MTL - He Holds a Rose from the Abyss-Chapter 19 Margaret

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Countless thoughts flashed through Chi Lang's mind, but he still shook his head.

Although he didn't feel disgusted, he felt a little embarrassed.

Sheffield came a few steps forward.

Chi Lang resisted the urge to step back and still stood in place.

Sheffield opened his hands, leaned down slightly, and gave him a hug.

Sheffield's strength was very light, and in a trance, Chi Lang only felt that the places in contact with Sheffield warmed up.

He smelled the faint smell of alcohol on Sheffield.

Is it because of the wine? Chi Lang felt as expected.

"Want to drink wine?" Sheffield went to the table again and poured wine into the glass, which was rippling gently in the crystal glass.

Chi Lang took the glass and looked down at the wine in it: "Sheffield, is there any way you can prevent me from being seen by Margaret?"

Sheffield took a sip and said with a smile, "Why do you want to see her? The question I asked you to ask was just a joke."

"Because I think, apart from her, probably no one can answer my dream."

Chi Lang had a hunch that Margaret would to return to the modern way.

Sheffield shook his glass gently and replied "yes", he murmured to himself, "I always feel sorry to say that."

Chi Lang looked at him suspiciously: "Why are you sorry?"

Sheffield chuckled softly: "Should I say, let me kiss and I'll help you."

Chi Lang: …

"But I have my reasons. I can't accompany you into the Magic Tower to meet Margaret tomorrow." Sheffield touched Chi Lang's glass with his glass.

"It's alright," Chi Lang said, "there should be other students from the college who got all the best grades tomorrow. Let's go together. There shouldn't be any problems."

"Although I can't enter the magic tower, I can wait for you outside."

Sheffield recited a series of spells to him: "The magic of prophecy is also limited. The magic I use on you can temporarily prevent Margaret from seeing your strangeness. She will not be against an ordinary magic academy. students using advanced prophetic magic."

Chi Lang nodded: "Okay," he saw Sheffield's expression was not right, "you don't have to worry."

Sheffield reached out his hand, as if trying to touch his face, but in the end he just stopped his hand in the air and lowered it slowly.

The magic of prophecy shows no danger, and there is no reason for it to happen, Sheffield thought.

But he had an indescribable feeling. Many years ago, he also had a premonition that someone would burn down his rose garden and seal him forever in the dark abyss. It was the same feeling that time as this time.

"I'm not worried," Sheffield said, with a smile on his face, but a bit of sullenness in his voice. "No one can break my rose anymore."

It rained lightly the next day, and the raindrops left a faint trace of water on the window, and even the rose that was returned to Sheffield had water droplets.

Chi Lang walked out the door with an umbrella. Joyce, one of the students who got all the best, went to Margaret's magic tower with Chi Lang.

Joyce looked gloomy. He complained as he walked: "Dinah has an excellent grade, but she refuses to visit Margaret."

Chi Lang felt that something was not right and said, "Wait, are we going to walk over here?"

"Of course not, take a carriage," Joyce said disdainfully, "the academy is too stingy, and can't bear a little money, even calling a carriage to the academy, we have to leave the academy and sit at the intersection. "

A thought flashed in Chi Lang's mind, and he poked Joyce: "Joyce, have you ever seen a tool with two wheels that people sit on and push on the ground?"

Joyce thought for a while: "I haven't heard of it."

Chi Lang patted him heavily, looking very excited: "Thank you." Chi Lang felt that he knew what to give to the Magic Research Society.

It took them more than half a day to take the carriage from the academy to the magic tower in the suburbs.

When Chi Lang was about to fall asleep on the carriage, he saw the magic tower. In all fairness, this magic tower is not beautiful, it looks very simple, the outer wall is gray and black, there are several rows of neat windows, and there is no delicate design.

It's not tall either, and it doesn't stand out even in the outskirts.

Moreover, this magic tower is next to the rice field, and the golden rice field and the gray magic tower appear in front of him at the same time, which makes Chi Lang feel unreal.

In his impression, the mage living in the magic tower should live in isolation and do not care about the world, but the mage Margaret chose to build a magic tower in the middle of the rice field and live here.

Not to be disturbed too much, but also to maintain communication with people.

Today, in addition to the group of students from the Magic Academy who came to visit, people from the church also came here.

Outside the magic tower stood four knights in light armor, apparently waiting for someone.

Chi Lang and the others could only wait outside first. From Chi Lang's point of view, they could just see an occasional figure flashing through the window.

The decoration in the magic tower is also very simple. There is only a wooden round table in the reception room, the wall is full of patterns of magic circles, and there is a narcissus in the corner by the window.

There were two people sitting in the reception room, a mage and a priest, and their conversation came to an end.

The priest in a white robe stood up first: "Your Excellency Master, thank you for your hospitality. I bothered you today. Maybe you will need to trouble you with your work in the future. Thank you in advance."

