MTL - He Holds a Rose from the Abyss-Chapter 25 About identity

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Chi Lang only kissed once, almost sticking it on Sheffield's lips and it was over. After the kiss, he stopped.

"Then are we... lovers now?"

Sheffield's Adam's apple rolled and nodded slightly.

Chi Lang didn't know what to do next: "Then we... go back?"

Sheffield gave a low laugh, like an ambiguous mockery.

He put his hands on Chi Lang's face, "Kissing is not the same as sticking it. Do you know how to kiss?"

Sheffield lowered his body, starlight in his eyes.

However, Chi Lang took a step back at this time: "Let's go back... Let's kiss, it's time for Lus and the others to come out here."

His heart was still beating wildly, and although he also liked the environment here, he was still worried about being watched by a large group of people.

"Go back... dear?" Sheffield lengthened his tone.

Chi Lang felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. He thought for a while and said, "So let's go back quickly. Go back now to improve efficiency."

"Go back in the carriage?"

Chi Lang looked at the front, the shadows of the trees on both sides were slanted, and the corner in front of him was Suna Lake. Birds at night often crossed the lake. When these birds flew over, they would bring a streamer, which is Zevenal City. A spectacle in.

He wanted to go back quickly, and he wanted to go back down the road with Sheffield.

Chi Lang pointed to the front: "Let's go back."

They walked hand in hand on this road, there were some fallen leaves on the ground, and there would be a slight "click" sound when they stepped on it.

Chi Lang was dizzy and stepped on these leaves unconsciously, listening to the sound of "click" and "click" when they shattered.

His foot had just stepped on a leaf, and Sheffield stepped over, and they stepped on a leaf.

Chi Lang finally couldn't help but look at Sheffield. Sheffield's smile was covered by the shadow of the leaves, as if melted in the night.

Chi Lang began to feel that he was helpless, even stepping on a leaf could make his brain empty and his heart beat faster.

Think about the last time this kind of brain went blank, it was in the advanced algebra exam.

"You, release your foot, I stepped on it first." He poked Sheffield.

Sheffield smiled, lowered his head, and shifted his feet.

Chi Lang kissed Sheffield's face while he was bowing his head, and explained solemnly: "Don't laugh, I want to kiss you as soon as you laugh."

Sheffield smiled: "It's okay." He turned his head and kissed Chi Lang on the right cheek.

"I can kiss back.",

They continued to walk forward, and Chi Lang whispered as he walked, "Then you will laugh later, I will kiss you, and then you will kiss me again."

Sheffield didn't answer.

"Are you okay?" Chi Lang shook Sheffield's hand.

"Okay," Sheffield paused, a bit of coaxing in his words, "I can keep laughing, can you keep kissing me?"

The breeze is breezy, and the nights are quiet and long.

Chi Lang fell asleep in a daze, probably because he was too happy, he never fell asleep, but woke up early the next day, but he didn't feel sleepy either.

As soon as he got up, he saw Sheffield had picked the roses and put a new one in the vase.

Sheffield kissed Chi Lang's face very naturally, and said with a smile, "Good morning. Are you still going to Les's today?"

"Ah, good morning," Chi Lang hesitated for a while, "I might go to church today."

Sheffield stared at him and buttoned his sleeve for him: "Why?"

"Raphael, he may be someone I know."

Sheffield understood what Chi Lang meant, and held Chi Lang's hand along the way, kissing Chi Lang's corner of the eye, then the right cheek, and finally kissing the corner of his lips.

"I'll go with you and wait for you outside the church."

"Will it be okay? Otherwise..." Chi Lang was a little worried.

"No," Sheffield raised his chin gently, "If you are called a devil, you can't even look at a rose."

He looked at Chi Lang: "How? Can you accompany me, let me see, let me... kiss?"

Chi Lang felt that the dizzy state was never over, and he nodded.

Sheffield's other hand pushed the door open, and he leaned into Chi Lang's ear: "please go, my rose"

This is Chi Lang's second visit to the church, and the silver oak trees outside the church are still lush.

The sun fell from the gaps in the leaves, and Chi Lang said seriously: "Then wait for me here, don't run around, it's more hidden here, and no one will notice."

Chi Lang walked towards the church, after a dozen steps, he turned his head again, and saw Sheffield standing in the shadows, with a fine halo floating on his face.

Chi Lang thought about it and decided to follow his heart. He ran back and rubbed Sheffield's face.

Sheffield smiled: "Go, come back early, I won't run."

"It's okay, if you go anywhere, I can find you too."

Sheffield watched Chi Lang walk into the church.

