MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 232 Meet Quixote at night

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"Yo, miss, you mean you have a problem with him?" Qin Weijie teased

Yi Lianna rolled her eyes at Qin Weijie: "I have read his "Herbal Plant Illustrated Book" and "Aquatic Plant Care", I swear! Reading these two books is a waste of life, it is ridiculous that I wasted on these two books 3/2555 of my school career!"

"Um, is his theory biased?"

"No! His theory is not biased, because he doesn't have his own theory! I can guarantee that at least three-fifths of the herbs in the "Picture Book" have not been seen by himself. Exactly! Of the remaining two-fifths, more than half can even describe the properties of the medicine incorrectly!" Yi Lianna said unceremoniously.

"Oh, I get it, he's just a fake pedant with flamboyant fists and legs! One bottle is not full, and half of the bottle is dangling. In fact, there is no real talent or learning." Qin Weijie concluded.

Unexpectedly, Elena shook her head: "Not all, at least his research on toxicology is still very profound, and he has unique insights into poisons, especially anesthesia, mental paralysis, and control poisons."

Qin Weijie couldn't help but persevere: "Damn, what kind of serious person can a person who studies these kinds of poisons be?"

"Is there something wrong? There is no problem in academics!" Elena is still a little behind the scenes.

Qin Weijie smiled wryly: "Seriousness is a hammer. According to your description, the poisons he researched are nothing more than some perspiration medicines, aphrodisiacs, and obedient water. This can still be called seriousness."

"You! Vijay, sometimes I really want to open your mind and see what weird things you think about every day."

Qin Weijie laughed and said nothing more.

After that, Professor Dumbledore introduced Ms. Meloska from the ancient runes and Professor Newt Scamander from the new Magical Beasts class.

It has to be said that Newt can be regarded as a big celebrity in the wizarding world. When Newt was introduced, the entire auditorium once again caused an uproar, and the roaring applause took a long time to subside.

I have to say that the teaching team has changed a lot this year. Except for some new professors, many important courses adopt the dual-teacher system, such as Alchemy, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Charms, Ancient Runes ( This year the class was incorporated into Ancient Texts).

The purpose of the dual-teacher system is nothing more than to house some of the teachers from the other two major magic schools. Although the students accept them, it would be unethical for you not to feed the teachers, so the dual-teacher system came into being.

As for the twists and turns behind the dual-teacher system, Qin Weijie, a student, should not consider this.

There is only one question that he should consider at this time, which teacher should he choose?

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm going to study hard this year, and I want to take all the courses! It would be great if there was Hermione's time-turner in the movie."

Qin Weijie thought in distress.

Qin Weijie has been paying attention to the Time-Turner for a long time, and the Time-Turner was the most coveted magic item when Qin Weijie watched movies in his previous life.

After coming to the magic world, Qin Weijie searched for the Time Converter more than once, and even used the power of the Welfare Family to purchase it.

However, the result was still nothing, and no one in the entire wizarding world had ever heard of the Time Turner.

Therefore, Qin Weijie felt extremely regretful.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and it was almost half past nine. All the students were already hungry, and the teacher's introduction finally came to an end.

It's finally the last teacher

"This year our Defense Against the Dark Arts also ushered in a new teacher, Roland Virgil."

The lunatic Roland stood up and smiled sweetly at all the students. She restrained her usual unruly and heroic spirit. For a while, she was a little more charming and charming. Became the goddess of otaku.

"Wow! Professor Virgil is so beautiful!"

"Hei Changzhi is my favorite!"

"Professor Virgil, do you have a boyfriend?"

Qin Weijie never expected that Roland would gain a firm foothold in the hearts of the students by virtue of his good looks after just one meeting.

Qin Weijie covered his face and sighed as he looked at those senior boys who were like wolves and tigers.

Young people, after you have taken Roland's perverted class, I hope you can still keep your original intentions.

The lengthy opening ceremony finally came to an end, and after waiting for three or four hours, we entered the main topic of the opening ceremony—start eating!

Following the principal's order, all kinds of delicacies appeared on the empty long table, including panna cotta, fried chicken, steak, cod, and fruit pie. Qin Weijie couldn't help swallowing when he saw it.

"This year's dishes are good! It's much better than previous years!" Qin Weijie looked in front of him.

Elena took small bites of a steak and said softly: "That's natural. This year, the elves in the kitchen have also expanded, and many of them are from the other two major magic schools. specialty food."

After taking a few mouthfuls, Qin Weijie still shook his head: "Hey, the appearance is quite attractive, but the taste is really average. If you can have some stir-fried vegetables... It's a pity, Europeans basically don't stir-fry!"

"It's as if you can make better food than this..." Yi Lianna rolled her eyes at Qin Weijie, curled her lips and continued to eat the steak with her head down.

"It seems that I have the opportunity to show you my cooking skills! Just wait to be conquered by Chinese cuisine!" Qin Weijie said loudly.

Tom behind him heard Qin Weijie's bold words, turned his head and said, "Don't brag, I'm afraid you will poison us!"

On September 1, 1940, the opening ceremony of Hogwarts ended in a joyful atmosphere.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, all the students had already returned to the lounge, and the teachers also returned to their offices one after another, and the whole castle fell into dead silence.

In the deep corridor on the third floor, a furtive figure groped against the wall for something. His movements were so light that he couldn't even detect his breathing. He didn't even disturb the paintings on the corridor all the way.

cough cough cough

Suddenly there was a light cough at the end of the corridor, and the sneaky figure was instantly frightened to death, and hurriedly looked back.

"Albus? Is that you, Albus?" the figure asked.

There was a light at the end of the corridor, and Dumbledore walked slowly with a wand in his hand: "Professor Ruben Quixote? Why are you here? I remember that your office should be on the first floor."

Quixote, who was a little bit happy in the tunic, leaned against the wall and smiled awkwardly.

With that sharp and passionate voice, he said loudly: "Oh, it's nothing, I plan to go out and explore when I can't sleep at night, and keep vigil for the sleeping children! Brave knight, guard the night for the children forever!"

Dumbledore was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "The knight drama of Albanys? The lines of "Knight Vigil"?"

"Aha! I didn't expect you, Albus, to have studied Albanys! I like his knight drama the most..."

Dumbledore looked at Quixote's attire up and down, UU reading www. nodded and said, "I can tell! Your tunic should look like the protagonist of the drama "Dawn of the Knights."

"My God, I finally met someone who knows the goods! Albus, I really think we might be soulmates!"

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