"You're new here, it's best to first understand the situation in Zevernar City before doing other things," Margaret instructed.

The white-robed priest agreed with a smile. He made a very strange movement. His fingers were on the tip of his nose, and the fingertips were pushing up. However, the top of his fingertips was empty, so his movement couldn’t help but seem a bit abrupt and harmonious. weird.

He seemed to realize that his actions were not right, so he touched his nose and said with a smile, "Thank you." When he turned to leave, he suddenly turned his head and asked, "I want to take the liberty to ask you a question. , has nothing to do with my visit to you this time."


"Do you know, is there any way to travel to other planes?"

Margaret didn't answer immediately, and the priest continued: "If you don't know either, or if it's inconvenient to answer, I'll..."

"Yes," said Margaret.

Chi Lang was bored waiting outside.

Sheffield said he would wait around here, but Chi Lang looked at the blue sky and white clouds, and at the golden wheat fields, and couldn't think of where Sheffield would hide.

Chi Lang repeated the action of lowering his head and raising his head countless times, and finally saw someone walking out of the magic tower.

It was a priest, and it seemed that he was the one these knights were waiting for.

Chi Lang didn't look at it much, he turned slightly to the side, and quietly waited for the priest to walk over.

Chi Lang just raised his head by chance, and glanced at the priest by chance, and then Chi Lang noticed that the priest made a move.

—His fingertips supported him near his nose. Although it looked like he was just touching his nose, Chi Lang thought of another action.

Hold glasses.

Such a young priest should have the blessing of magic, not suffer from any pain, and not be short-sighted. And Chi Lang is not sure if there are glasses in this world now.

The priest passed him by and walked forward.

Chi Lang stared at the back of this strange priest for a while.

He thought of another possibility, and this possibility almost made him tremble. Is that priest also a transmigrator?

He asked Joyce, "Who is that priest?"

"I don't know, I heard from my knight friend, it seems like a newcomer."

"Can you help me ask this person? It's better to have more detailed information."

"Okay." Joyce agreed readily.

Chi Lang was a little absent-minded, and was still thinking about the priest before entering the magic tower.

Although he thinks that he may be thinking too much, he still harbors a little unrealistic hope.

He sighed slightly and looked at the magic tower. There was a carpet on the floor, and there was hardly any decoration except the necessary furniture, such as tables and chairs.

There are several small magic circles on the wall. These magic circles are not completely drawn. It seems that the owner came to the inspiration by accident and drew them casually. In addition, the room is full of books.

Books were stacked neatly on the bookshelf, and the wooden planks on the bookshelf were slightly dented, looking like they would break at any time, and the air was filled with the smell of wood and ink.

Chi Lang went to the reception room according to Margaret's voice transmission instructions.

Margaret had gray hair, and even when she was meeting guests, she was still wearing a magic robe, and she had a gentle smile on her face.

"Sit down, please," said Margaret.

Chi Lang sat across from her, introduced himself first, and said with a guilty conscience that he had achieved the best grades.

"Very good," Margaret nodded, "I like listening to the stories of young people. Students who can get all the best must have extraordinary performance in some way."

"Where do you plan to develop in the future? Magical Pharmacy? Still specializing in actual combat, or studying magic casting gestures and the like." Margaret was as gentle as an amiable elder.

Chi Lang felt even more guilty. He lowered his head: "As for magic research, it actually has nothing to do with magic, it is about studying some mechanical creations and the like..."

Margaret's pupils narrowed.

Chi Lang suddenly felt that the passage of time was slowing down. He could clearly see Margaret slowly picking up the teacup. He could even see the trembling of her fingers. The movement of the hands also seems to have slowed down.

"Sorry," Margaret said suddenly, pulling Chi Lang out of this slow state of time, "Accidentally used prophecy magic, it's really offensive."

"It's okay," Chi Lang said, "did you see anything?"

"Mechanical creations are also very good. Now that magic can be combined with machinery, there is always someone to study all aspects." Margaret did not answer his question, but turned to another topic.

Chi Lang hesitated for a while, but still asked the question he wanted to ask the most: "Actually, I came to visit you because I had a small problem when I was reading a book before—"

He raised his head and looked at Margaret expectantly: "The book says that there used to be races that came from other planes. Is there really a way to cross planes?"

Margaret was stunned. It was a coincidence that she heard the same question from two different people in a short period of time.

Her eyes became very strange, and Chi Lang felt that everything about him seemed to be seen through by Margaret.

Then Chi Lang heard Margaret say—"Sorry, as far as I know, there is none."

Chi Lang was a little disappointed, but he didn't show it. He asked again, "Then can I ask you another question?"

"Is there any way to unlock the seal of the Demon King?"

Margaret took a sip of tea and looked out the window, as if she was missing something, she looked at Chi Lang again.

"I didn't expect anyone to ask this, but it's okay to tell you."