MTL - He Holds a Rose from the Abyss-Chapter 30 dream lover

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"He's right, intellectual curiosity is the most important quality in a wizard, and without that, you'll be… nothing," Sheffield said.

Chi Lang: "I'm not talking about this, I want to ask, did you and the Howard family... have any relationship?"

"Origin? Before I became the Demon King, I probably had the blood of this family on my body."

"Before becoming a Demon King?" Chi Lang felt a sense of sadness in his heart, "Why did he become a Demon King?"

"I don't remember." Sheffield smiled.

Chi Lang was a little disappointed, he looked at his toes: "I don't remember... You just don't want to tell me..." After speaking, he felt that it was inappropriate to say this, and hurriedly added in a low voice: "I don't mean to blame you. , I just want to know more about you."

Sheffield paused for a moment. He had always been polite and gentle in front of Chi Lang, and rarely showed his dark side.

He tried to make himself as genuine as possible as a gentle youth, with no past bitterness and hatred, so that he could possess his roses with peace of mind.

But occasionally for a few seconds, he would clearly realize that it was all an illusion, like a colorful soap bubble wrapped in filth, and when it was punctured one day, his despicableness and unbearableness would have nowhere to hide.

However, in the next moment, Chi Lang hugged him and leaned in front of him.

Chi Lang's right hand gently patted Sheffield's back, and he whispered: "It's alright, everything has passed, if you want to tell me, tell me again."

Sheffield felt Chi Lang's touch on his back, and his heart suddenly became very soft, and then an uncontrollable thought surged up, he really wanted to test Chi Lang's bottom line.

He handed Chi Lang a book. This book looks very new, it is the latest edition of "Hubert Biography", and basically every magician must read it when he enters the school.

"The description of Hubert in this book is that he successfully sealed the Demon King and prevented the maliciousness from the abyss."

"You know why he didn't kill me?"

Chi Lang inexplicably felt that Sheffield's expression was a little sad at this time.

"Because the price of killing the Demon Lord is to become a new Demon Lord."

Chi Lang held his breath, he felt that time seemed to stand still, and a huge sense of sadness swept across the heavy years.

"So, did you kill the last Demon King?"


The sky outside the window was very gloomy, and there was a bleak light on the ground. Chi Lang suddenly felt Sheffield hugged him with his backhand and buried his head in his neck.

Chi Lang asked cautiously, "After becoming the Demon King, what about your friends, family members or other people you know?"

"I lost them," Sheffield whispered. "I couldn't leave the abyss for a long time. When I could, the outside world was completely different."

"And I, after walking around outside, found that only the abyss was my shelter, so I went back again."

Chi Lang asked: "Then why did you appear here this time?"

"I don't have any hatred for the church and the Magician's Association, but since they want to kill me, I also have the right to retaliate."

"Before I met you, I thought that if I was desperate in the end, I could die at their hands. This kind of pain should continue on them."

Chi Lang said that his mind was very messy and confused, and he could only say awkwardly: "Trust me, this world is still very beautiful, it's not just fighting and killing, I think it's very good to keep studying one thing like Lus did. Happily, you can find new beliefs to keep you going..."

Sheffield interrupted him: "Chi Lang... You are the light of my faith now."

This should have been a very moving statement.

However, Chi Lang resolutely broke free from Sheffield's arms. He took Sheffield's hand and let Sheffield sit on the chair.

He touched Sheffield's head and said softly, "No, no one can be another person's faith. It's not advisable to put your faith on mine."

"I can't relieve your pain. It would be nice if I was lucky, so that I could give you half of my luck, so you will be very lucky in the future."

"Ah, no, although I am unlucky, I can still give you my luck. The misfortune of the two seems to be less unfortunate..."

Chi Lang felt a little embarrassed: "I will accompany you, we can ignore Howard, and Margaret, and, um, can't remember the name. There are so many interesting things, I will definitely There are things that make you believe again."

Not anymore, Sheffield thought.

It's just that this person in front of him really makes him feel that the future is bright.

He desperately wanted to do something to prove that this person belonged to him.

Sheffield asked: "Can I kiss you?"

Chi Lang replied very quickly: "Yes." After he finished speaking, he thought of something and added: "But you go back to your relatives, you don't...don't do anything, just disciplined."

Sheffield stood up and kissed him first on the forehead, then on the tip of his nose, and finally between his lips and teeth for a while

In this delicate kiss, Chi Lang felt that Sheffield was still a little sad.

He wanted to expel this sadness. He said, "Is the abyss cold? If it's not cold, I can accompany you... Actually, it doesn't matter if it's cold, just bring more clothes."