MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 2635 no way back

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To a certain extent, at this time, Hermione finally began to feel the unease that forced the three major families to end early. Because in the face of adversity, the most terrifying thing is often not the strength of the enemy, but the sneak attack and betrayal that come from behind.

Just like at this moment, if what John said is true, then the family behind him—that is, the Stewart family in the United States, may have really planned it.

And now, no one knows what the "Mason Workshop" led by the Stewart family is going to do next in today's Europe?

Everyone doesn't even know whether the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which has been closely related to the "Mason's Workshop" since ancient times... and even the Magical Congress of the United States, is now holding on to this catastrophic war across the ocean. The same dangerous thought.

In this case, no matter what you do, it is uneasy.

"But I haven't been able to really confirm the purpose of 'their' before, so all this is just a simple speculation on what I have seen. Therefore, before I was able to see Miss Granger, I I have always maintained a very cautious attitude towards the news that I have obtained, and did not let anyone know about it... You should understand, especially those three families, if you let them know about this prematurely, it will definitely be in control of the young lady. The overall situation has a great negative impact..."

Perhaps it was during this dispatch that John had developed a great distrust of the family, so that when he had nowhere to go, he subconsciously had feelings for Hermione, those who had helped and tolerated him in times of crisis and desperation. developed a sense of companionship.

If nothing else, at least when he encountered danger in this disaster area, the one he was most willing to trust was definitely Hermione and his party. Because he knew that at least these people would not use him or hold any hostility to him for no reason.

"…Ah! Thank you."

Hermione, who was still immersed in uneasy thoughts, was stunned after hearing John's words before she regained her senses, and then nodded at him, thanking him for being so willing to consider herself.

This John Stewart is indeed worthy of the elite of the American Mason Workshop, and the concerns he expressed from Hermione's point of view do exist.

Although the three major families are now under her command and command because of their respective decisions, it is obviously not unreserved obedience. Once something unexpected happens, prompting their thoughts and judgments to change again, who can guarantee that they will not refuse to obey orders, or even act without authorization?

Especially when the strong combat powers such as Harry and Maca who can directly deter them are not here...

Just now, John insisted that Yegor would not disclose any intelligence information when he was there. Now it seems that it is extremely correct.

"Professor Lupin," Hermione pondered for a while, and finally couldn't help but say, "I'm starting to wonder if it's time for the plan to 'sneak behind enemy lines' now!"

However, Lupin, who was not far away, had the same solemn expression, but after hearing Hermione say this, he still shook his head very decisively.

"It's too late to hesitate!" Lupin said, "I don't know if those guys will find out about our actions during this period and take advantage of it, but we definitely can't make Harry and the others give up the plan halfway and withdraw again. Here we come. Harry and Maka risked their lives to carry out the mission, and once we set off, there is no turning back... You should know this better than I do."


Hermione responded, pursed her lips, and then let out a sigh of relief, and regained her spirits:

"I understand! In short, the most important thing now is to figure out the whereabouts and purpose of the second team, which is supposed to be composed of the silent ones, sent by the 'Mason's Workshop', and then proceed from this to bring American magic The situation in the world is also understood... Of course, it is best to solve both things at the same time!"

"It's not easy," John said with a worried look on his face. "At least those three families can't use their hands on these two things. And you know, for the 'investigation of the American wizarding world', they It is also the most suitable person around us.”

But this time, Hermione quickly condensed her eyes and said:

"No, don't forget that in addition to the three of them, there is one of the four major European families!"

At this moment, Willie, who was surrounded by enemies with Maka and the others, naturally didn't know that Hermione in Hogsmeade had planned to ask her father to come out again.

Of course, even if she knew, she wouldn't say anything about it.

She wasn't going to dissuade Hermione from giving up the idea, and she probably wouldn't say no if Hermione wanted her to help go home and try to persuade her father.

It's just that Wei Li is very clear that after finally making up her mind to entrust the entire family to herself, UU reading father will definitely not interfere easily.

Especially when Willie opened her mouth to ask for help, Mr. Blois, who used to dote on his daughter so much, may now be more determined to refuse.

Therefore, even if Willie, who is the daughter of the other party, is still in Hogsmeade, it is useless to Hermione at this time, and even counterproductive for her purpose.

So fortunately, at this moment, Willie is being soaked in water with Maca, Harry and others...

Although the lake near Hogwarts Castle does not freeze until the depths of winter, even in seasons other than winter, its water is still bone-chilling. Now, after a long period of lack of sunlight, the cold, and even the magic spell, can't completely eliminate the discomfort it brings.

But at least, Harry's previous conjecture was somewhat correct - although there are still living corpses in this lake, in short, there are far fewer than on the ground!

"Sarah, I think you can stay here and call Hogsmeade when we get started."

Harry, who had just dealt with the last enemy nearby, turned around and swam back, and after approaching Sarah, he said this to her with the help of the air balloon formed by maximizing the bubble head spell.

But Sarah shook her head in rejection. She pointed to Maca beside her, indicating that she was going to follow Maca's side.

For the whole plan, this is obviously not a relatively secure method of action, and Harry hesitantly turned his head and glanced at Maca. But after that, he still didn't say anything, just nodded and gave up to continue to persuade Sarah.

But in any case, after this, the most critical and at the same time the most dangerous action is about to begin!

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