MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 235 Abraxas Malfoy

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After adjusting his mentality, Qin Weijie walked into the boys' dormitory silently.

However, when he returned to his bed, Qin Weijie was in a bad mood.

After I went out for less than half an hour, the bed was dismantled.

The bed board was broken in the middle, the bedding was thrown on the ground, the suitcase was violently dismantled, and the clothes and books inside were also scattered on the ground.

At first Qin Weijie thought it was Ergou demolishing the house, but when he saw the dense footprints on the bedding and clothes, Qin Weijie could only smile wryly, and knelt down silently.

Judging from the footprints on the quilt, there were at least a dozen people who tore down the bed.

Silently recording the footprints on the quilt, Qin Weijie turned and left the boys' dormitory with awe-inspiring eyes.

When passing the common room, Qin Weijie clearly saw that most of the people in the lounge who hadn't slept showed gloating expressions.

After glancing at those gloating guys, Qin Weijie walked out of the Ravenclaw common room without looking back.

The door closed, Qin Weijie showed a smirk, and turned his head to look at Mr. Eagle at the door of the Ravenclaw lounge with malicious intent.

"Hey, hey, don't sleep!" Qin Weijie lowered his voice and knocked Mr. Ying on the head a few times.

"Huh? Don't slap your face, don't slap your face! Who doesn't have eyes... woo woo woo..." Mr. Ying flapped his wings and screamed. Qin Weijie hurriedly covered Mr. Ying's mouth, and then he calmed down.

After seeing that it was Qin Weijie who came, Mr. Ying gave up struggling, and Qin Weijie also let go of Mr. Ying's beak.

"What are you doing, brat? Are you tearing down the door? If you want to come in, you can go in, if you want to get out, you can go out, and I won't ask you any questions." Mr. Ying rolled his eyes at Qin Weijie dissatisfied.

Ever since Qin Weijie used his brain teasers to make Mr. Ying autistic at the beginning of the first grade, Mr. Ying never asked Qin Weijie any questions again. Free access to the Ravenclaw lounge was Qin Weijie's only privilege in Ravenclaw .

After briefly talking about the fact that his bed was demolished, Qin Weijie pulled out his wand and a picture of the common room and a few messy footprints appeared in the air.

"Among the few guys who haven't slept, some of them can take care of me, and there are a few guys whose shoe soles are like this, please take care of me too."

"That's not good…"

"Hey, I still have a few brain teasers here, you can use them to test them..."

"You're so bad boy! But I like it!"

Half an hour later, Qin Weijie walked out of the Ravenclaw Tower. He looked at the time and it was getting close. He still hadn't figured out where to sleep tonight.

"Well, I just went to Tom! Anyway, his bed is big enough for the two of us to squeeze in."

While muttering, Qin Weijie glanced at the mirrored picture frame beside him, pulled out his wand, cast mirror image magic and walked into the picture frame.

Not long after, a faint silver light lit up on the glass ceiling of the Slytherin lounge, and a vigorous figure jumped down from the ceiling, and landed steadily without making any sound.

Qin Weijie looked around the Slytherin common room. At this moment, there was no one in the lounge, and Qin Weijie walked towards the door of the boys' dormitory familiarly.

"I'm going, forgot I don't have permission to enter the Slytherin lounge..."

When Qin Weijie was distressed, the door of the boys' dormitory was suddenly opened, and a blond boy was facing him, clutching his stomach and running out.

This blond-haired boy, Qin Weijie, had some impressions that he was a fourth-year Slytherin student.

Oh, no, he seems to have been promoted to the fifth grade this year, and his name seems to be Abraxas Malfoy, and he is Tom's loyal fan.

As for why the impression of Abraxas Malfoy is mainly because of his surname.

The Malfoy family still played a very important role in previous life movies. According to Qin Weijie’s calculation, this Abraxas Malfoy is probably the father of Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy’s “Draco Horse Dung” grandfather.

Because of this, Qin Weijie was so impressed with this blond boy.

Although it is already September, the autumn in Scotland this year is extremely hot, especially during the opening ceremony last night, when nearly ten thousand people crowded into one auditorium, it was even more stuffy.

Abraxas Malfoy was sweating constantly during the opening ceremony last night, and he almost collapsed from the heat, so he downed four or five glasses of iced lemonade in one go during the dinner.

At that time, I didn't feel much, I just felt that the ice lemonade relieved the hotness of the auditorium, but when I returned to the dormitory at night, Abraxas tasted the bitter fruit.

He fell asleep at first, but in the middle of the night, Abraxas suddenly felt a cramping pain in his stomach, and a surge of 'poetry' surged up.

Abraxas hurriedly got up to find the toilet.

Unexpectedly, the toilet in the boys' dormitory was pranked by a guy who received a thousand dollars, and threw several stinky fart bombs and lively chocolate frogs into it.

Abraxas really couldn't bear the ecstasy smell of the fart bomb, and at the same time he was worried that the chocolate frog would block the cannon barrel when he exploded the hole.

After wasting 0.5 seconds of hesitation, Abraxas turned his head and ran out of the dormitory in a hurry, preparing to go to the common room to find a toilet.

As soon as he ran out of the men's dormitory, he ran into Qin Weijie's arms head-on.

Although Abraxas is a head taller than Qin Weijie, in terms of physical strength, he is really inferior to Qin Weijie.

After bumping into Qin Weijie, Abrax was bounced back and sat down on the ground.

At the same time, there was a 'poof', and a stench came over.

Because she was wearing thin pajamas, there was a faint yellow liquid seeping through the pajama pants.

Seeing this scene, Qin Weijie couldn't help pinching his nose, and said in a low voice, "Malfoy, is Tom asleep?"

Abraxas was still immersed in the joy of life in full bloom. He raised his eyes and saw that it was Qin Weijie who hurriedly faltered and said: "Vijay Qin? No, President Qin! Our president should have gone to bed early! It's so late Are you urgently looking for the president?"

"Oh, it's okay! There's something wrong with my bed, so I came over to squeeze with Tom. I was worried that I couldn't get into the boys' dormitory just now. I happened to meet you! Uh, but... are you okay? I missed it ?”

As Qin Weijie said, he couldn't help suppressing his laughter, and unconsciously looked at Abraxas's buttocks.

Abraxas put on his pajamas and trousers in embarrassment, blushing: "Then what, hehe... I couldn't hold it back, it exploded! President Qin, please do your own thing, I'll go to the toilet first, UU reading As for what happened today..."

"Don't worry, I won't say anything. Remember to clean the door when you come back, so that no one else will find it." Qin Weijie walked across the door of the dormitory with a smile, and went to find Tom's bed on his own. .

Hearing Qin Weijie's promise not to talk nonsense, Abraxas breathed a sigh of relief, and another cramping pain came from his abdomen.

Abraxas didn't dare to delay, he hurriedly put on his trousers and ran out.

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