MTL - Heavenly Curse-Chapter 922 Nether Altar

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With the fall of the giant hand, all six quasi-perfect emperors looked desperate.

On the day they became the quasi-perfect emperor, they were destined to be the supreme existence, and then they were happy, but never thought that they would one day die in the hands of their clan, and they would be sacrificed and sacrificed.

"I'm not willing!"

A roar came out, and one of the quasi-empires rushed directly to the giant hand and chose the most tragic way to explode. As a quasi-empire, he had the dignity to die even if he died.

"I hate!"

Later, another quasi-empire rises to the sky and chooses to die with dignity, but two quasi-princes still cannot shake the giant hand above his head.

The remaining four prospective emperors looked at each other. At this moment, no begging for mercy would be useful. From the moment they entered here, their fate was already doomed.

"I'll wait for the fight to die, and I won't let this group of old people die."

"Okay, it worked."


With the following sentence, the four quasi-empires suddenly subsided, and the irony on Gufeng's face disappeared, and even some eager shots were intercepted. The four quasi-quads joined forces to blew themselves up, and they were in a sea of ​​resentment. Imagine that even if he is the peak quasi-perfect emperor, he may not be able to suppress it.

"Why is it?"

At this moment, an old voice sounded slowly, and the four prospective emperors also froze, and could no longer move. Then, the giant hand fell down and killed the last four prospective emperors.

At this point, all six quasi-perfect emperors have fallen. It can be said that there are only three peak quasi-perfect emperors above the ghost clan quasi-perfect.

With the resentment of the six quasi-empires joining in, I saw that the resentment suddenly boiled even more violently, and there was even something horrible to brew.

But this time, the three peak quasi-perfect emperors did not do anything, but chose to wait.

Slowly, the sea of ​​resentment has become so strong that it is almost like a black sea. The waves are rough and deep, and a violent, horrifying breath is slowly emitted. At this point, the faces of the three quasi-perfect emperors Only smiled.

Obviously, this is the result they want to wait for.

"Okay, success or not, fight here." Qi Long said.


The ancient style echoed with the ghost often, and then shot at the same time. A terror force poured out from them and poured into an unknown node in the void. Slowly, the void cracked, and a huge altar was slowly taken away. Pulled out.

This altar is 100 feet wide and black, which is exactly the same as the sea of ​​resentment below. After the appearance of this altar, the sea of ​​resentment below directly rioted, and a terrifying beast emerged from it. Is not inferior to the ancient style and ghosts often come.

"Blood offering!"

Chan Long said loudly, the void shook, and then the altar slowly lit up, and the giant beast jumped out of the sea of ​​resentment and rushed directly towards the altar, as if there was some kind of temptation there.


The giant beast did not encounter any resistance, and went directly into the altar. At that time, the altar was more luminous, and a little bit of light like stars appeared on the altar, and more and more.

Subsequently, a vortex appeared below the altar, and began to swallow the sea of ​​resentment, and the altar was constantly expanding.

At this time, even the highest quasi-perfect emperor, such as Yonglong, had to retreat and stare at it all. The altar is actually the backhand of the ghost clan emperor. If there is any change in the future, it can be advanced. Lead the return of the emperor.

The sooner it is, the less likely it is to succeed. After all, the emperor was resurrected from a distant river of time and space and returned. The cost is too great and the danger is so. Even the emperor must be careful.

The altar's breath was fully open, and the surrounding area turned into an infinite storm. At the same time, the breath also spread to the whole hell. At this moment, it could not be completely hidden.

In the Demon Clan, several invincible powerhouses opened their eyes and looked horribly towards the side of the Ghost Clan, even if they felt terrible, even terrible.

On the Void Mountain of Humanity, Xuanyuan Saint and Xingtian Saint were also awakened, and looked at the ghost clan in the same horror. The two of them even raised an unpleasant feeling in unison.

"Broken, some conspiracy may be brewing in the ghost clan." Xingtian Shengzun said quickly.

"It's not brewing, but it's already started. No wonder the ghost clan has been weird recently. I'm afraid the other party has waited so long for today, even for the third saint." Xuanyuan saint said solemnly.

But no matter how rich the imagination of the two people is, they can't think of it. At this moment, the conspiracy of the ghost clan is to attract the return of the emperor. If this is known, I am afraid that it will only be more frightened. After all, although Mu Yi is now powerful, he is not To the extent of the Great.

Once the Ghost Tribe returns, Mu Yi may have no luck.

However, Xuanyuan Shengzheng is also right, that is, all of the ghost clan are targeted, or because of Mu Yi.

If there is no Mu Yi, the ghost clan is still the first clan of the underworld, and it is the overlord, overlooking the clan.

But now, everything is overturned, and even the ghost clan can be destroyed at any time. This is the fear of the invincible powerhouse. I am afraid that in the era when the emperor can not see, the current animal husbandry is no different from the emperor.

"What should we do? Find a way to inform the third saint." Xingtian saint said quickly.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the third saint is not in **** at the moment," said Xuanyuan saint.

"Not in the underworld?" Xingtian Shengzhuang was a stunner, but then he understood it, because Mu Yi would not feel the breath from the underworld if he was in the underworld at this moment. No need for them to notify.

Right now, there doesn't seem to be any change on the Ghosts side. Obviously, Mu Yi has not yet rushed over. In this case, the biggest possibility is that Mu Yi is not in hell.

"Then he returned to the sun, or was he abandoned?" Xingtian Sheng asked immediately.

"It should be in an abandoned place. If he returns to the sun, it is certainly impossible to even say hello to me." Xuanyuan Shengzong analyzed, but in fact, he analyzed it very well. Today's Mu Yi is still the same Staying in the deserted place, so I don't know what happened to the ghost.

"Should we stop the plot of the ghost clan?" Xingtian Shengzun thought for a while.

"Even if we go, it will not help, and now we can only hope that the third deity returns soon." Xuanyuan saint said.

"I hope so, but the third saint is now the strongest under the emperor. As long as the ghost family does not make the emperor, the third saint will not be in danger." Xingtian saint said.

"not good."

As soon as the Supreme Master Xing Tian finished speaking, the Supreme Master Xuanyuan changed his face.

Read The First Vampire