MTL - Heavenly Curse-Chapter 9 Conserved heart

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Bandaging the wound, grinding, Mu Yi did not delay a little time.

When everything was ready, he took a long breath and closed his eyes, letting himself enter into nothing outside his heart.

Speaking of which, being able to quickly enter into the world is also a big gain in the past three days.

Suddenly, Mu Yi opened his eyes. At this moment, there was no expression on his face, full of seriousness, and his eyes were full of absolute calmness.

Writing, dipping in ink, swaying, and in an instant, a paper full of agile runes leaped on the paper, and even a faint light flashed visible to the naked eye before it faded.

The spirit is obscure!

There was a sudden flash of thought in Mu Yi's mind, and it seemed that he had the same performance after the painting he had painted last time.

It's a pity that he hasn't been able to open his eyes yet, otherwise he can definitely see this rune at a glance.

This amulet is an amulet. After all, Mu Yi had a successful experience before, so it became the first.

But he never thought that he would succeed the first time, which could not help but increase his confidence.

Later, Mu Yi drew five amulets in succession, but only succeeded once.

In the view of Mu Yi, the two amulets were enough, so he did not continue. After a short rest, he began to draw the evil charms.

After exorcising the evil spell only once, Mu Yi stopped writing. In his opinion, the exorcising charm is only prepared, one sheet is enough, the key is to cut the demon charm.

Then Mu Yi drew more than 20 slashing demon symbols in succession, but the result was only two, with a chance of only one tenth. Although the success rate was a bit pitiful, Mu Yi was not discouraged. In his opinion, This is just the beginning. As his practice deepens, success will inevitably increase.

Two slashing demon symbols means that there are only two chances to shoot, which is too small, but there are only seven or eight blank runes left. Even if Mu Yi can play abnormally, he can succeed at most once, and more One less one is actually not much different.

So Mu Yi hit his idea on the five thunderbolts, which can only draw half.

Mu Yi felt that the reason why he could not succeed before was that his mind was too weak to support the five Thunderbolts. Even if he barely drew it, it was not like the four. There was no such charm at all. He just taught him how to paint. , He is no longer allowed to practice.

Now Mu Yi relies on her own mental strength to increase greatly, and feels that maybe it can be tried, anyway, even if it is unsuccessful, it will not affect it.

Do it as soon as you think of it, Mu Yi recovers, and starts to draw five thunderbolts.

It is just that the difficulty of the Five Thunderbolts is still a little beyond his imagination. Although it is drawn, it is even decent, many times stronger than before, but it always looks strange, that is, inconsistent.

I drew five or six pictures in a row, but it still felt like this, and Mu Yi couldn't help but become agitated.

If it's just unsuccessful, it can be that weird feeling that makes Mu Yi not relieved.


Another five thunderbolt was finished, but at the same time, Mu Yi broke the brush too hard because of this, and at this time, cinnabar also ran out.

"Hey, it really doesn't work."

Mu Yi discarded the broken pen in his hand, then sighed, and finally stopped insisting.

Although Mu Yi put the two amulets close to each other, this key moment can save lives. As for the two hard-to-success Charm Spells and Exorcism Charms, he also treasured them in his pocket for the critical moment use.

After packing everything up, Mu Yi washed his face again, adjusted his costume, and decided to go down to the appointment.

But when Mu Yi was about to leave, he suddenly glanced at the blank yellow paper left on the table. He didn't know what he thought. Mu Yi ghost came to the table again and looked at the table with certainty. Of yellow paper.

After about a moment of incense, Mu Yi suddenly broke his index finger, and blood burst out.

Mu Yi only frowned, and drew with his fingers on the yellow paper. This time, he still painted five thunderbolts.


When Mu Yi finished painting the Five Thunderbolts, he just felt like something was broken in his heart.

Instead of paying attention to the five thunderbolts that had been formed on the table, he closed his eyes and began to feel quietly.

In just a few thoughts, he had gone out of his mind.

Xinma Yima is actually an abstract description. It refers to all kinds of chaotic thoughts, which is often said to be incapable of calming down, thinking too much. If you want to suppress these thoughts, do not think nonsense, just like surrendering Xinma Yima. difficult.

What's more, the so-called conservation mind does not mean that you should think about nothing. If that is the case, people will become stones.

Conservative mind, a conserved word, a constant word, has already demonstrated the true meaning of this step.

After so many days of hard work, Mu Yi has touched the threshold for this step. What is missing is just an opportunity.

Just at the moment when Mu Yi Lingji finished animating Wuleifu, he finally broke the bottleneck and took this step out.

Stepping out one step, it suddenly shows a difference.

Although it was not difficult for Mu Yi to get into the world, it took at least ten years to prepare, but now he can enter this state at any time if he wants, and it is not limited to sitting and walking.

Keep, guard keep; constant, eternal.

Conserving the heart is to hold on to this state of nothingness and keep it.

And the benefits of conserving mind are also obvious. The first is that Mu Yi's spirit is more concentrated, his thoughts are sharper, and naturally he becomes smarter, almost unforgettable.

What's more, nothing outside of the heart also represents absolute calmness and rationality, even if Taishan collapses.

It took a long time for Mu Yi to open his eyes, and there was a clear smile on the corner of his mouth, reaching the second step of his heartbeat, which also strengthened Mu Yi's mind.

However, Mu Yi has not been immersed in this state, but retired after a while. Although this state is very helpful to him, it is also very expensive. According to his current body, Can not be maintained for a long time, otherwise it will hurt the root.

After withdrawing from nothing, Mu Yi's eyes fell directly on the five thunderbolt on the table. This five thunderbolt has undoubtedly succeeded. Just by holding it, Muyi can feel the amount of wild violence contained in it.

Of course, this is also directly related to Wu Leifu's own hands, otherwise he would not feel any power.

If it wasn't for this five thunderbolt, Mu Yi would take a while to take this step, and the reason why he can succeed, apart from the chance, is also inseparable from previous efforts and accumulation.

The more he practiced, the more Mu Yi was able to appreciate the painstaking efforts of Lao Dao. The Lao Dao seemed to have laid the foundation of Mu Yi inadvertently, so Mu Yi could make rapid progress in his practice.

If you are an ordinary person, you need at least two or three years to reach this step.

"Master, don't worry, I won't let you down."

Put away this five thunderbolt, Mu Yi goes down the mountain.

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