MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 2658 life and death

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He was no match for the woman in front of him at all.

It didn't take much time for Harry to realize this desperate fact all too clearly.

After all, seeing this kind of thing on one's own back is not something that everyone can easily encounter...

I believe that the vast majority of people in this world will at most only check in the mirror to see if the clothes behind them are flat and compliant-maybe in many cases, people have to rely on the help of two mirrors to make this job easier Some.

But just now, just a few minutes before Hermione and Luna emerged from the darkness of the side door of the Great Hall together. When he finally resolutely raised the Gryffindor sword and swung it towards the witch Kern's head at a speed like a gust of wind and thunder, he suddenly completed this unpredictable task without warning. A feat of life accomplished!

When his vision spun down uncontrollably, and slowly brought his inconspicuous back into his eyes, he suddenly understood—that woman who was full of mystery was destined to be someone who couldn't use common sense. terrifying object. If you are confused by just looking at her beautiful and demure appearance, and thus have a wrong perception of it, you will definitely regret it.

"It's a pity, I regret it now... It seems that it is too late."

The moment the whirling vision began to switch back and forth between the ground and the ceiling, Harry's chaotic mind had only time to flash a thought, followed by him without knowing anything.


Until he opened his eyes again in a daze, and found that he had sat down opposite Kern at some point.

He subconsciously wanted to touch his neck to see if his head was really still on his neck, but he found that his entire right arm had long since lost consciousness.


Harry opened his mouth, raised his still movable left hand, and grabbed the Gryffindor sword that had been lying sideways on the table in front of him.

Only then, he didn't know what to do at all.

What happened to that curious and frightening experience before? Have you already died once? If he really died just now, then what is he at this moment?

"A ghost?"

Harry glanced down at his body, clearly not the case at all.

However, no matter how wildly he thought about it, he didn't try to doubt what he had experienced before - the emptiness from his right shoulder and the strange wetness of the collar on the back of his neck were constantly reminding Harry that It's not a fantasy, it's not a hallucination, it's not a daydream out of nothing.

So Harry finally realized that maybe today, they shouldn't be here.


"Hermione, Luna, go! Get out of here! Now!

' Harry growled.

Maybe it's time to die again?

The feeling of consciousness disappearing in an instant makes it too late to even mention the panic in my heart... After all, consciousness has been completely separated from the chest cavity that accommodates the heart!

Well, although I somehow wanted to tell a joke to myself to cheer myself up, but I really couldn't laugh!

But even so, there was no delay in Harry getting up and swinging his sword.

To die without hesitation sounds like a great thing, but most of the time it's just a pure impulse... Until this moment, he felt that he might be able to imagine what Percy was thinking before he died .

It would be nice to tell Ginny and Ron about this, at least they should be less sad.

Thoughts are complex, but in fact they are only a momentary thing. A few thoughts swirled around in Harry's head in a flash, and he didn't even realize it.


The result that almost everyone thought was not turned into reality... Because this sword was cut by Harry!

"Death is not a beautiful thing, you just experienced it once, so I thought you understood it."

At some point, that beautiful figure had already left her original position. It was obvious that she was sitting there holding the book the moment before, but the next second, she appeared behind Harry.

Is it some ancient space-moving magic like Apparition? No one knows, because even Luna, who has a strong perception ability, didn't notice any magic fluctuations in the moment just now.

So several people could only stay in place in silence, listening to the witch Kern continue to say leisurely:

"Mr. Potter, since you have already experienced the horror of death, why do you take such an action that is no different from thinking? Is it because you think I will hurt these two young ladies? No... you don't I should think so, after all, apart from the one time when you took the initiative to ask me to Have I ever done anything to hurt you? No, obviously, not once, right? "

Yes, since the two sides met, Kern has indeed maintained a very "harmless" posture. She never showed any hostility, even in a series of verbal dialogues, except when she secretly triggered the darkness outside the hall to show her "retention".

Based on their previous imagination, it seemed a bit too "talkative".

However, how can a person who is really "talkative" do things that make people's heads separate? Even if it was just self-defense and counterattack, it would seem too decisive and calm, not to mention that with her ability, the previous behavior was simply unnecessary.

There was no need for her to kill Harry the other way around, and... no matter how she did it, since she had already killed it, there seemed to be no need to bring Harry back to life.

Judging from her words now, it seems that she deliberately wanted Harry to die last time!

Sure enough, then, everyone heard Kern ask:

"Speaking of... Mr. Potter, I would like to ask you a question now - you have already died once, so do you think the current you is different from the previous you?"


The sudden and inexplicable question made Harry's head a little hard to turn.

"I mean," heard the witch Kern sternly, "do you think that you who came back from the dead are still the same you as the one who died before? Or is it the same you who sleep every night? Than, are you who fell asleep the day before and you who woke up the next day... the same person?"

Read The Duke's Passion