MTL - Heavenly Lord of the Myriad Realms-Chapter 790 Engulfed (1)

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In the end, the big dreams of the glaze also collapsed.

Numerous light spots are integrated into the soul of Chutian, and a blurred light and shadow appear in the void. It seems to be infinite, like infinity, as if it exists in this side of the void, and seems to transcend the constraints of this space, time and all laws.

Chutian is very quietly suspended in the void, quietly understanding his own changes.

Big Dreams and Happy Glass has become a part of him. He has all the functions of a big dream. His body has disappeared, but his god's vision still exists.

It is only the existence pattern of this independent small space that has become very weird. He does not exist in this virtual space, but relies on the soul of Chutian, and exists in a space parallel to this side of the void. Moreover, the way of existence is extremely eccentric, so that Chu Tian will not be able to understand the strangeness of the mind for a while.

If this side of the void is a sea.

The heavenly environment of Chutian is a blisters on the surface of this sea. It seems to be related, but it is out of the constraints of the waters. It seems to be beyond the waters, but it is not related to the waters.

Like the soul of Chutian.

Chu Tian can clearly perceive that he is only a trace away from a mysterious realm.

It’s this thread, he can’t break it. There is a strong binding force that involves him, just like a blue whale with wings that wants to fly into the sky, but the body of the blue whale is entangled with countless kelp. These kelp are deeply rooted in the seabed, letting Chutian Efforts can't break free of this constraint.

Chutian did not panic, no anger.

There were countless thoughts flashing in his mind, but his heart was clear and there was no shadow of thought. It’s like a message, countless thoughts like a bird flying at high altitude, but not able to leave a little shadow in the stream.

No anxiety, no panic, no anger, no sadness and no joy, just like the statue of the dead. Chu Tian carefully thought about the state in front of him. From the beginning of his birth in this world, to today, he is trying to figure out his life track little by little.

Every minute, every second, Chutian's huge soul power is like countless knives, carefully cutting his life journey into the most subtle slices, and the frame-by-frame picture flows slowly in the heart of Chutian. Every picture he has to consider for a long time, to figure out whether he has been unable to escape because of some experience in his past life.

All the laws of heaven and earth in the 36,500 worlds are all in their hearts.

The power of chaos and the power of big dreams have infected these rules, and these rules have no relationship with the original world. It's like turning sea water into oil, there is no connection between the two, and the oil should be easily separated from the sea.

The problem is that it cannot be separated.

So what is it about Chutian?

What is it that is banned?

The faint red light of ‘天’ is gradually getting stronger, and the light group on the sacred wood is gradually shrinking. Those worlds are falling apart, the sun, the moon and the stars in the world, as well as countless large and small land masses, islands, mountains, hills, rivers and lakes, towns and villages, as well as birds and beasts, countless creatures, are slowly collapsing. , gradually become the smallest particles into the 'day' of the body.

The breath of ‘day’ has become stronger.

Originally, his body was cast from the precious materials of 3,000 complete worlds. Therefore, his body strength is arrogant, and it is even more sturdy and abnormal.

As ‘天’ continues to devour the origins of these worlds and engulf the ontology of these worlds, his physical strength is growing stronger and his body is becoming stronger. Combining tens of thousands of complete big worlds, the ‘天’’s handwriting is called the ancient and modern!

Chutian eyes watched the body of ‘天’ plucked up.

Tens of thousands of feet, hundreds of thousands of feet, millions of feet...

Tens of thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles, millions of miles...

Gradually, the body of 'Heaven' already has one-tenth of the size of the land below. He is constantly squirting a sigh of hot air. These dark red heats contain infinite power and look around the 'Heaven'. Numerous rules have been broken, and it is clear that the world’s involvement and involvement in the 'day' is also collapsing.

Smash all imprisonment with a strong force, suppress all implicatures with a strong force, and thus transcend everything and reach the ultimate eternal immortality!

The concept of ‘day’ is undoubtedly perfect, at least Chutian can’t find any flaws!

'咔咔' a few sounds, the few light groups at the bottom of Shenmu are smashed, which means that there are several complete worlds that are completely equal to the world of the world, and have been swallowed up by the 'day'. , swallowed up all the energy and matter in the world.

On the smooth door of ‘day’, there were gradually five facial features.

Gradually, the facial features gradually became clear, and the star-browed swordsmanship was perfect. On his body, at the same time, there are some things that he didn't have at the same time - for example, the double-milk ***, such as the belly button, for example, something indecent!

Through his translucent body, he can still see the five internal organs growing out of his body.

Chutian suddenly asked ‘day’: “Why, choose human form? And, is it a man?”

'Heaven' opened his eyes and looked at Chutian with a faint look: "It is the origin of the world that gave birth to me, the waste of the Taikoo, and they have done a great thing. The essence of the hundreds of millions of people, Create a perfect group!"

"Human, perfect! Of course, I have to have a perfect body."

"As for choosing men... because men represent offensiveness, it represents aggressiveness!" 'Heaven' grinned, and the big mouthful of scarlet teeth shimmered with glare: "No doubt, I am the top predator." I certainly want to choose a man who represents offense and aggression!"

Chu Tian smiled, he shouted: "So, you will become a eternal bachelor!"

The word 'old bachelor' is obviously not difficult to understand. ‘天’ is obviously staying, and then frowned. After a moment of indulging, he looked around and looked around for a while.

Chutian continued to sneer: "When you have endless endless immortality, and finally wait for you, it is the ultimate loneliness and loneliness... Hey!"

‘Heaven’ breathed a long breath, and he was silent, but he was more and more crazy to devour the light on the gods.

After a long silence, he said slowly: "Maybe you make sense, but for me, I have reached the eternal immortal realm, and then it is not too late..."

"A small cockroach, you don't expect to use these useless words to hit me! Seven passions and six desires, I don't exist."

The sound of ‘咔咔’ continues, and one after another is constantly disintegrating on the wood!