MTL - He Holds a Rose from the Abyss-Chapter 28 curiosity

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"This is a firearm passed down from the dwarf empire, and with my marksmanship..." Berg didn't go on, but the meaning of the words was already obvious.

Chi Lang suddenly felt a sense of offense, and his expression became cold: "Children, it's not polite to shoot anyone casually."

Berg casually put the gun on the shelf: "If you call me with that name again, I will treat you well with magic. As for courtesy—"

He smiled slightly: "You can shoot me and it'll be even."

Chi Lang pointed to the firearms on the shelf: "Can I borrow one?"


Chi Lang chose a rifled flintlock gun. He didn't use "mechanical time" when reloading, and his movements looked slow and clumsy.

Berg had an expression of pity and aloofness on his face.

Chi Lang aimed his gun at him, and then started "Mechanical Time".

The passage of time became extremely slow, and the bullets were slowly fired from the muzzle.

With a "click", there seemed to be a clock turning in the void, and the bullet arrived in front of Berg at the same time.

The young man with eyes above the top was a little stunned, and he watched the bullet come to him.

He dodged in embarrassment, but the bullet still hit his arm.

Chi Lang held the gun in his hand and said without any guilt: "This is the real marksmanship."

Berg was using healing magic, but due to the material of the bullet, the wound on his arm didn't fully heal, just stopped the bleeding.

He raised his head and pulled out a smile: "So, the tit-for-tat is over for the time being... Welcome, Lord Micah."

"I'm Berg, Berg Howard."

Chi Lang: "You don't have to pretend to shake hands with me."

Berg withdrew his hand without changing his face, with a tone of eagerness to try: "It seems that your marksmanship seems to be very good, do you want to compare with me?"

"Now? Here?" Chi Lang really wasn't afraid to compare his marksmanship with this guy.

"The space here is too small, go outside the city..."

"You don't have to go out of the city, you can go to the basement of my laboratory, where the walls are made of Eternal Stone, you can compare them as you like." Ruth walked in from the door and said to Berg in a provocative tone. This sentence, and gave Chi Lang a "if you can't win, it's over" look.

It seems that this guy Berg is really not popular.

"Let's compare it tomorrow," Berg stared at the gun on his arm. "I need to find a gun with poor accuracy to compare with you. As for you, you can choose whatever you want on this shelf."

Chi Lang looked at the shelf: "No, just use the same one as you." Then he saw the trophy of Master Colin's dragon slaying - the Lattilu gun on the shelf.

Chi Lang felt a shudder rising from the depths of his soul.

Berg noticed his sight and smiled: "Why, the mechanical department just bought it, do you want to use it?"

"No, that's boring, it's too easy to beat you." Chi Lang replied to him.

Berg's eyes turned cold.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Changbeard finally stood up and eased: "Let's go, newcomer, I'll take you to see other places."

Chi Lang followed, and when he left the mechanical department, he glanced back at Berg, still noticing the blood-colored sunflower emblem on his jacket.

"Berg is like that. After all, he belongs to that family. He is young and has a big temper." The long beard rambled.

"Is he from the Mechanical Department?" Chi Lang looked at the wooden floor.

"No, he wants to be involved in almost all of his magical research, and has a name under all departments."

Chi Lang: "...It's really amazing..."

The long beard curled his lips: "You are all too young, young, thinking that you can learn everything with talent, it's better to find a direction to specialize in."

He looked back at Chi Lang: "You have to remember, you can do whatever research you want in the Magic Research Club, just keep doing it. No matter what field it is, always keep your curiosity and don't think you understand everything. "

"Curiosity can make us constantly surpass ourselves." The bearded tone suddenly became very cheerful, he pushed open an iron door, "Come on, look, our logistics department, the ultimate in food research."

Chi Lang followed him into the logistics department.

It is very warm here, and it seems that there is a steady stream of heat coming out of the ground. In the center of the room, a sheep that has been taken care of is on a shelf, and several magicians are chanting spells and using fire magic. Roast the sheep.

Chi Lang looked in other directions. There were dark food and a pile of pots and pans on several tables.

The magicians in the logistics department were very enthusiastic. Chi Lang refused the dark food they gave him, but he was still stuffed with a bunch of pots and pans.

"These are all newly built, take them back and use them."

So Chi Lang came to the Magic Research Association for the first time and left with a bunch of kitchen utensils.

in the bedroom.

Sheffield was sitting at the table, and he was flipping a book in his hand. On the front page of the book, a sunflower was drawn, which was the history of the Howard family in the past 100 years.

He looked very fascinated, but the expression on his face was cold.

