MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 2613 Board the disaster train

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"Go to King's Cross!"

In the hands of Hermione who said this, the ice residue on the ticket melted slightly due to the contact with body temperature, softening the little piece of paper that was frozen like a card, and also moistening the girl's fingertips ...

When Hermione led everyone out of the palace and returned to the royal square in front of the gate, they discovered that there was a new tunnel entrance on the ice wall on the other side of the square.

It's just no wonder that they didn't notice it the first time when they came, because the hole was really not big, so it could barely accommodate two people to enter side by side, maybe it would be too crowded.

Obviously, it was only opened for a person to pass through, but the "person" who walked in it at the beginning was indeed taller than ordinary humans.

In order to leave some leeway in case of emergencies, everyone simply lined up and walked into the new ice cave one by one.

The pressing chill hit everyone who entered it again, wrapping everyone around. Probably because no one knew what the purpose of "that person" was to leave a train ticket on the throne and lead people to King's Cross Station in the future. This time, there was really no sound in the tunnel except for footsteps. ——Everyone carried heavy doubts, guesses and apprehensions, and no one spoke again.

Until the tunnel exit finally appeared in front, everyone walked out of the cold ice cave one after another, and the eyes suddenly became bright... The platform that was absolutely familiar to most of the wizards in the team, suddenly appeared. In everyone's complicated and nostalgic eyes.

The station was originally indoors, except for a few icicles and icicles that hung upside down due to the broken roof, there was basically no ice.

The platform was empty, no one was there, and there were no trains listening to the tracks inside the station. Maybe the Muggle trains had overturned or stopped on a certain section of the route long ago when the disaster happened. Come on!

Hermione stopped a little, looked left and right, and said nothing. She led the crowd straight to the wall pillar between the ninth and tenth platforms, and after extending her wand to check, she walked in first.

Then, she saw the old steam train that had taken her and the rest of her classmates to Hogwarts again and again.

It just stood there quietly, calmly, and solemnly, as it always did.

Although there is no thick steam coming out of its chimney, and although it is more silent than ever before, every door of its carriage is still wide open, as if it is still following its own mission, welcome The arrival of every passenger.

Standing in front of the train, Hermione raised her hand subconsciously and looked at the ticket in her hand that had been creased by her all the way, and then finally turned around and looked at the people behind her who had followed her. Those figures who entered the nine and three quarters platform.

Harry, Ron and the others are also staring blankly at the train in front of them... It may be that most of them recalled something about the first time they took this train. These are probably the same class of students. The expressions on their faces look similar, but they are also slightly different.

It's a pity that this moment is not the time to recall those beautiful past. Even if you try to recall it forcibly, you will definitely be pulled back by the **** reality, and then add new wounds to the already painful heart.

Hermione didn't go to recall anything, and at the moment when some yellowed images suddenly appeared in her mind, she shook her head and swept them out of her mind.

"Everyone!" She raised the ticket in her hand and said loudly, "Anyway, let's go up and have a look first!"


What everyone didn't expect was that the moment Hermione...the first person stepped into the train, there was a sound of the train starting from the direction of the train.

The movement wasn't that big, and based on past experience, it would take a while for the train to actually start moving.

But that was only for the Hogwarts Express, which had normal departures and normal operation in the past. No one can guarantee that the train can still depart step by step as in the past.

So after hearing the sound, everyone who was still waiting on the platform to board the train hurriedly got into the car at the door of the closest carriage.

I don't know if the magic left on the train can sense that everyone on the platform has entered the car or something. Just when the last Maca stepped into the car with one foot, all the doors of the entire train. At the same time, it automatically shuts down with a "bang".

The next moment, with the high-pitched whistle on the front of the train, the train shook and slowly started...

"Are you all right?"

The door at one end of the passage was roughly opened, and Naveen's slightly anxious face appeared there. Here, Maka watched him look at the few people who chose to board in this car, and then quickly ran through the passage and went to the car behind.

Then, it was Hermione who brought Harry and Ron in through the door that Neville had just come out of, and looked at Maka a few times.

"Let's go to the front car to meet first! Ginny and the others are waiting there... Later, we can go to the front of the car and take a look." Hermione pointed behind her, "Let's go and inform the others in the back. people."

Watching a few friends pass by, and followed Neville, who was one step ahead, to the back compartment, Maka and a few other people here followed Hermione's words and went to the front compartment.

When he passed the train window, he stopped a little and turned his head to look out the The speed of the train that just started hadn't picked up yet. The ground slowly retreated, and the once again empty platform came into his eyes.

"I don't know, when will I be able to see it again, the busy and crowded scene outside the car window."

After muttering to himself in a voice that no one else could hear, Maca turned around and stepped forward again, keeping up with the old wizard Rosie who was walking in front of him.

And behind him, the scenery outside the window began to accelerate and retreat, and soon the empty King's Cross station was completely left behind, replaced by a vast, seemingly endless frost.

The train began to speed up, and I believe that it will soon be able to drive through this frozen city, galloping on the land with a truly vast scenery.

It's just a pity, even then, what they can see in the car windows is destined to be endless gray and heart-wrenching ruins.

This is the old British disaster area shrouded in clouds, a place where even Muggle satellites in space can't see it.

Read The Duke's Passion