MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 226 Move it with emotion, understand it with reason, and try to see it poorly

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Petty shrugged:

"I know... By the way, you guys are ruthless enough, I've never seen blonde hair so embarrassed"

"I heard from my king that a very violent and strange energy was planted in his body, and even my king's holy light couldn't dispel it."

"According to my king, that kind of energy can only be suppressed and allowed to dissipate on its own. It will take at least three months for the blond guy to recover to his peak."

Qin Weijie rolled his eyes at Petty with a wry smile: "I don't care if he dies or not, I just want to know if that guy comes to Hogwarts, will he discover the power of original sin in us?"

Petty tilted her head, looked at Qin Weijie and then at Tom with a worried face, snorted softly and said, "Hmph, you underestimate my sister too, the method I taught you will never be noticed by the blonde.

Also, what does it matter if the blonde is aware of it or not? Why do you think the royal court should meddle in Hogwarts affairs this year? King Solomon had long predicted that the hosts of the Seven Deadly Sins would gather at Hogwarts.

This is catching a turtle in a urn. If there is no problem in the prediction, you will not be able to escape. The ugly words are ahead. If the hosts of the seven deadly sins gather together, the method I gave you will be useless. If the original sin gathers, there will be visions, which cannot be stopped. of. "

"I'm going, there's no one in your analogy, catch a turtle in a urn..." Qin Weijie pouted, touched his nose and continued: "I've been talking about it for a long time, are you kidding me with this? I heard that King Solomon's prophecy did not miss it." , don't we want to cool off? Tom might as well let us drop school this year."

"Hehe, stinky brother, are you suspending school? Do you think Wang Ting will let you suspend school? They have already suspected you, and your suspension of school now only proves that you are guilty."

Qin Weijie always felt that there was something wrong with Petty's logic. Whether he suspends school or not has nothing to do with your court. If I am determined to suspend school and stay at home, will you still kidnap me to go to school?

Although I am not very familiar with King Arthur's court, judging from the daily behavior of King Arthur's court, if they have doubts about themselves, there is a high probability that they will directly attack,

When the blond king attacked him last time, Qin Weijie thought that Wang Ting had begun to doubt his identity as the host of the original sin, but later learned that the blond king was simply coveting the wealth of the welfare family. After several trials, Qin Weijie probably guessed that the blond Wang should not have doubted himself.

However, what Petty said today really had a sense of alarmism. Qin Weijie guessed that according to the negotiation routine, alarmist talk made the negotiating partner panic, followed by empathy and deep empathy, and finally realized it with reason.

When thinking about it, Qin Weijie didn't point it out, and followed Petty's words: "Then what should we do? If Wang Ting finds out that we are the original sin hosts, Tom and I will be cold."

"Don't worry, brother, my sister has guaranteed you a ticket with my king. My king is very optimistic about you, and my sister will not watch you die in the schemes of that old Merlin."

Well, the formula is very familiar, and it is emotional.

"Really? How does King Arthur plan to help us?" Qin Weijie looked at Petty with bright eyes.

"Because of my status, my king will definitely not make a move in the open, but..." Petty paused for a moment, looked at Qin Weijie's hopeful eyes, and then continued with a smile: "But my sister has a good idea here .”

Oh hey, Xiaozhi will see you with his rationale.

"What way?"

Petty cleared her throat, deliberately lowered her voice and said:

"Two of the known original sin hosts are not in the British Isles, but follow Grindelwald."

"One is Karanda Snow, the host of Original Sin of Wrath, that is, Padraic's daughter, and the other is your classmate, Buck Beelzebub, the host of gluttony."

Qin Weijie nodded noncommittally, indicating that there is no need to explain too much about the information. He knew the identities of the two, and seeing this, Petty continued:

"Although King Solomon made a prophecy, the prophecy was just a prophecy after all, and nothing happened."

"You have friendship with these two hosts, and Gellert Grindelwald is your godfather. As long as you tell them not to set foot on the British Isles within a year, and not to appear in Hogwarts, the prophecy will be broken."

Petty looked at Qin Weijie, expecting Qin Weijie's answer, but at this moment, Qin Weijie murmured what Petty said just now:

"The prophecy is just a prophecy... Nothing has happened... The past is irreversible, but the future can be changed!?"

"Hmm, that's what it means! There is a possibility that the prophecy can be changed through human intervention, which is why most of the time the prophet will only tell a very small number of people the prophecy, and ask them to keep it secret."

"I see. I will find a way to contact Uncle De, and try my best not to let Buck and Karanda set foot in the UK this year." Qin Weijie readily agreed.

However, Petty hesitated to speak again, seeing Petty's slight expression, Qin Weijie secretly smiled.

Tiger girls, they are all thousand-year-old foxes, you and I are here to play Nima's Liaozhai.

Seeing that Petty was about to speak again, Qin Weijie took the lead to interrupt: "That's the deal! What a big deal! Don't waste time, teach Tom and I to cover up the breath of original sin, if the weather is bad, we may have to go down again later." rain."

While speaking, the three of them had already arrived at the dock. The howling wind engulfed the water of the Black Lake and slapped the rocks beside the dock. The sky was overcast and cloudy, and it was estimated that it would rain soon. Qin Weijie naturally urged .

Petty could only swallow it as soon as he reached his mouth. Although he did not achieve his goal, it was a good start. In the future, it is not impossible to fool Qin Weijie when everyone looks down. A thirteen-year-old kid The old lady still can't handle it?

The three walked into the dock one by one, and Petty also began to talk about his method of suppressing the breath of original sin and the method of developing the method of controlling the power of original sin.

The first is to suppress the breath of original sin and avoid exposure.

In Petty's narration, there are two methods, one method can treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and the other method has a wonderful effect but has to pay a painful price.

The first method that does not cure the root cause is to configure a potion called "Secret of Fallen Sin". Some other common potion ingredients are blended and neutralized.

This potion will silence the power of original sin in the body.

Taken for the first time, a 0.3 ounce potion can silence the power of original sin for a week.

After one week, it is necessary to increase the dose to 0.4 ounces to silence the power of original sin for another week.

Every time you take it in the future, the dosage will be increased appropriately until the body is completely immune to the medicine.

The above is the way to treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

Out of sincerity to its allies, UU Reading www. Petty directly gave Qin Weijie and Tom 5 bottles of 'Secret Medicine for Falling Sin' for free, which should be enough for the two of them to use for a month and a half.

As for the future, according to Petty's explanation, taking too much medicine after one and a half months can easily cause irreversible drug damage to the body, and long-term use will also cause dependence on the drug.

What to do after that depends on another method, which is to seal yourself with seal carving magic patterns.

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