever in the distance!"

Emma frowned and looked at the blond king not far away. At this time, the blond king was staring angrily at Tom who was fighting with the knight heroic spirit, but he hadn't noticed Qin Weijie and Emma for a while.

Although the King Blonde was attracted by Tom's attention at this time, Emma had to beware of the opponent's shot, so she could only stay by Qin Weijie's side, always paying attention to the battlefield and King Blonde.

Tom fights with the knight heroic spirit, UU reading www. In just half a minute, had already displayed dozens of flashes, and each time it had narrowly avoided the fatal blow of the long spear.

Tom knew that he couldn't last too long with such consumption. When he was fighting just now, Tom tried to attack the Knight Heroic Spirit, but the magic he mastered could not break the defense at all. Only the spiritual magic of the psychic can cause limited damage to it. influences.

It's a pity that Tom's practice method of contacting the spiritual master is too short, and the spiritual master's method consumes too much spiritual power. After successively performing "spiritual shock" and "spiritual corrosion", it is difficult for Tom to perform spiritual magic.

If you forcibly use it now, it is likely to cause your own spirit to be exhausted, ranging from lethargy to sleep, and at worst, your spiritual sense will collapse and become a vegetative person.

"You can't waste time like this anymore, you need to use your brains in battle!" Tom thought to himself and began to think about how to delay more time.

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