MTL - Heavenly Curse-Chapter 929 The only choice

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After being awake, Mu Yi got up from the altar, but did not go to the deserted land, because he understood that at this moment, even if he rushed, it was too late, and everything he had seen before had actually happened, only However, these pictures were affected by some force, so that he found it a step too late.

The reason why Mu Yi did not think of the abandoned land is probably the other party's will to make trouble, and changed some rules.

If the other emperor was replaced, the other party would not want to succeed easily. However, Mu Yikong had the edge of the emperor, but he did not have that realm, and he didn't know much about the various methods of the emperor.

Therefore, Mu Yi lost this time.

However, Mu Yi is not without hope of recovery, as long as the other party is completely beheaded and killed, the victory still belongs to him.

Stepping forward, Mu Yi appeared directly on top of Void Mountain.

"I've seen the third saint."

At the moment Mu Yi appeared, the Supreme Master Xing Tian felt something. After all, this is his place. Of course, it is also related to Mu Yi not intentionally covering himself.

"Xun Tian Sheng is polite, and here I have a question to ask." Mu Yi said directly.

"Third lord, please." Xingtian lord took a serious look. After all, in his opinion, Mu Yi found him, and things were naturally important.

"Who actually left the dark space that the Lord God of Sentence sent me to in the first place? Where is it now?" Mu Yi asked. He had spent three full years there, but in fact, there were only three outsiders. Heaven seems to be in two distinct space-time dimensions, so this time difference situation is created.

"Of course, the Terran Emperor found it by chance, hidden in the darkness of chaos. No one in the Terran knows me except Xuanyuan and Xunyuan. As for who left or created the space, I do n’t know , If the third saint wants to go, this is the mark of that space, which can be found. "Said the saint Xing Tian, ​​condensing a mark and sending it to Mu Yi.

Mu Yi picked up the mark, and felt it slightly. It was vaguely pointing to somewhere in the dark of chaos. As long as he inspired the mark, he could find it.

It was just that Mu Yi didn't expect that even the Heavenly Supreme Lord did not know who was left there.

The last time, Mu Yi had been there for three years, and now I think of it, I have a lot of fear, but it is undeniable that in the past three years, Mu Yi broke through its own limits, so it will only make rapid progress later, and even he can have what he has today. It has a lot to do with those three years.

The reason why Mu Yi wants to go there again is because there is a clear gap between the time there and reality, where he can get more time to make his breakthrough.

"After becoming a saint, I have also gone in, but the effect in it is probably not as good as the imagination of the third saint. Even once it reaches the quasi-empire, it will be difficult to function again." Xingtian saint faintly guessed Mu Yi's intention He said.

"I see." Mu Yi nodded, but what he really cared about was not the effect of training the will, but the acceleration of time.

Although Mu Yi already knew the whereabouts of the Ghost Clan Emperor, he did not allow Xingtian Shengzhuang to gather the sent-out human races. After all, this is also a good opportunity for the human races, which can be used to expand its influence to the greatest extent.

And in this case, you can prevent being hit by a net.

It is only in the view of Mu Yi that the Ghost Tribe does not do this kind of thing. The only enemy that is really seen by the other party is Mu Yi, so it is only him that the other party really wants to deal with.

After all, as long as Mu Yi dies, the so-called good situation of the human race will be lost once. At that time, even if there is no Ghost Tribe opening, the human race will be destroyed by the underworld. This is the reality.

With the guidance of the mark, Mu Yi soon came to that dark space. As the Supreme Heavenly King said, although Mu Yi could clearly feel the will of this space, he could no longer interfere with him. , So he was able to leave directly after the breakthrough.

Looking around this space, Mu Yi did not find any doubts, and in his induction, this space is located in the interlayer between chaos, darkness and void. As for why it can accelerate time, it is difficult to understand, because there is a This mysterious package of power, if it is not a mark of Mu Yi, would not find it here.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this mysterious power that this strange space has been created, which can not only exercise people's will, but also make the flow of time far beyond the outside world.

Mu Yi sits directly on the stone platform, and the power that can interfere with the will of the person, like light smoke, floats past him and can no longer interfere with him, but Mu Yi did not expect to be able to exercise his will here. After all, his will has reached the limit of quasi-perfect emperor, and further upwards, it is the real emperor.

If even this space could be influenced by the emperor, then it would be absolutely impossible for Mu Yi to leave alive from here.

After sitting down, Mu Yi was directly settled, and his mind was completely immersed in the fist intention. Using the time flow here to understand the fist intention is the real idea of ​​Mu Yi. After all, if the outside world is a day, here is a year, he At least a few more years.

I believe that for decades, it was enough for him to realize that fist idea to Jiucheng.

A month later, Mu Yi opened his eyes and frowned slightly, because Mu Yi found that with the enhancement of strength, even the effect of time continued to weaken. One year here, the outside world only passed a day, but now, The effect was diminished tenfold.

One month here is equivalent to one day outside the world, much worse than he expected. Even when I realized it, I was faintly disturbed, so I couldn't devote myself to it.

So, to be honest, the effect is not much stronger than the outside world.

"Can't this approach work?" Mu Yi couldn't help thinking, this was the only way he could think of at the moment. If he couldn't even do that, then he could only practice it slowly.

After all, with his current strength, it is already very difficult to want to be in a desperate situation. The tomb of the immortal disappears and cannot be found. As for the Ghost Tribe, although it is dangerous enough, Mu Yi will not bet because he is not Up.

"It seems that I can only try it. Although it will destroy this place, I don't care about it now." Mu Yi suddenly got up and whispered to himself. He decided to make a final attempt to destroy this dark space. Then devour the surrounding mysterious force, hoping to break through.

As for its usefulness, Mu Yi is not sure, but now he has no choice.

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