MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 203 The gap between the dark source world and the prison-suppressing world

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"I'm going, where is he meowing?"

Qin Weijie opened his eyes in confusion, and in front of him was a gray-black world, with turbulent evil spirits surging, filling the entire space, except for five meters in front of him, he couldn't see anything else.

"Hey! Is there anyone? Tom!? Emma! Mirror Shadow?" Qin Weijie shouted loudly, but he didn't respond, only a few faint inaudible echoes.

"Didn't I enter the mirror space, the mirror space is decorated by Nima? This style is a bit abstract!"

Qin Weijie was talking nonsense and wandering in this weird space as if nothing had happened.

Coming to an unfamiliar space, it is impossible not to be afraid, but Qin Weijie did not feel malicious and dangerous here, so he suppressed the panic in his heart and began to try to explore this space.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Weijie's brows became more and more solemn, this space seemed to have no boundaries, and it seemed that he had been spinning in circles.

After walking for such a long time, Qin Weijie not only did not walk out of this space, but all the places he walked were like molds, with black and gray aura surging, and there was nothing in the surrounding area.

"Damn me? My Luchi attribute has appeared again?" Qin Weijie even had some self-doubt at this time: "Hey! Is there anyone! Is there anyone who is out of breath? Can anyone do it! It's enough to communicate! As long as I'm not a foreigner, I can understand what you're saying!"

After shouting for a while, Qin Weijie also gave up resistance, and simply sat on the ground and lay on his back: "Hey, is it possible that I will be trapped here? Where the **** is this?"

Qin Weijie shook his head bitterly, took a deep breath and closed his eyes to stabilize his mind, seeking a way to leave.

Just at this moment, as if the everlasting gray-black space had changed, Qin Weijie suddenly sat up and looked around. For a long time, Qin Weijie still did not see any change. Just when Qin Weijie thought it was his illusion, there was a sound in his ear. An inaudible whisper came.

"Who are you... eh? Strange how you are here?"

The babbling sound was hoarse and slow, like a poisonous snake spitting out letters and hissing. If it wasn't for Qin Weijie's sharp eyes and ears, he probably wouldn't have been able to hear it.

"Someone responded!? Who are you? Where is this place?" Qin Weijie shouted loudly.

However, the space fell into silence again, Qin Weijie turned his ears and did not respond for ten minutes. Just when Qin Weijie was about to give up, the inaudible babble came again.

"Boundaries of life and death..."

"The boundary between life and death? What is it?" Qin Weijie didn't know what to say, and the second monk was confused.

"Brother, you are an old riddle man, please explain, I don't understand the situation when you suddenly said such a sentence!"

The space was silent again, and after a long time there was no response, Qin Weijie couldn't help covering his face: "Damn, is this a network delay? Twenty minutes delay? You are using a 2G Internet cafe! No, your village hasn't got a signal yet!"

Fortunately, the waiting time was not too long this time. After five or six minutes, the mysterious babble appeared again: "The edge of life and death exists in the gap between the dark source world and the prison-suppressing world... living people can't enter here, You are an anomaly... In this realm, let alone living people, even dead people are not common... but there are often broken mirror images that occasionally give birth to consciousness."

The brink of life and death? The gap between the dark source world and the prison-suppressing world?

Qin Weijie thought about these two sentences carefully.

The edge between life and death is easy to understand. It's nothing more than the fact that this time, he made a big deal of his own death, and he lost his play. When he used the "Yin Si borrowing life" before, the space Qin Weijie entered seemed to be very similar to this place.

As for whether he was really dead, Qin Weijie guessed that there is a high probability that he was not dead, otherwise the mysterious babble would not say that he was an anomaly.

"It seems that I have played a big game this time. I will say that I clearly remember that I was about to become a sieve before. Why did I lose my injuries in a blink of an eye. Now I have a high probability of being out of my body, and I have to find a way to go back. Ah!" Qin Weijie thought about it in his heart, but he couldn't think of a solution in a short time, so he could only give up temporarily.

Qin Weijie has always been proud that he has a good habit, that is, never digging into the horns. If you don't understand some problems, then don't think about them. If you can't solve some things, then don't solve them. Maybe there will be a turnaround after a while. indefinite.

As a human being, why should you fight with yourself, make yourself tired, and others will look tired too, over time Nima will roll up, it is better to live transparently.

"Dark Source Realm? Prison Suppression Realm? What the **** is this?" Qin Weijie murmured in a low voice.

The mysterious babble came again, this time the voice seemed to be much clearer, as if it was approaching here: "Take your words, the dark source realm is called the 'dark side', and the prison realm is the world you live in."

"Hey, big brother, are you connected to the Internet? The signal station is built? It took nearly twenty minutes to chat with you at first, but this time I responded in less than five minutes!" Qin Weijie teased again, but his heart rose. There was an ominous premonition.

In this strange world, there are people who communicate with him.

Since it is the gap between the dark side and the real world, what is the guy who can walk through the gap? Alien God! ? Taboo? Or those who are indescribable, do not know their form, and have no distinction between good and evil—the old gods!

Qin Weijie had the intention of withdrawing, and UU reading began to try to use his own abilities to leave here.

According to Qin Weijie's experience of using the "Borrow of the Yin Division" last time, Qin Weijie felt that he should be able to leave this place by using a mysterious technique similar to returning to the soul or using the "Borrow of the Yin Division" again.

As soon as he said it, Qin Weijie hurriedly mobilized his energy to portray the soul-returning talisman. The talisman formed in the air and fell into Qin Weijie's eyebrows. Qin Weijie could faintly feel a slight pull, as if his soul was about to return.

When the pulling force reached the maximum, Qin Weijie felt that he was about to leave...

But according to his plague **** physique, if there is no accident, there will be an accident soon.

Sure enough, when Qin Weijie was about to return, a powerful repulsive force came, and it seemed that he could not return to the real world, and the real world seemed to reject him.

"What are you doing, play with me!? Yin Division borrows life!" Qin Weijie was a little flustered, and hurriedly used Yin Division to borrow life.

The next moment, a yin guard with a height of several meters and blue faces and fangs slowly emerged from the black fog.

The Yin Chai looked down at Qin Weijie slightly, and said indifferently again: "Life is passing away~ There is no vitality to sacrifice~ I obey the rules of Fengdu, and I will not borrow my life~"

The thick voice sounded, and the Yin Chai just glanced at Qin Weijie from the beginning to the end, without any emotion, like a machine running according to the established program. back in.

Read The Duke's Passion