MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 2633 confrontation

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The village of Hogsmeade, which is currently being regarded as a temporary stronghold of the counterattack army, welcomed a new guest today. As the saying goes, one more person can bring more strength, which obviously should not show any attitude of refusal for the entire counter-offensive army, which is in urgent need of manpower to deal with the long front.

Especially when this "guest" also expressed his willingness to contribute to this battle.

However, the situation on the scene at this time seemed a little subtle - the tenseness contained in the silent confrontation scene was a little bit tense, even the one who had just looked over from this far away. Sirius could smell it.

It is worth mentioning that, compared to the wizard who was alone on the opposite side, there was already a large group of people gathered in the stronghold. At the head, it seems that the leader of the second vanguard, the muscular man Yegor Matuseyevich, who had just returned from the frontline battlefield for a short rest ten minutes ago.

As a pure-bred human wizard, this guy is really not small, so he is always very conspicuous in the crowd. Sirius can tell at a glance that the big guy standing at the front must be him.

Then, who is the man who is being blocked at the intersection of the street by a group of wizards headed by Yegor who are obviously affiliated to the three major families...

"Mr. Stewart?"

A head with long pale blond hair suddenly appeared from the window of the temporary command post, beside Sirius, and after looking at it from a distance, he immediately blurted out like this.

Obviously, it was Luna.

As for the "Mr. Stewart" in her mouth, it was naturally John Stewart, who had just parted ways with her, Hermione and others in the outer London suburbs not long ago.

I didn't expect to see you again so soon!

"It turned out to be him," Lupin said with a slight frown after looking over Sirius's shoulder, "Didn't he say he intends to go back to the United States first? Although he also said that he would definitely come back, but he also It's a bit too fast... but if it's him, the situation over there can make sense."

"Anyway, let's go over and have a look first." Sirius turned around and said.


Objectively speaking, the reason why three of the four major families today chose to end up together at the previous point in time to jointly participate in this mighty and catastrophic war is that it has nothing to do with the American "mason workshop"...that is, Stewart. The family's initiative to reach out is inseparable.

It's not to say that if the secret team of the Stewart family didn't appear in the old British disaster area, the three major families would not intervene in the disaster, but if that was the case, the three major families would definitely not choose to show up at this time.

After all, even the four major European families, which represent the highest level of the European magic world, have obviously declined significantly compared to their former prosperity. Leaving aside the Blois family who had been involved from the very beginning, for the remaining three families, it still seems a little rushed even now.

This can be seen from the fact that their three-way coalition army did not perform well in the first battle of the second battlefield, and then they still had to rely on Harry, Hermione and others to help them.

So now, the wizards of the three major families who have not dealt with the United States have naturally hated the Stewart family more and more after experiencing the bad battlefield.


In the center of the street, Yegor, who had been staring straight at the opposite, finally spoke again after a stalemate.

"We don't need you Yankees to pretend to be kind, go back to your America! If you stand there again, don't blame us for the crowd and carry you out."

This guy looks rough on the outside, and his tone of speech at this time is also very rude. But I have to say, from his expression and posture, he is not at all arrogant, but shows caution and calmness everywhere.

Because John on the opposite side had already explained a little of his friendship with Hermione and others before, and now Hermione is the commander-in-chief of their army. If you don't do it, at can't let your side do it first.

Therefore, even the last sentence "carry it out" is nothing more than a harsh word.

It's a pity that since John has been working hard this time and has come here all the way, it is definitely impossible to leave easily without doing anything.

"Mr. Matusievich... well! Since your Excellency doesn't want me to help in the war, then I won't help. It's just... I really have to meet Miss Granger, even if your Excellency doesn't want to let it go. Go in, then please send her a message for me anyway?"

"Then go outside and wait! Miss Granger is not free now... Remember to stay away from the fortifications around Hogsmeade." Yegor still used his calm expression, saying nothing The words of affection, so that John's face could not help but stiffen.

You must know that although the current front has been advanced into the deep forest some distance from Hogsmeade Village, and the main combat forces are also on this front. However, because the overall front line was stretched very it was really impossible to block all the enemies at one end, and there were still many fish that slipped through the net.

It would be infinitely more dangerous to leave John alone outside the Hogsmeade fortifications now than if he had come all the way from the south alone.

After all, no matter what, this is a battlefield after all!

"Let him in!"

Just when the big man Yegor was about to whisper what the other party could say, Lupin's voice sounded from the crowd behind him, causing him to curl his lips slightly.

He was just used to pretending to be ruthless, but in fact he had already vaguely realized that he had to let that guy in in the end.

What's more, even if this John has no friendship with Hermione and others. People still have to stay, especially the Stewart family, it is impossible to let go easily, but the way to keep people is definitely not the same.

But now...

"Mr. Lupin?" Yegor turned around and waved his hand, letting the gathered people push away from both sides. Then he looked at Lupin who was walking towards him and said, "Since Mr. Lupin said so..."

As he spoke, he turned to the side again, stretched out his hand to invite him, and made a "please" gesture, presumably trying to sell his favor.

At the beginning of the formation of the army, among the original three coalition forces that were split and incorporated, only the Matusievich family was always reluctant. By now, they may also understand that since they finally joined in, they still have to get along better, which is good for each other.

However, it still makes people feel that many behaviors are vaguely deliberate.


Lupin nodded at him with a nonchalant smile as he passed by.

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