He looked at the steeple of the church, and felt no reverence or disgust, so he still had a smile on his face.

Until a four-wheeled carriage stopped in front of the church.

The reins used by the horse are made of rare magic materials, and a floating magic circle is stepped under the horse's hooves.

The horse didn't need to run much at all, and the carriage could go a long way. On the back of the car, there is a sunflower blooming in blood.

This is the crest of the Howard family, a family that has fought for the kingdom for many years and is well known. With the sunflower in the blood as the family crest, it means fighting with blood to meet the light.

Sheffield saw the sunflower, his smile slowly faded, and it took a while before he looked away.

Chi Lang was welcomed into the living room.

He and Raphael sat at opposite ends of the long table with a cup of tea in front of him.

Raphael first chatted with him, and then went straight to the topic: "Sir, do we want to show our identity first? If we talk like this, we don't feel that we have much trust. Talking about our previous identity, maybe we can get closer. Distance, what do you say?"

Chi Lang nodded: "However, don't use the word 'Your Excellency', it's weird, you can use something like 'Old Tie', 'Buddy', be kinder."

"Okay," Raphael cleared his throat, "Brother, which way is it?"

"I live in H City." Chi Lang only mentioned where he lived, but did not mention his age or identity.

Raphael was a little surprised: "Me too."

Chi Lang had some doubts and asked, "Which district do you live in?"

Raphael gave the approximate location where he lived.

It happened to be similar to Chi Lang's university.

Chi Lang couldn't understand the situation, lowered his voice, and asked tentatively, "Every time after the exam, there is a poem."

Raphael raised an eyebrow.

"What is the previous sentence of 'One leap to resolve a thousand worries'?" Chi Lang asked.

"...X Da Shaivu Building, a thousand sorrows can be solved in one leap..."

very good. Shaw Building, the tallest building in the school, overlooks the students struggling in the exam.

"Dare to ask which department, brother? How many years?" Chi Lang suddenly felt that he had drawn in a lot with this person.

Raphael said the same major and year of admission as Chi Lang.

"...It's a coincidence, I'm also a major in this field." Chi Lang had a bad premonition.

Raphael was a little surprised: "You also live in the fifth dormitory building, right? On which floor?"

No, it might be an acquaintance.

"Fourth floor."

From Raphael's expression, Chi Lang felt that they must be on the same floor again.

Chi Lang finally asked, "Then which dormitory do you live in? I'll count three to two, and we'll talk together."

After three seconds, Chi Lang completely felt that this world was so mysterious.

This guy is my roommate

After a five-minute friendly exchange, Chi Lang and Raphael re-established a friendly revolutionary relationship.

This priest who looks very attractive and powerful is actually his roommate named Song Nanxin.

—I once had a strange dream with him.

Song Nannan was the most clean person in the dormitory. Sometimes, he was too clean. He liked all kinds of miscellaneous books. He's the kind of guy who looks so laid back during exam week.

"So, the reason why we can come here is that dream?" Song Nanxi tapped on the table.

"I don't know." Chi Lang replied, "Actually, I've only been here very long. But you seem to be doing better than me."

"Actually, it's because... I have the ability to use divine arts without restriction for a certain period of time... So I'm doing pretty well in the church."

Chi Lang was startled: "Wow, you are much more powerful than me. I also have such a strange ability. Within a minute... I can strengthen the use of machinery."

Song Nanxin was stunned for a moment: "I should have thought that we both should have special abilities."

"What are you going to do next? After I visited Margaret that day, she told me that there was no way to travel through the plane."

"Yes, I asked Margaret as well, and she told me that the Pope might have a solution, or that Hubert's Codex has it... She didn't tell you, probably because you can't know neither magic nor magic."

Chi Lang was very strange: "Since it is in Hubert's notebook, shouldn't you already know it?"

"That's fake," Song Nannan sighed, "Hubert was under the care of the Howard family before and left a lot of notes, but the current handbook was written by a descendant of the Howard family. That's a really talented magician..."

"Then do you have a chance to get in touch with the Pope? I am now trying to find a way to enter the Magic Research Association. There should be more information channels in the future. If we work together, I hope it will be bigger."

"That being said, it's not easy to get in touch with the Pope... Do you just want to go back? If you can't go back, do you have other ideas?"

"If you can't go back, just live a good life here."

Song Nannan suddenly realized something: "What did you say to me yesterday in the opera house?"

Chi Lang remembered the extremely embarrassing incident yesterday.

"Ah, maybe I fell in love by the way. But for some special reasons, I may not be able to introduce it to you until later."

"If there is really a way to travel through the plane, I also want him to see my hometown."

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