MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 251 Case solved!

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Chapter 251 The case is solved!

Hey, President Qin, sit down! I'm done, I'm done! Speaking of Malfoy, he ran away with a plate as if fleeing for his life.

what's the situation? I have so terrible?

What Qin Weijie didn't know was that because Malfoy's big mouth was rambling about what happened the night before, our Master Tom was very upset. During the Fantastic Beasts class this afternoon, Tom deliberately dragged Malfoy into the grove.

Don't think about it, Master Tom is of course teaching Malfoy to be a man, it's just a physical negotiation.

Qin Weijie jumped to the side of Tom, and greeted the **** the opposite side: hello, Caris! Are you used to it at Hogwarts?

Carlisle showed an innocent and sweet smile and replied: Hogwarts is really great, and the teachers are also very patient! Being far away from home was a little uncomfortable at first, but with Tom by my side, I got used to it very quickly, it's just...

Speaking of Carlisle's eyes were a little sad, Qin Weijie was amazed by the change of expression, and asked unconsciously: "Just what?" Any questions?

It's just that Elena doesn't seem to like me very much. I used to treat her as a friend and let her accompany me to get familiar with the campus, but not long ago, I don't know why she suddenly ignored me. I want to be as smart as her The goddess probably doesn't like a silly girl like me.

Carlisle said, the more she said, the more aggrieved she became.

Tom hurriedly comforted him, and Qin Weijie felt disgusted by the concerned look in his eyes.

Seeing Kalisi's charming appearance, Qin Weijie couldn't help sniffling. For some reason, he seemed to smell the fragrance of green tea.

Case solved!

Qin Weijie suddenly understood that he knew why Elena ignored Tom these two days, with such a yin and yang green tea essence, and Tom's meticulous concern, Elena did not transform into a black cat It is considered kind of Irina to make a big face for dogs and men.

Looking at Tom and Karis, and thinking of Elena's jealous expression, Qin Weijie couldn't help but curse in his heart: You guys are still playing a love triangle! This **** is too vulgar!

Seeing the two throwing dog food, Qin Weijie really regretted not bringing the second dog with him. It would save a few days of dog food!

Being teased by the two of them, Qin Weijie instantly lost the desire to sit next to the two of them for dinner. Just as he was thinking about how to get out, Qin Weijie looked towards the entrance of the auditorium and saw Emma holding Xiaobai the Lightning Sable in his arms. Walk into the auditorium and look for a seat.

OK, OK! Let's talk, I'm also looking for the girl of my dreams! Qin Weijie took the opportunity to get up and look for Emma: By the way, Tom, Professor Slughorn asked us to go to his office at 7:30 in the evening, so don't be late! I'm going to find my goddess!

Qin Weijie heaved a sigh of relief, and finally escaped the fate of being a high-wattage light bulb.

Qin Weijie didn't care much about Tom's puppy love.

Calculating age, Tom is already thirteen years old this year. Caris seems to be about half a year older than Tom, and has just passed her fourteenth birthday. In Europe in the middle of the twentieth century, this age should also be registered for marriage.

Qin Weijie once saw more than one couple of sixth or seventh grade students on campus, holding their infant babies to class.

It has to be said that the middle of the 20th century cannot be viewed from the perspective of the 21st century.

In this era, science and technology continue to advance, and the industrial revolution has changed the original social structure.

A new order is growing in the chaotic ruins. Although the original social structure and customs are about to fall to dust under the wheel of the times, the shadow of the old era still lingers on like an unwilling ghost.

Qin Weijie withdrew his divergent thinking, and sighed in his heart: I am such a philosopher!

Passing around the long Slytherin table, Qin Weijie was a little lucky. Fortunately, the school teachers forcibly stretched the space of the auditorium on the day of the opening ceremony. If the auditorium has been made so large, Qin Weijie is really afraid that he will get lost in the auditorium one day. Or starve to death while trying to find a spot.

