MTL - Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms-Chapter 779 Final law (1)

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"No!" The Rat stood on the top of Chutian, and his body leaned against Chutian’s hairpin, looking at the sky with a worried look.

Thunderclouds, countless Thunder crazy smashed down.

The innocent Qinglian turned into a gleaming blue light, which protected the whole world where Chutian was located. No matter how many lightnings fell, it was just that it could not damage the ground and a grass, and naturally caused the friends and relatives of Chutian in this world. Not a little threat.

But in the whole three days, those middle and low-ranking monks who were not qualified and did not have the strength to intervene in this ‘the war against the sky’, they ushered in another catastrophe.

Their cultivation has not been achieved in the realm of even the heavens, that is, the ordinary life and the voyeurism of the heavens. The thunderous robbers suddenly fell, and immediately there are countless monks caught off guards.

There are also monks who are strong and cherished, and they are very fast, or they are located in the mountain gates, or they are within the protection of the law. When the robbers fall, they have used their means to block the thunder, some people are slightly injured, some are seriously injured. The situation is better.

Unfortunately, the monks of the big gates, the number of monks in the mountain gates, the number of monks in the sky, because of their density is too large, the density of thunderstorms has reached a certain level, a terrible chain between thunder and thunder In response, the power of the Thunder suddenly increased by a hundred times.

The gates of the mountains were smashed, and the large arrays were broken. Numerous monks were smashed and burned.

Numerous monks have become the body of dust into the heavens and earth. The magical powers of the body and the power of the souls have lost the cost of the heavens and the earth. They are re-absorbed by the heavens and the earth, and their gods are like a storm, under the guidance of the big dreams Heaven flies, and finally enters the changing heavens of Chutian.

"Three years in a robbery, nine years in a big robbery?" Chutian did not understand the words of the mouse ah's ‘no right oh’, he just knew that the days of the monks in the world were sad.

Three years and one small quarter, nine years of catastrophe, if every day can not be injured, can maintain a state of full prosperity, these monks can still struggle to squat. As long as there is a temporary looting, the body and the soul are severely damaged. If the body is not well-healed in three to five years, and if there is no progress, then...the monk will be dead!

The robbery will only become stronger and stronger, and the monks must constantly improve and cultivate in order to cope with the ever-increasing catastrophe.

But the time interval between the robbers is too short!

"Who is the speaker?" Chu Tian muttered to himself.

"Is it... acquaintances? Although I can't remember, but I am a little bit impressed..." There are countless dark silver shimmers in the scorpion's scorpion, and occasionally in the dark silver singular glory, there will be extremely old dark gold. The light flashed past.

He muttered to himself: "I have an impression, yeah... The mouse seems to have been killed by him? But what time is it? A little forgotten... I don't want to remember... well, my heart is good. Pain!"

The mouse suddenly sat on Chutian's head with a powerlessness. The long tail wrapped around his neck. He smacked his tail on his neck and hit the knot. Then he pulled the tail tightly. It means that he refuses to think about it again and refuses to say another word for this question.

"I don't want to think, I don't want to want to, we..." Chutian is comforting the mouse. The blue light that he had no blue lotus on his head was suddenly crushed by a large hole with a diameter of one, a red half. The transparent arm passed through the void and grabbed the incomparable Qinglian standing next to Chutian.

The translucent arm was covered with red mist, and the innumerable runes on the five fingers flashed rapidly. A very fine rune flashed into a very fine and fine rule chain, which suddenly became a shackle accompanied by a '铿锵' percussion. Grab the innocent green lotus.

The face of the innocent Qinglian suddenly changed. He refused to protect the whole world. He tried his best to compress all the blue light to the side and turned it into a diameter ball to protect himself.

The thunder of the sky screamed and fell on the heads of many monks in the world.

Fortunately, a large number of monks in this world are the masters of the seven gates of Chu Tian's resurrection. In the face of this rolling thunder, they have all shot, each using the secret treasure to block the raging thunder.

The red palm was caught in the blue light enchantment of the innocent green lotus.

‘咔咔’ a few sounds, the blue light enchantment of the innocent Qinglian cracked countless fine cracks. An indifferent and ruthless voice came from the void: "There is no green can't escape! Hey, I have dozens of powerful bones of the same family with don't want to, and they Companion?"

The face of the innocent Qinglian Qing dynasty violently twitched, and he could not help but retreat backwards and backwards step by step.

Chutian has never seen such a wolverine with no youth, and his forehead is covered with blue veins. The depths of the scorpion reveal a great horror and despair. Chutian determines that he is not mistaken, and no Qinglian actually feels Desperate!

"" Nothing Qinglian raised his head and opened his mouth to spit out a **** flame to the red arm.

In the **** sea demon domain, the innocent Qinglian, with the advice and help of Chutian, once swallowed the blood of the infernal blood, so in addition to the strong defense, there has been no lack of support for the enemy, and now there is a weak attack. force.

It was just that the **** flames fell on the red arm, as if the spring drizzle fell on the boulder and did not cause any damage to the arm.

"I am 'day'! Although it is just a avatar, but this avatar... is enough to suppress everything!" The smooth, long, sinus red translucent head of the water tank was drilled out of the void, followed by the neck and shoulders... Then, the big part of the 'day' was drilled into the void.

Chutian shouted, swallowing the sky and whip up countless afterimages to the ‘day’.

'咚咚' has a loud bang, and the 'day' body has not wavered. Instead, it swallows dozens of cracks and swallows the painful whip. It is like a soft-slipping snake. No longer willing to go to the 'day' hard.

"Little guy... cockroach ant, when there is a cockroach ant look... Do you dare to touch the sky?" 'Heaven' turned his head, and a smooth flash of light on the smooth door, his other hand slammed, one finger Pointed on the chest of Chutian.

No Xiang Qinglian is fully resisting the attack of ‘天’, and this finger of ‘天’ can only rely on Chu Tian’s own resistance.

The sun-made clock appeared in front of Chutian out of thin air, blocking the hit of 'Tian', and then a crackling sound, the sun made a hole in the transparent hole, the 'Heaven' finger hit the chest of Chutian, Chutian The chest slammed open, and a large piece of flesh and blood flew in the air.

In the next moment, the innocent Qinglian gave a roar of anger and anger. His body was shattered and shattered. He was caught in the hand by ‘天’, and then ‘天’ slowly drew back into the space.