MTL - Heavenly Curse-Chapter 894 Betrayal

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"Kou Yunhai, do you know the guilt?" Di Lao said coldly.

"Convicted? Hahahaha, what is wrong with Kou Yunhai? Just a few words of justice, obviously the third saint is selfish and self-interested, which led to the calamity of my people, but I hid at this moment, like a turtle with a head. , My people are thousands of loyal souls, and worthless to die. "

Kou Yunhai suddenly said loudly that when his voice was just out, Di Lao's complexion changed greatly, but even if he wanted to stop at this time, it was obviously too late, because Kou Yunhai's voice rang directly through the entire Jingzhou city.

At this moment, no matter what he was doing, whether he was asleep or awake, or even Ruding, all heard Kou Yunhai's words clearly. All of a sudden, the entire Jingzhou city fell into a dead silence and seemed to be stunned by the news.

"Bold, Kou Yunhai, as an elder of the human race, you actually betrayed the human race, and I represent you as the holy deity of the human race, and convicted you." It was followed by a loud voice, which seemed to eliminate Kou Yunhai's words The impact of this is unknown, however, as to how many people believe it.

Kou Yunhai saw that the goal had been achieved, he didn't stay at all, and fled when he broke the void.

"I want to leave now, it's late." Di Lao said, taking out a piece of paper, and seeing the word "Seal" written on it. After the local old excitement, the word "Seal" seemed to come alive. Generally, as soon as Pu appeared, the surrounding void was frozen.

At this time, Kou Yunhai had just stepped into the void with one foot, and even a little proud of his face.

But then, an invisible wave oscillated, leaving Kou Yunhai to stand there, and then the word ‘seal’ was rotated slightly, and Kou Yunhai stepped back and was sealed in that paper.

And Jing Lao and Zhu Huo both saw that on that piece of paper, there was a villain underneath the seal, just like Kou Yunhai.

After taking back the piece of paper that sealed a half-step imperial emperor, the atmosphere of the old man slowly dropped back again, and it quickly became the appearance of a drooping old man, making Jing Lao and Zhu Zhu a bit worried. .

"Hey, countless calculations. I didn't expect that this kind of thing happened in the end, and I blame me. If you don't remember the old feelings, start early, maybe it won't cause such consequences." Di Lao said sadly.

"This thing is not wrong, but I didn't expect that he would become like this, even betrayal." Jing Lao said sadly, indeed, in his eyes, Kou Yunhai's behavior has been regarded as Completely betrayed the human race.

There is even one more that is disrespectful to the human holy.

"Anyway, the impact has been caused, then some things should be explained to everyone, the choice is theirs." Di Lao nodded.

"Di Lao, rest assured, leave this to me." Jing Lao nodded, after all, he has been guarding here, even once the city owner of Jingzhou City, which is the Jing word in his name, also because of Jingzhou City.

"Okay." Di Lao said, and closed his eyes.

Jing Lao and Zhu Huo looked at each other and then left the hall. After all, to say this, Di Lao's blow was greater. After all, Kou Yunhai was his teacher and nephew, and he had high hopes for him. This result.

Outside, after a moment of silence, another one suddenly became hustle and bustle. Almost everyone was talking about the voice just now. After all, the matter was too big for them, not only involving an elder, but also There is a third saint.

Compared with these ordinary people, although they know that the human race has a deity, they only know that the human race has two major deities. When did they have a third deity? After all, one more deity represents a great improvement in human strength.

But then I heard that the cataclysm's catastrophe against the human race was actually related to the third deity, and their mood became complicated.

The addition of a holy deity to the people's tribe certainly makes them feel excited, but if this deity brings disaster to them, or even hides at a critical moment and does not show up, it will be difficult for them to accept it.

Nowadays, the human race in the wilderness has suffered heavy losses, and the demons and the ghosts are aggressive, and they have not vowed to destroy Jingzhou City. It can be said that they may die tomorrow.

Although many people are not afraid of death, the key is whether death is of value or meaning.

Fortunately, the old voice came, which made some people doubtful, especially the betrayal of an elder. This is no small matter, and the more so, the more they want to know the truth.

It was in this case that Jing Lao and Zhu Huo summoned all the kingdoms of Jingzhou and the kingdoms of false kings.

At present, Jingzhou City has a total of 18 kings, and the number of pseudo-kings has reached 50. Obviously, this is not all. The number of kings alone is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. After all, some ordinary people think that As far as we know, only eight elders of the human race are heavenly people and kingship.

But in fact, as long as your status reaches a certain level, you will know some truths about the human race. The human race is far more powerful than it appears. But even so, it is still far worse than the demons and ghosts, let alone one. The two races came together.

However, the human race can make the demons and ghosts so jealous. It has its own reason, and that is the potential of the human race.

Today, the rise of Mu Yi fully illustrates this point. If it is not for fear that Mu Yi will become stronger, or even become an emperor, the demons and ghosts will not be able to jointly exterminate the human race because they are afraid and timid.

Being able to become a king, or even a pseudo-king, is not comparable to the average person, whether in mind or will. Although they have also heard Kou Yunhai's words, they have their own judgment standards, especially for those who know Kou Yunhai. .

In addition, some people know the third holy deity for the first time, while others hear it faintly, but no matter how much the human race has the third holy deity, it is a good thing.

Just when everyone's minds were different, Jing Lao suddenly swept across the crowd, and everyone immediately set their eyes on Jing Lao.

"After the elder confirmed that the elder Kou Yunhai betrayed the human race, he has been sealed by the magic weapon given by the Lord of Heaven." Just one sentence, the matter about Kou Yunhai has been completely characterized. The elder confirmed that the magic weapon given by the saint, all these Is better than any evidence.

"In addition, Elder Kou Yunhai deliberately concealed his actions and attempted misconduct. His true strength has already reached half a step, but he is disguised as a giant and his heart is speculative." Jing Lao continued, and many kings around him were shocked. look.

"As for the catastrophe, it is indeed related to the third saint."

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