Qin Weijie stepped on treacherous steps, sneaked around behind Emma, ​​stood on Emma's left side, but stretched out his hand to pat her.

Putting down Emma's right shoulder, Emma hurriedly looked to the left without seeing the figure.

Qin Weijie stretched out his index finger and directly touched Emma's cheek that could be broken by bullets.

Vijay, you hate it! Trick me again! Emma scolded and was not angry.

Hey, haven't found the location yet?

Emma nodded: There are too many people!

Come with me! I'll take you somewhere! Absolutely not so many people! Qin Weijie lowered his voice

Emma's eyes lit up: really? Walk! Hey... By the way, have you seen Patty? Call her together, I have something to tell her!

Qin Weijie frowned: I don't! I can't let Petty's tiger **** know about my secret base! If you have something to look for her, you are not in a hurry, so let's eat first!

Seeing Qin Weijie's insistence, Emma also knew that although Qin Weijie and Petty had no conflicts, they always bickered when they met.

Thinking of the scene of the two bickering, Emma only felt her head buzzing, and finally walked towards the so-called secret base with Qin Weijie.

The two left the auditorium and walked down the stairs to the basement.

This is the basement? Further down is the dungeon! You don't want to invite me to dinner in the dungeon! ? Emma asked puzzled.

The Lightning Mink Xiaobai in Emma's arms opened his eyes drowsily at this time, and when he saw Qin Weijie, the Lightning Mink covered his mouth with his little paws very skillfully, for fear that he would accidentally say something he shouldn't say and be caught. Qin Weijie was heard, and then complained to Emma.

Qin Weijie teased Xiaobai with a smile: You can’t help him if you hug him all the time. It’s easy to lose your wildness. Tomorrow, introduce Ergou to him and let Ergou take him to familiarize himself with the surrounding environment. It is easy to inquire about some information that we cannot notice, and it can be regarded as a source of intelligence.

intelligence? Is this how you treat your pets? Emma was a little puzzled.

Qin Weijie shook his head: I have never regarded them as pets. Whether it is Ergou, Cheese or Kraken, they are all friends to me. I can understand what they say, and they are willing to use their strengths. The same is true for Xiaobai. Born in such a troubled world, I don't want to live too passively. After all, the school is very dangerous this year. There are not a few people who want to kill me.

After listening to Qin Weijie's explanation, Emma lowered her head thoughtfully for a moment, then nodded: Indeed! One must not have the intention to harm others, UU Reading must have the intention to guard against others, Hogwarts does have some strange things.

Qin Weijie smiled and said nothing, instead of continuing to talk about the topic, he turned around and walked to an oil painting of house elves, knocked on the frame of the oil painting, and said to the oil painting: There are too many people upstairs, help us Find a spot in the kitchen.

Who are you talking to?

House-elf! The Hogwarts kitchen is full of house elves, do you think the Hogwarts Great Hall can really conjure food? And the dormitory and common room where we live are cleaned by house elves every night.

But remember, don't throw your clothes away. Although the house elves will help you clean up, they won't pick up your scattered clothes. If you often put your clothes in a mess, these elves will hate you.

Emma nodded: Oh, I know that. Once an owner gives the house elves clothes, it means that they are no longer needed, and it also means that they are swept out of the house, so the house elves are unwilling to help wizards pack their clothes.

Almost, even though they were kicked out, it also means that they have gained freedom... Unfortunately, most house elves do not want to be free, and have been enslaved for thousands of years, which has caused their ethnic group to become accustomed to becoming vassals of wizard families , this kind of thinking is deeply rooted.

While the two were talking, a dull-witted elf poked his head out of the oil painting, looked them up and down, and the elf smiled.

Hey, my name is Bull, it's a pleasure to serve you!

The house elf named Bull spoke in a low voice, and snapped his fingers. The next second, the oil painting in front of the two slowly opened like a hidden door, revealing a long and narrow passage. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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