The window was snapped twice, and Sheffield looked up and saw Dinah lying beside the window, knocking on the window, motioning for him to open it.

Sheffield used a little magic and the window opened slowly and Dinah rolled in from outside.

"Why did you come in through the window? New fun?"

"No," Dinah straightened her hair, "I'm not afraid that others will see and tell your little rose if I go to the front door?"

The word "rose" clearly pleased Sheffield, who smiled: "So why did you come to me?"

Dinah saw the book he was flipping through: "Just to ask, what do you want to do now?"

"do not know."

Dinah thought it was incredible: "Do you also say 'don't know'? According to the previous plan, the church, the Magic Association, the Howard family, all the characters are here, why haven't you started yet?"

"Suddenly it's boring," Sheffield closed the book. "Let them think the Demon King is a coward."

"You made Margaret aware of your whereabouts, let the people of the church go to the abyss, and now even the people of Howard are here, you can take revenge, and then retreat, isn't this what you have always hoped? "

"Hubert is dead, and as for the others, it's not very important. I don't really want to spoil the good mood." Sheffield stood up and walked to the window.

He looked out the window: "My good mood is back, you can turn out the window again."

Dinah watched Sheffield open the door and walk out.

She hid behind the door and watched, Chi Lang came over from the stairs, holding a lot of pots and pans in his arms.

Sheffield greeted him and smiled: "What are you buying these for?

"No, they gave it," Chi Lang raised his head, "I also bought sweet potatoes, Sheffield, you know fire magic, right?"

"Yes," Sheffield took some of the things in his hand, "you put things down first."

Dinah jumped out of the window. It was the first time she had heard Sheffield speak so patiently and softly.

Chi Lang put the things away and looked at Sheffield expectantly: "Can you bake sweet potatoes? Yes! You can buy some meat tomorrow."

Sheffield first wiped Chi Lang's face with a veil, then sorted things out, and picked out the sweet potato from it.

He tried to chant a spell, and the fire came out of his palm, and the sweet potato floated on the fire, and then in Chi Lang's expectant eyes, it turned into a cloud of darkness.

Chi Lang didn't know whether he should feel heartache for sweet potatoes, but he should comfort Sheffield: "I'm too naive, not all fire magic can bake sweet potatoes... Don't be discouraged, just practice more."

Sheffield did not disperse the firelight, his profile was reflected by the firelight, showing a little tenderness.

Chi Lang was a little distracted, and he wanted to steal a kiss.

Sheffield smiled slightly, and quickly stopped him from moving: "Didn't you say you can only kiss three times a day? It's full today."

Chi Lang: "...Can't you be accommodating?" He looked pitiful, and even his voice was soft.

Sheffield had a bit of bad taste in his heart and teased him: "Isn't it your rule? Then follow it."

Chi Lang lowered his head sullenly, and while Sheffield was still studying the pile of things, he quickly kissed him on the lips.

Chi Lang took a few steps back, and let himself down first: "I'm sorry, I lost, I'm a puppy, let's not make such rules, okay?"

Sheffield raised his eyebrows and took a step in Chi Lang's direction. Chi Lang stepped back subconsciously, his feet touched the edge of the bed, and he sat on the bed unprepared.

Sheffield leaned over, smelling of roses on his body.

Chi Lang was a little intoxicated again, he was kissed by Sheffield, as if immersed in the fantasy of roses. Slowly, slowly, he leaned back and was pushed onto the bed by Sheffield.

Sheffield kissed softly, all the way from his lips to the lobe of his ear, and then, bit and bit, on the lobe of his ear.

Chi Lang's eyes widened, and he saw that Sheffield had bent down completely, trapping him on the bed. He tried to push Sheffield, only to feel Sheffield kiss him down the ear, onto his neck.

"Don't..." Chi Lang was very embarrassed, he felt numb all over, and more importantly, he felt his own desire.

With such a close distance, Sheffield must have known his change.

Chi Lang closed his eyes in self-denial and whispered, "I really can't kiss anymore."

He felt Sheffield's hand touch his face, and went all the way down.

After a while, Chi Lang's mind was empty for a moment, he gasped lightly, his consciousness was a little blurred, he opened his eyes again and looked at Sheffield. From his point of view, behind Sheffield is the ceiling.

He seemed to see the starry sky.

The person he loves has the faint fragrance of roses on his body. When he is with him, it seems that he is always under the stars, and all the roads are bright and romantic.

Chi Lang was still very embarrassed: "Do you want to... let me help you?"

Sheffield seemed to smile: "No, but... let's sleep together in the future."

Read The Duke's Passion