MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 2654 Back to the Room of Demand

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Compared with other wizards, Maca's patron saint is undoubtedly unique, and no one has been found to be able to imitate it so far.

Even Neville, who has been highly praised by Maca himself for his mastery of the Patronus Charm, although he seems to be no weaker than the former in terms of the Patronus's combat ability, he still can't achieve the goal of "turning his Patronus into a Humanoid pose" is such an unconventional thing.

So when the silver eagle fell from the sky and transformed into the outline of Maca deity in front of his eyes, it was very difficult to admit his mistake.

What's more, Luna at that time quickly "smell" the "smell" of Maca in the silver mist-shrouded figure again - with her perception ability based on the rules of empathy, I believe it will not be. Incorrect.

"Luna, it's time, let's go with Hermione!" The figure lingering in silver and white brilliance was standing outside the temporary command post, looking straight at her and said, "This operation is doomed from the beginning. It will be fraught with danger, but don't be afraid, the victory will be ours - just remember! Luna, no matter what the situation is, the safety of each of us is always our number one priority. Complete the task again, don't be too reckless, and let Hermione not be impulsive... After this trip is over, let's reunite here!"

Away from the patron saint of the spellcaster, even Maca could not continue to maintain direct conscious contact with him. So Luna at that time could only listen honestly, and couldn't interject to ask anything more - even if it looked like Maca herself, it was just a one-way message.

"...That's what the patron saint of Maca said at the time, I should... didn't miss anything." Luna continued walking forward with small steps, thinking back, "Anyway, I don't remember him talking about it. Any 'important items'."


In the darkness, Hermione's tone seemed a little disappointed, but at the same time, there was a feeling of "relief".

Luna, who was keenly aware of this, subconsciously turned her head and glanced beside her, but it was also because of the darkness that she could not see her fingers, her actions were not seen by Hermione.

Then about a few minutes later, the two found that the ground under their feet began to become a little sloping.

"Aberforth said that once we reach the uphill, it means that we are not far from the exit on the other end, and the room of the Requirement Room will also begin to appear at this time."

"Well," Hermione nodded and said in a low voice, "be careful."

From then on, no matter how agitated they felt inside, the two would not be able to chat casually like before, and their psychological alert should be raised to the highest point.

The rest of the journey became extremely dull, and even the sound of footsteps was silently silenced by Hermione's silent wave of her wand.

It's just that they must still be thinking about something in their hearts, and Luna is no exception.

Hermione touched her beaded bag again, and it seemed that at this moment, it was the only thing that could keep her mind from wandering.

Even if you are still anxious, you are still anxious.

Suddenly, her hand was pulled by Luna beside her, and she turned a corner under the guidance of the other party, and then they both touched the dark and stopped.

The secret passage had come to an end, and the entrance to Hogwarts Castle was ahead, and Hermione couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Then she lightly patted Luna's arm beside her, and at the same time took the lead in stepping forward again, groping and slowly pushing open a slightly cold door.

A weak and warm light came through from outside the door, and at a glance, one could tell that the space on the other side of the door seemed to be immersed in darkness.

But darkness is obviously better than seeing nothing at all - the Room of Requirement is always created according to the inner needs of the person who needs it, so even if Hermione and Luna didn't actually think about it when they arrived, the room itself Corresponding changes have been made according to their subconscious will.

"Ah!" Hermione, who stepped in here first, whispered in her heart, and said to herself, "So I came here with such a mood? This is not good... I have to reorganize mine. emotional."

She never seemed to think that this might actually be caused by Luna's subconscious, because she believed that Luna must be mentally stronger than her most of the time, which was something she had to admit.

"Oh, we're here again, everything seems to be just yesterday." Luna kept her voice low, but she couldn't help but say, "Hermione, we're finally back!"

Although the light here is still very low, but this time, Hermione can finally see Luna's face, who is close to Chi Chi - the blonde girl who usually seems very calm and calm, but at this moment, it is inevitable to show some excitement look.

Yes! After so long, they have finally returned to this campus that they are nostalgic for. Can you not teach people to be excited?

But there is no way, UU reading has to be patient, this is far from the time to be excited!

"Luna," Hermione, who was also agitated inwardly, tensed her face, pressing down her chest and looking at her good friend who was looking around, "Let's work! We have to hurry up."


Luna turned her head and waved her hand vigorously at the dark door behind her, making a gesture of "waiting with peace of mind".

In fact, it's not just the corpse that was left inside. In this operation, Sarah's pair of alchemy dolls also followed quietly and silently all the way in the dark. It's just that Hermione didn't intend for the two of them to accompany them in action.

Although the two dolls made by Sarah have good fighting ability and autonomous action ability, they have no real wisdom after all. Without Sarah's active control, it is undoubtedly difficult for others to command them very finely.

Such uncertain factors, even if the combat power is considerable, can be used as a bait to attract the attention of the enemy at critical moments, but if it is a sneak action, it will inevitably get in the way.

As I said earlier, this trip depends on their own means.

"Luna, remember to leave the key Rune node blank. Before we start it manually, there must be no magic reaction!"

"it is good."

While answering the words, Luna, like Hermione who was opposite at the time, held a pen in one hand and an ink bottle in the other, lying on the ground, carefully sketching the strokes on the floor.

This is their first move after they came here, and it is very likely that it will be the only retreat available to them in the near future, so they cannot be sloppy at all.

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